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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Great American Tradition - the Kentucky Derby! Which horse wins?

The Great American Tradition - the Kentucky Derby!
The Kentucky Derby happens May 1, 2010.

Contenders for this year - 2010 - running of the Kentucky Derby are:

Lookin At Lucky, Paddy O'Prado, Devil May Care, Conveyance, Jackson Bend, Mission Impazible (one of the owners is football legend Terry Bradshaw, so he said on Jay Leno tonight), Discreetly Mine, Awesome Act, Dublin, Backtalk, Homeboykris, , Ice Box, Sidney's Candy, Noble's Promise, Super Saver, and Line of David. And Stately Victor, and American Lion. And Dean's Kitten, and Make Music for Me,

Okay, my pick after just reading the names: 'Make Music for Me'. No reason, no rhyme, I just like the name!

Which horse do YOU think will win the Kentucky Derby in 2010? Leave me a note with YOUR pick!

American Idol Results Show coming up! April 28, 2010, Now only 5 are left...

American Idol Results show coming up! April 28, 2010 Results Show leaves only 5 American Idol contestants.

Ryan Seacrest says tonight there are performances by Shakira, by Rascal Flatts, Landy Antebellum and Sons of Silvia.  Plus we will learn WHO goes home and then there were 5.....

The April 28th American Idol Results Show has been aired!

Ryan Seacrest says "First up, Thanks, there were 33 million votes" and "Shakira and Rascal Flatts are here, along with the Sons of Sylvia and Lady Antebellum."

 Ryan then introduced American Idol judges Randy Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi and Simon Cowell.

Saying "One of Country music's hottest groups", Ryan Seacrest continued, "Give it up, for Rascal Flatts, singing their hit song "Unstoppable".

After a great rendition, Ryan asked the Rascal Flatts lead singer Gary Levoux, "Isn't this Rascal Flatts 3rd time on American Idol?" and Gary answered, "It's either the 3rd or 4th time for us here".  Gary also said their tour starts in June. Then Ryan said to Gary "Picture this, Rascal Flatts and Shakira (performing) together!"

Then Ryan said "We've got your results live, one of the 6 will be leaving".  and "Back with you live as we edge closer to the finale after you watch the Ford Music Video".    The Top 6 performed in the role of a vampire-themed video, singing "Believe".

Then Ryan Seacrest said "You know, I am never one to turn down a job", and then showed the audience where he took the American Idol Top 6 to a job he had, working on the movie for "Shrek, Forever After".  He let them try out the voice over job he was doing for one of the characters, then let them enjoy the screening of what is said to be 'the last Shrek movie', in 3-D.  The contestants also got to meet some of the other people who were participating in the movie, including actor Eddie Murphy.  Then Cameron Diaz and one of the other actors came onstage to talk to Ryan about the movie.

Then, back to business, it was:' Dim the lights, here we go', and Ryan said there will be 3 groups of 2.

He said "Siobahn, stand up,' then asked her how it felt to be singing Shania Twain's song, with her in the audience watching.  Siobahn said "Iwas a little intimidated to start with, but it was wicked cool."

So he told Siobahn to go over to the side, to start the first group.

Then Ryan called Aaron Kelly to the front.  Ryan then asked Randy, "What did you see different (last night)?
Randy said "This is his week" and "This is where he wants to be".
Ryan then asked Aaron to go to center stage for the 2nd group.

Next up was "Big Mike" Lynche.  Ryan said "Simon said your performance was wet, and that it was girly', and Ryan asked "What did you mean, Simon? Simo said "Imagine you singing"....

Then Ryan said to Big Mike, "Stand by me, the closest to me for the 3rd group"
Then Lee DeWyze was called up. Ryan asked Lee about his song, Lee said "I connected with the song', and Ryan said "go stand with Siobahn in that group". 

Next was Casey James and Ryan asked Kara about Casey. Kara said she is 'a huge believer' and told Casey he 'varied his range'.  Ryan told Casey 'go join Mike Lynche, in that group'.

Crystal Bowersox is up next.  Ryan asked Ellen, "Do you think Crystal is in danger (of leaving) tonight?"
Ellen, said 'No She's never even been in the bottom 3" and she told Crystal "You're not in trouble". 
Ryan then told Crystal  "Head to the center stage, Crystal, join Aaron there".

Ryan then said to Siobahn, "Walk with me "and brought her over to Casey and Mike.  He said the other group of 'Lee, Aaron and Crystal are safe' and the group with Siobahn, Casey and Mike are in the bottom 3.

Then he said it's time to bring out the Sons of Sylvia and then told us that next week's mentor will be Harry Connick, Jr. with Frank Sinatra songs.

Then Ryan introducted former American Idol winner, country music star, Carrie Underwood.  She, in turn, introduced The Sons of Sylvia, and said they will be on tour with her, the group of fine young men gave a very stirring rendition of  their song "With Love Left to Lose'.

After the song, Ryan announced the American Idol Top 10 tour begins on July 1st with the first stop in Auburn Hills, Michigan.  Then Ryan announced the group, Lady Antebellum, saying "They have been dominating the charts with their song "Need You Now", Here's Lady Antebellum!"

After a great and classy performance by this 3 member group (also known as 'Lady A') who just won several awards at the Academy of Country Music Awards show in Las Vegas on April 18th, then Ryan Seacrest said "This is your bottom 3, Casey, Mike and Siobahn. Whose journey is to an end?"
Then Ryan continued, "And we'll find out - after Rascal Flatts performs again, this time with Shakira!":

Shakira, from is  "Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (born February 2, 1977), known professionally as Shakira, is a Colombian singer-songwriter, musician, record producer, dancer, philanthropist " (1)

Ryan Seacrest said "For the first time ever, Shakira and Rascal Flatts (perform)". Shakira's song "Gypsy".  A great performance with Rascal Flatts and Shakira.

Ryan asked Shakira what advice she had for the Top 6 contestants, she said "From Roosevelt, - Keep your eyes on the stars, but keep your feet on the ground'.

Then it was back to business as Ryan asked Big Mike: "How does it feel to be in the bottom 3 tonight?"
Mike said "Tonight is different, we all had a good night last night" and "It's no shame to be in the bottom 3".

Ryan then said, "Mike you are safe".  Then he said "Find out live next who leaves us". After weeks of pouring their hearts out, good luck", and 'A construction worker, and a glass blower" and "Who will go home".
"The one leaving tonight is Siobahn Magnus", "Casey, you are safe!"

Ryan then said about Siobahn, that she is 'an independent spirit,' and said 'the audience is on their feet' and said "she was doing this for her sisters" and asked Siobahn about her sisters, and Siobahn said "hopfully, made a big impact on sisters". Then Ryan said, "Once more on this stage," As Siobahn belted out "you'd better think", 'Freedom". As Siobahn went to her family in the audience, tearfully embracing each one, Ryan waited until she finished, then said, "Go give Simon a hug, he's gonna miss you'. So Siobahn did go hug Simon, and then she hugged Ellen, who said "I'll see you tomorrow on my show" and Kara hugged her too. Ryan asked Randy for a comment, and he said to Siobahn "Keep being yourself".

And so ends another American Idol Results Show for 2010 - only 5 are left, who do YOU think will win this year?


(1)  Shakira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; April 28, 2010,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 American Idol Contestants left - Results show tomorrow, who goes home?

Only 6 American Idol contestants are left now to vie for the title of this Season's American Idol Winner of 2010. Who goes Home?  Tonight's Top 6 American Idol Contestants are:
Lee DeWyze
Crystal Bowersox
Casey James
Michael Lynche
Aaron Kelly
Siobahn Mangus

All of the young contestants have been working hard, and nerves may be getting to some of them. But I think that as this game 'gets down to the wire' they all need to be bringing their 'A game" and be giving it all they've got.
As the show begins, Ryan Seacrest tells us that 6 lives will be changed by this week's show. And as the tv camera pans around the audience, in the crowd we can see signs saying "Siobahn is my Idol".

Ryan tell us, "We owe a huge thank you to the audience, for Idol Gives Back show last week, in total, over 45 million dollars was raised for Idol Gives Back for those who need help both at home and abroad."

 Ryan then introduces the judges, Randy Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi and calls Simon Cowell, 'the fountain of youth'.

Ryan Seacrest continues: 'The crowning of American Idol is now 1 month away. Get on your feet for your Top 6!'

"They are celebrating a special songbook tonight, the music of Shania Twain. She made Country and Pop music from 15 years ago, and has won 5 Grammy's." Ryan also said 'She was the biggest Crossover artist, with 34 million in sales.'

Shania Twain, looking as young and lovely as ever, said  she wants these contestants to 'come alive' with her songs, and said "I lived them and I wrote them".  And that she wrote them 'barebones, with only a guitar'. and said  'I will be sitting on the edge of my seat' as the contestants sing her songs.

Shania also said about being a mentor for the Top 6 American Idol Contestants, that it was 'a challenge', she thought, and 'especially for the guys'.

1. Lee DeWyze was up first, he and Shania had first met in Chicago, he is to sing "You're Still the One". Shania said about Lee 'He has a fantastic style.'

After a very good rendition of "You're Still the One", Randy said: 'one of my favorite songs ever written', and 'you found a way to make it your own' and that he thought it was 'a pretty good job'.
Ellen said: she thought it was 'better than a pretty good job', and says ' you made it your version' and 'you couldn't look cuter'.
Kara said 'the sound is so relevant' and 'look how far you've come' and 'good job!'
Simon said, "I agree with everybody about everything!"

Ryan Seacrest said to Lee: "that was some great feedback" and then said "Shania Twain is grinning from ear to ear".

Each artist will have 2 phone numbers tonight.

2nd up was Big Mike, Michael Lynche, singing "It only hurt's when I'm Breathing".  Shaina Twain said to Big Mike "You could sing the phone book", and 'The ones who make it, are the ones who are feeling it the most".

Ryan said the Top 10 American Idol Summer Tour will be coming to a city near you soon, and tickets go on sale on May 14th.

After Big Mike's great rendition, with Shania watching every moment, Randy said "what I love, whether ballad or R & B, you did a great job" and "you're in the zone of who you are".
Ellen said she was a little nervous about this performance, but said "I felt your emotion'.
Kara said "Shania Twain is connected', and 'you were connected" and 'I appreciated it; and 'great job'
Simon said "I thought the performance was a little bit wet", and 'little bit girly'.
Randy or one of the other judges asked Simon "What is wet?" and Simon said "the opposite of dry!"
Shania said about Big Mike's performance "I was very emotional" and "you really got me".

3. Then it was time for Casey James. Ryan had said that "Casey James will release his inner country crooner'.
Ryan also said to Casey James, "let's rehash from last week, Kara was frustrated and Simon thought it was a little lazy".  Casey said 'I'm singning "Don't", and I'm really excited" and said 'its a singing song'.

After Casey finsihed, Randy Jackson said "best Casey James performance ever!" and "You really learned something here!"
Ellen said "Great!" and "That's really where you belong, best performance to date".
Kara said: "Artists do not hide" and "you did not hide,' and 'that's how you need to do it" and 'you'll be in front'.
Simon said "Last week I thought you weren't taking part in the competition" and then said "I agree with Randy, best so far". And then Simon said "I suggest you come down here and give this one (Shania Twain) a kiss on the lips!" And Casey James did go down to where Shania Twain was seated and embraced her!

4. Fourth up was Crystal Bowersox.  Ryan said Crystal had already gotten Shania Twain to sign her Martin guitar; and Crystal said that "Shania Twain has such an aura of positive energy". and Ryan said "Her teeth are so white" and then he said "She glows!". 
Shania said to Crystal about the song she was singing "Dreaming" to 'let that song remind you of your life right now'.
Randy said 'I kinda like the Nickle Creek version" and "I love you" and 'glad you did country'. Crystal said 'this is country week!'
Ellen, said, "I say it every week, you're brilliant and you're always gonna be good!"
Kara said that what Crystal did 'always feels honest' and 'you're still amazing'.
Simon said 'well, that's a shocker - we don't like Crystal this week!'
and "I didn't feel any conviction from you' and 'only week I didn't like it'

5. Next up was 17 year old Aaron Kelly singing "You got A Way".  Shania Twain said 'it suits him beautifully' and 'give us what you love'.
Randy said "Dude, this is your 'wheelhouse', this was 'country and a really good job!'
Ellen said "this is gonna be tough, everybody is doing so well," and she mentioned his 'maturity' and thought it was a 'good job'.

Kara said "I completely agree with Ellen".

Simon said he wanted to be 'honest' and "I think you've really struggled" and 'tonight you're a different artist' and 'this is the kind of record you need to make' and thought it was 'sincere' and 'believable' and liked it 'really well'.

Ryan Seacrest said "What's gonna happen tonight?" and "Hot competition tonight!"

6. Last but not least, Siobahn Mangus, coming up to sing "Any Man of Mine". Shania Twain's first # 1 song.
Shania Twain said about Siobahn: "She's playing a role, gonna put some attitude in the lyrics and make it come alive".  and she did!
The TV camera cut to show Shania while Siobahn was performing and she was clapping along in time to the song. Siobahn finished up with an 'ear-splitting' rendition of the ending.
Randy said "I loved it, I loved it!"
Ellen said "Way to pull the Shania "Twain" into the station" and thought it was 'fantastic!'
Kara exclaimed "Guess who's back!!"
and Simon said I really, really liked it", and 'it was fun, it was good', but he thought the ending was like 'the screaming of someone giving birth.'

Ryan Seacrest presented the Top 6 again for the audience with a recap and the numbers to call up and vote for your favorite American Idol.

Ryan said tomorrow night, among the stars who will be on the show are 2 of my favorites: Rascal Flatts and Lady Antebellum.

Who do YOU think will stick around for the finish of American Idol Class of 2010 and who do YOU think will go home on the American Idol Results Show tomorrow?

Cast your vote by leaving me a message below!

All things Kindle, Should I buy this reader or another one? Vote now!

All things Kindle, Should I buy this reader or another one? Vote now by leaving me a message!

All things Taylor Swift, my favorite young country singer!

All things Taylor Swift, my favorite young country singer!

All Things Randy Jackson, Judge of American idol

All things Randy Jackson, Judge of American Idol


NancyG43: What is Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and why do we need it?

NancyG43: What is Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and why do we need it?: ""

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Letter 2 from my Granny to her daughter, dated 1939

Letter 1 from my Granny to her daughter, dated 1939

My Ttanslation of the letter is below:
(written from Carthage, Tennessee)
Oct 22, 1939

Dear Louise, will try to write you a few lines to say am well again and hope you all are well. I was sick last week, but am well now. Well Hattie called just now, said that Hazle Maleson was dead so I guess they bring her back here. I don't know. She was at my house playing when Aaron got his thumb in 'lasses mill. (molasses mill)

You ask about going the (smf) (fryall?). We (all) (ate?) and Daisy got me cold drink. I drink comb of cream. No I diden (didn't) go meeting any more. they have took the (tint) (time?) a way. ha ha. Just a little more bad news. Howard hindes (?) got too teeth. nok out (knocked out) by (snore) (someone?) (?) but I don't who so I guess feel big man now. ha ha. Daisy bring my water now. I will close, tell Wilson write me again, kiss the baby for me, with love to all, you all be good, by, with love, Mother


Nancy's notes:

This letter from my grandma, Laura Mullins Lynch to her daughter, Louise Lynch Cudney, scanned and sent to me by Louise's granddaughter, Sonja Cudney Linder in Michigan.

"Hattie", I am sure is Hattie Myers of Carthage, TN.

"Aaron" is Uncle Aaron Lynch, one of the brothers of Louise and my mother Annie Lynch Phillips.

Not sure who Howard hindes( ?) is.
Martha Lynch, sister of Louise and Annie Lynch, and of Daisy Lynch was married to Howard Baggett. Not sure if that referred to him or not.

"Daisy" is sister of Louise and Annie Lynch Phillips.

"Wilson" is brother of Louise, Daisy and Annie Lynch Phillips.

I never heard of Hazle Maleson, so I suppose maybe she was a friend or neighbor.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and why do we need it?

What is Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and why do we need it?

There was Tier 1, Tier 2, then Tier 3 and Tier 4 on the Unemployment Extensions. But there has NOT YET been a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension added in. Why not?

There are many folks who have now been unemployed long enough during this recession to draw the max on unemployment benefits, between the State funded unemployment benefits and then the Federal funded unemployment extension benefits. The masimum limit that an unemployed individual can draw it being 99 weeks has not been changed nor really even been addressed by Congress, and even though there is now a temporary extension to unemployment in place, it does NOT benefit the '99-ers' as this group is called.

Not much attention has been paid to this group, but they are now being considered as "permanently unemployed" and it actually tells you so on the last check stub that you draw on your 99 week unemployment exntension benefit.

from the web I find very few web sites with any info on the Tier 5 Unemployment extension and the reasons behind the need for it:

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits – A Benefits Extension Americans Need to Survive (1)
Writer Linda Evans says:
"Tier 5 unemployment would extend benefits an additional period of time, allowing the long term unemployed the ability to live while they continue searching for work." (1)


Tier 5 unemployment legislation update for April 21 and why taking a job can cost you UI benefits (2)
While writer Michael Thornton says "there is little to report on legislation to extend the maximum number of weeks of benefits, or Tier 5." (2) he does advise this: "Keeping the Tier 5 issue alive is going to be up to you, so be sure to contact your congressional representatives as often as you can. (2)

Yesterday I did find a website where you can sign a petition to encourage our Congress to give us a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and I created a link to that website on my own blog here at:
Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES! (3)

At last reading there were 18,164 petitioners who have signed to
"Take Action" "The 99ers need a Tier 5 added to Unemployment Benefits".
The petition was started by Issa Decker and is powered by I think they are hoping to have at least 25,000 people sign the petition to request a Tier 5 extension to unemployment.

Ok, Congress, let's make it sooner, not later, please, for the sake of all of those who are now known as 'permanently unemployed'.
What kind of picture does the image of those words - permanently unemployed - strike you with?


(1) Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits – A Benefits Extension Americans Need to Survive; April 21st, 2010

(2) Tier 5 unemployment legislation update for April 21 and why taking a job can cost you UI benefits

(3) Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!(*please note:this is my own blog)

American Idol Results Show 2010 - Wednesday night, who goes home?

American Idol Results Show 2010 - It's Wednesday night, who goes home?

After an action-packed night of stars and singers performing for the 2 hour "Idol Gives Back" show, Ryan Seacrest says "Next, find out which one of these 3, unfortunately, is going, after the break."

The bottom 3 were Aaron Kelly, Casey James and Tim Urban. After the break, Ryan continued "We are wrapping up Idol Gives Back with the results. Next week we will have Shania Twain as mentor, and you can go on ITunes and look at the tracks the contestants have to choose from for their songs."

Then Ryan went on "Dim the lights, 1 of these 3 is safe". Then Ryan said, "Aaron is safe, take a seat".

As Ryan went on "1 of these 2 is safe and 1 is headed home" and "the one who is headed home is....Tim Urban. Casey is safe".

Ryan also said to Tim Urban "Keep that smile", and Ryan then thanked the judges for their hard work. Showing Tim in earlier moments on American Idol we heard Tim say: "I know this has completely changed my life" and "I got an opportunity the rest of the world only dreams about" and "It meant everything to me".

So ended another round of elimination on American Idol tonight and this leaves only 6 American Idol contestants to vie for the title of this Season's American Idol Winner of 2010.

More to come later...

ACM Awards 2010 or CMA 2010 Awards: Same or not the same?

ACM AWARDS 2010 or CMA AWARDS 2010: Same or not the same?

In Nashville, Tennessee, it seems 'Country Music Rules'. You not only have the Grand Ole Opry and not one, but 2 country music cable channels in town. You also have many other 'live venues' where aspiring country music performers can 'hone their skills'. But if you are looking for information on the 'CMA Awards 2010' and 'ACM Awards 2010', do you know if they are they the same thing?

NO, the CMA Awards and the ACM Awards are NOT the same thing. These are two totally different and totally separate entities - one being The Country Music Association and the other being The Academy of Country Music.

Okay, so both groups do have the same initials: CMA and ACM. And if you turn the initials differently they may 'mimic' each other. And both groups do put on a big show to present the world of Country Music at it's finest and best, with performances of all the brightest country music stars and upcoming newcomers. And most of the very same 'Country Music Stars, Superstars, and WannaBe's' do attend, perform AND win prestigious awards from BOTH of the groups.

The Academy of Country Music Awards held their gala in Las Vegas on April 18, 2010, with hostess, country superstar and television actress, Reba McEntire.

There have been many reports online - in error - calling last week's ACM Awards show the CMA Awards:
Here is one that is in error:
"CMA Music Awards of 2010". (1) "CMA awards 2010 winners: Reba McEntire takes Jesse James, Tiger Woods to task at country music gig." (1)
(This was from the New York Daily News, no less!)
While this website got it right with
2010 ACM Academy of Country Music Awards, Nominees, Winners, TV ... (2)
"In 2010, the ACM Awards headed into its 45th year honoring America's hottest talent in country music - as well as the industry's top emerging stars" (2)

THIS website states there IS a difference in the 2 groups:
Country Music Awards 2010 – ACM Awards 2010 Winners AREN’T CMA Winners (3)

But this one gets it wrong in the title: 'CMA Awards 2010 Winners, Country Music Awards 2010' (4)
then does it correctly in the text: "The 45th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards were held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 5 PM Pacific Time." (4)

And then this one goes the opposite route, and gets it right in the title:
Academy Of Country Music Awards 2010 Winners (5)
but wrong in the text:
"CMA Awards – - The CMA Awards 2010 winners list is something that might shock you a little as it shows no sign of last years dazzler Taylor Swift who was ’swift’ in taking away many an awards last year. " (5)

and this one decides to leave the title wrong
CMA Awards 2010 Winners [Full List] (6)
but makes a correction in the text:
"The Academy of Country Music (ACM, not CMA) Awards were broadcast last night from Vegas, and there were some not-so-surprising winners, and a shocking non-winner. Lady Antebellum came out on top with 5 wins." (6)

With one last word on this subject, here is one more:
Academy Country Music Awards 2010: ACM 2010 Winners List (Video) (7)
"The Academy of Country Music Awards 2010 (often mistaken as CMA Awards) was held on Sunday April 18 in Las Vegas " (7)

But to find out about the CMA AWARDS Show, you can go to the County Music Association's website, or you can join them on Facebook (like I did) :
Country Music Association | (8)
"CMA is dedicated to bringing the poetry and emotion of Country Music to the world. We will continue a tradition of leadership and professionalism," (8)

(1) CMA awards 2010 winners: Reba McEntire takes Jesse James, Tiger Woods to task at country music gig

(2) 2010 ACM Academy of Country Music Awards, Nominees, Winners, TV ...; April 21, 2010

(3) Country Music Awards 2010 – ACM Awards 2010 Winners AREN’T CMA Winners , April 19, 2010

(4) CMA Awards 2010 Winners, Country Music Awards 2010

(5) Academy Of Country Music Awards 2010 Winners; April 21, 2010

(6) CMA Awards 2010 Winners [Full List]; April 19, 2010

(7) Academy Country Music Awards 2010: ACM 2010 Winners List (Video) , April 19, 2010

(8) Country Music Association |; April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!

Petitions by|Start a Petition »

American Idol Results Show 2010 who goes home?

April 20, 2010

Top 7 tonight and who goes home?

Ryan Seacrest greeted the crowd, said “When you cast a vote, you change lives” And “this is the time when we give back” and w’re very busy tonight, and Idol Gives back” Pasadena Civic Auditorium

Top 7, celebrity Alicia Keys, she has had tremendous impact on children, she’s known as the Princess of Soul, sold 30 million records, top selling R & B of the decade.

Tonight’s them is songs of inspiration. Alicia Keys said “it’s about how to bring out emotion” and “I want to help them find out what they’re made of”.

1. Casey James, first up, sang “Don’t stop thinking about Tomorrow” by Fleetwood Mac. Ryan Seacrest asked before Casey started about the song, Casey said “It’s about me ‘being in the song’, in the present.”

Randy said, “It was good, but not your best” and “I want you to step out of that comfort zone”.

Ellen, said “great guitar”, but the show is at the point now where we are looking for someone to be great and “You have to be great”.

Kara said this was not like last week when you sang ‘Jealous Guy’. “This was like ‘jambam’, like everybody else:.

Simon said, “not inspiring, no emotion, no originality” and thought it was a “lazy song choice”.

Ryan Seacrest asked Casey then, “Are you surprised at the Judges comments?” and Casey said “Not surprised, but I love that song, and I love Fleetwood Mac.”

2. Next up, was Lee DeWyze, whom Ryan Seacrest introduced as ‘former paint salesman’. Ryan asked Lee about his buddy, Andrew Garcia, who was voted off last week’s show. Lee said “I am supporting him in whatever he wants to do”.

Lee sang Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Boxer”, as he said the song ‘speaks to me’, and ‘inspires me’.

Alicia Keyes told Lee that when you sing this song “people have to feel like you ARE ‘The Boxer’”.

Randy said “You know, I’m one of your biggest fans”, and “You are going to be a great artist” and “You are going to have a great career”.

Ellen said, “Lee, that was a beautiful song choice”, and “It had soul and depth”, and “Best performance so far”.

Kara said “Last week, Simon said “you had your moment’, but I think tonight “You had your moment!” and “Clearly, you feel connected to the song”.

Simon said “Even though you are only #2 so far tonight, that was ‘Best of the Night!’” and “The difference is staggering, it was emotional, it was inspirational” and “Absolutely brilliant” and “Good for you!”

3. Tim Urban sang “Better Days”. Alicia Keyes said “when he is singing it, this could very well be his own song”.

Randy said “For me, this was an interesting song choice” and “it was like ok” and “It was like good karaoke”.

Ellen said “it was like soup of the day” and “I didn’t like your soup”.

Kara said “This was a new Tim” and “This wasn’t the best execution” and “not the best performance”.

Simon thought it was ‘a step too high’, and said while ‘you have improved’, this was ‘a little bit of a let down’.

4.Aaron Kelly, sang “I Believe I can Fly”.

Randy said “You picked a giant song” and ‘You’ve got a huge voice’ and ‘good job’.

Ellen said “I believe you can fly!” and thought Aaron ‘handled the song real good’.

Kara said “It was like you were taking off” and then “you hit it” and “you started flying”.

Simon said “It took guts to take on that song” and “You gave it your all” but thought “It wasn’t very good”.

Ryan Seacrest asked Aaron about singing the song since he was 5 years old and Aaron said he sang it at pre-school.

5. Siobahn Magnus, up next, sang “When you believe” and Alicia Keyes told her during practice “That’s your ‘money spot’” and was “very impressed”.

Randy said, “You probably picked the toughest song” and “it was just okay, for me”.

Ellen said to Randy, “I disagree” and she thought it was good.

Kara said “It was really well sung”, but it ‘was not a musical”.

Simon said “Not the right song” for her and thought it was “a bit all over the place”.

When Ryan asked Siobahn about her choice of song, she said” I love the song” and “The meaning of it is why I am here”.

6. Michael Lynche, sang “Hero”. He told Ryan Seacrest he had made a list of about 200 songs he wanted to sing if he was ever on Idol, and this is one from that list.

Alicia Keyes, said “I like it when people take a song and make it different, make it their own”.

Randy said “I was worried about the (choice of) song” and “you held your own”.

Ellen just said “Great job!”

Kara said “Not my favorite performance”.

Simon said “You sang it pretty well”, but said “that was from Spiderman, wasn’t it?” and thought it was ‘artificial’, and said ‘it didn’t jell for me’ but also said “you’re gonna be around next week”.

7. Last but not least, Crystal Bowersox, with no instrument for the first time, sang “People Get Ready”. As she finished the song, she broke down crying on the end of it.

Alicia Keyes said she thought Crystal was “very, very special” and “people are going to love this performance” and told Crystal “Go for it!:

Randy said “You know, I am a fan since Day 1! And Let’s give her a standing ovation!”

Ellen thought Crystal was ‘never more beautiful’ and just gets ‘better and better’.

Kara said Crystal’s likes ‘taking risks’ and said ‘everybody likes to call you Mama Sox” and “Now we know why, you schooled all the contestants tonight”.

Simon thought ‘it was inspirational’ and ‘fantastically….completely different class’.

Ryan Seacrest asked about her getting so emotional at the end of the song and Crystal said “My dad is here’ and that she was very ‘emotional’ and ‘thankful for her family’. And she had to borrow Ryan’s ‘hankie’ from his suit coat, which didn’t look like it was real, just a ‘prop’

Saturday, April 17, 2010

10-Minute Recipes - among other 10 Minute projects- gets you to where you're going fast!

10 Minutes - gets you to where you're going fast!
But HOW do I FIND the 10 Minutes to start with?

I discovered there are
'10 Minute Recipes',
'Easy 10 Minute Recipes'
'10 Minute Chicken Recipes'
'10 Minute Recipes for Kids'
'10 Minute Dinners'
'10 Minute Meals'
'10 Minute Oil Change'
'10 Minute Workout'
'10 Minute Exercise'
'10 Minute Trainer Reviews'
and '10 Minute ABS'

So if I only have a short time to spend, to make a meal or to make my car run smoother, or to make my body burn calories, I can find the WAY to do it easily. But I have discovered that I may need '10 Minutes to find 10 Minutes'. In this day and time, FINDING the spare 10 minutes is the thing that gets you. It's not the WAY to spend the time, it's HOW to GET the time.

So in the 10 minute recipe mode I find there are:

10 Minute Recipes - Recipes Ready in Ten Minutes ...(1)
10 minute recipes are the quickest and easiest! These simple recipes can be prepared in 10 minutes or less. Ten minute recipes are super easy.

Favorite 10-Minute Recipes for Summer | Food | Disney ...(2)
Here are some quick and easy recipes that are easy to make and that are perfect for quick summer dinners or entertaining

10 Minute Zesty Salsa - All Recipes 10 Minute Zesty Salsa ... (3)
My husband absolutely loves this recipe and requests it over any store-bought salsa.

Then I even find there are:
10 Minute plays (to keep me entertained for SHORT periods of time)
'An archive of production-tested 10-minute plays'. ... (4)

(1) 10 Minute Recipes - Recipes Ready in Ten Minutes

(2) Favorite 10-Minute Recipes for Summer | Food | Disney

(3) 10 Minute Zesty Salsa - All Recipes

(4) 10 Minute plays An archive of production-tested 10-minute plays

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Unemployment Extension 2010 - Is Congress passing the short term extension?

Unemployment Extension 2010 - Is Congress passing the short term extension?

The unemployment extension 2010 is in the news again today and again, the headlines spell it all out for us:

Blockade Lifted - Senate will pass Unemployment Extension tonight (1)
"Votes ...started on the Senate floor just after 5 p.m. ... ten days after thousands of long unemployed Americans started exhausting unemployment benefits."

Senate Reaches Deal on Unemployment Extension (2)
"The bill extends the filing deadline for UI benefits through June 2 (retroactive to April 5), allowing those who have exhausted their 26 weeks of state benefits to access emergency federal help. It does not, however, create an additional tier of benefits for those who have exhausted everything they’re eligible for."

Congress passes unemployment extension (3)
"Congress passed a short-term unemployment benefits bill Thursday night "

Jobless extension benefits clears Senate hurdle (4)
"Senate approved an extension of unemployment benefits Thursday... ...
measure would extend jobless aid through June 2"

(1) Blockade Lifted - Senate will pass Unemployment Extension tonight, April 15, 2010,

(2) Senate Reaches Deal on Unemployment Extension, April 15, 2010,

(3) Congress passes unemployment extension. April 15, 2010,

(4) Jobless extension benefits clears Senate hurdle, April 15, 2010

Top Google Search for KFC?

Why is one of the Top Google searches today for KFC, for KFC 'double down' or KFC chicken sandwich?

There seems to be lots of "buzz" today for KFC, for KFC double down and KFC chicken sandwich. I am not sure why, but I thought I would check it out. KFC is one of my MOST favorite 'fast foods', with my preference being a KFC 'original' drumstick, along with a biscuit, and mashed potatoes and brown gravy. Give me a good book and the above and I'm in heaven!

So as I searched for the 'KFC double down', it is described as:
"The Double Down - made up of bacon and cheese between two pieces of fried chicken - combines almost every basic element that Americans recognize as fast food, yet is presented in a very unorthodox or even unprecedented way." (1)

and from KFC's website comes this: "The new KFC Double Down sandwich is real! This one-of-a-kind sandwich features two thick and juicy boneless white meat chicken filets (Original Recipe® or Grilled), two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce. This product is so meaty, there’s no room for a bun." (2)

and from another website: "Kentucky Fried Chicken is appealing to its carb-conscious customers by launching its first bread-free burger" (3)

Ok, I am convinced! I am ready for a lunchtime trip to KFC tomorrow to further check this out!

So here is the Google search for KFC:

(1) KFC may strike lucky with Double Down, April 15, 2010,

(2) KFC, April 15, 2010,

(3)KFC introduces 'sandwich' with buns made of CHICKEN instead of bread (but at 1,228 calories, it's not exactly healthy), April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

American Idol Results Show 2010, 7 left now, 2 go Home

American Idol Results Show 2010, 7 left now, 2 go Home

As the April 14, 2010 results show started, you could see lots of signs in the audience with "We Love Adam Lambert" on them. The crowd knew last year's American Idol runner up, Adam Lambert would be performing on tonight's show and were showing their excitement about it.

Host Ryan Seacrest announced that 34 million votes were cast last night, and that was the 'highest this season'. Ryan also announced that former American Idol contestants Brooke White and Justin Gaston would be performing, along with a performance by Adam Lambert.

Ryan Seacrest then announced that tonight would be a 'double elimination', and it would be a 'difficult night for the contestants.' Then the top 9 American Idol contestants sang a medley of Elvis songs, in keeping with the Elvis theme of the night before.

Ryan said this will be a 'dramatic evening', and said first, we should watch the contestants 'going green' in the Ford Music Video. He also said to enter to win a VIP trip to the American Idol set, to go to to enter the contest.

After the Ford Music Video, Ryan Seacrest says, 'time for the results, dim the lights', and 'we'll start'. He then called Casey James, Aaron Kelly and Andrew Garcia to the front, and said 'go to the center of the stage. He said Casey sang, "Lawdy, Miss Claudy', Aaron sang "Blue Suede Shoes', and Andrew sang "Hound Dog".

Ryan then said, "2 people are leaving tonight" and asked Andrew how he feels? Andrew said "a little stressful'. Then Ryan, (with what I considered to be quite a switch from normal), said: "It's the end of the road for Andrew", and "Casey and Aaron are safe, take a seat." Then Andrew sang his final song for the audience. After his song, Andrew said "Thank you, guys, you let me experience something I would have never had."

Then former American Idol contestants, Brooke White and Justin Gaston, gave a moving rendition of "If I can Dream".

After a piece on Idol Gives Back ( showing former Idol contestant Elliot Yamin and judge Kara DioGuardo on a trip to Africa, it was back to the elimination of the next one.

Ryan Seacrest said "1 more person, which will it be?". He continued: "Live, double elimination tonight". And then he said, "Aaron and Casey are safe". Then he said "Dim the lights", then asked the 'entire bottom row' to come to center stage.

This brought the remaining Idol contestants, Tim Urban, Crystal Bowersox, Michael Lynche, Katie Stevens, Siobahn Magnus and Lee DeWyze to center stage.

Ryan spoke to Lee, asking how it feels, Lee said 'it feels good'. Then he said to Siobahn, the 'panel was split on you', to Katie he said "Simon thought it was annoying', but you seemed to be taking it 'in your stride', and Katie said she was trying to 'grow each week'. Ryan asked Big Mike "how did the Judges save affect you last week?" Big Mike said, he was 'grateful', and said he 'loves the Judges, and loves the people'. Ryan said to Crystal, one of the Judges likened her performance to 'the 2nd coming of Bonnie Raitt', and Tim's was called one of the 'best performances' and quoted Simon that Tim 'went from zero to hero'.

Then Ryan said "After 34 million votes...Crystal Bowersox is safe, Siobahn Magnus is safe, take a seat."

Ryan then said to Lee DeWyze "You know, former Idol contestant (Chris) Daughtry sang the same song you did (A Little Less Conversation) in Season 5 - the very week he was eliminated". Then Ryan continued to Lee "Come walk with me," then Ryan walked over to the couch and said to Lee "Have a seat, you are safe".

So by now, there were 3 left on stage, Tim Urban, Michael Lynche and Katie Stevens.

Ryan Seacrest then stated "1 of you heads home -after Adam Lambert takes the stage". Ryan continued "Next week, the top 7 will sing inspirational songs, and singer Alicia Keys will be here."

Ryan then announced Adam Lambert: "Here's last years runner up with his hit 'What Do You Want From Me'." Adam Lambert gave a fantastic performance with lasers. When Ryan congratulated Adam after his performance, and asked him about the lasers, Adam said it was his idea, to bring the lasers to the show. Ryan said that was a 'first' for the show.

Now Ryan said find out 'what's happening with Tim, Mike and Katie. And after the break, Ryan said 't's been a long emotional journey' and the 'curtain will close' for one of you tonight.'

Ryan said "3 of you stand there, the person who is safe is Tim".

Ryan went on "Now it's between Mike and Katie. After a nationwide vote it's Katie (who is going home). Michael, you are safe".

Katie Stevens said 'Amazing people I met, amazing experience.' Then she sang her heart out with "Let It Be". ...'whisper words of wisdom....there will be an answer...let it be..."

Ryan told her at the end of her very moving song "you're making half of this room cry. We're gonna miss you, baby."

And so ends another riveting American Idol Results 2010, Season 9 show

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

American Idol Countdown 2010, 9 contestants left, 2 will go home!

American Idol Countdown 2010, 9 contestants left, 2 will go home!

With an Elvis themed, April 13th 2010 show, 9 finalists are left tonight in American Idol season 9 Showdown.

To start out, host Ryan Seacrest announced that last week’s American Idol results show was one of the most dramatic results shows ever.

Ryan said the Top 9 traveled to Vegas to see ‘Viva Elvis’‘
Mentor Adam Lambert, who Ryan said is the first former American Idol contestant to return to be a mentor to the current contestants. Adam Lambert said that Elvis was the complete artist package, and that he thinks the contestants should show more energy.

Crystal Bowersox sang “Saved” while strumming her ‘bedazzled, or bejeweled’ guitar.
Randy said “Every week, way to come out!”
Ellen said it was so hard to find some new way to comment, and how about mentioning birthdays instead, and asked “Who in the audience is having a birthday?” Then Ellen said “Fantastic!”
Kara exclaimed “Solid Performance, drama!”
Simon said “You didn’t choose an obvious song”, and “you made it original” and ‘It sounded great.”

24 year old Andrew Garcia sang “Hound Dog”
Randy said he “just didn’t get it’,
Ellen said while she ‘wished he had shown more swagger’, she thought ‘he pulled it off’. Kara said “It’s Elvis, you gotta own it!” and Simon topped off the judges comments with saying the performance was ‘lazy and unpredictable’ and he ‘just didn’t get it’.

Tim Urban, age 20, played guitar, sang ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love With You’
Randy said “this may surprise you, I actually liked it!”
Ellen said “I really enjoyed it”.
Kara said “that is probably my favorite “Tim” performance ever”, and” I can’t help falling in love with Tim!” and ‘well done’. Simon said Tim “went from ‘zero to hero!”.

Lee DeWyze sang “A Little Less Conversation”.
Randy said “I’m loving it that you’re in the zone!” and ‘very good!’
Ellen said you ‘made it so current’ and ‘you have more confidence’.
Kara said ‘you really went for it’ and the vocal ‘was fine’. Simon said it’s all about ‘nailing the song’.

5. Aaron Kelly, sang ‘Blue Suede Shoes’
Randy “liked it better at the half on…more bluesy”.
Ellen said ‘That was a big song for you to take on.”
Kara said ‘you got out of your comfort zone, and I liked it.’ And ‘you’re more current’.
Simon said “It was as if you were doing a concert at high school, like karaoke”, and “You didn’t make it young.’

6. Siobahn Magnus sang ‘Suspicious Minds”, after saying to Ryan that she is a true Elvis fan.
Randy said ‘you took some chances’, ‘you came alive’ and ‘that girl can sing’.
Ellen said ‘you look great’ and ‘you really have a beautiful voice’.
Kara said it’s like ‘you have 2 voices’, and ‘I wasn’t crazy about it’.
Simon said ‘it was like ‘a time machine, in 20 years’ and ‘very erratic’ and ‘it’s like you lost who you were’.

Michael Lynche sang “In The Ghetto”
Randy said ‘the song was sleepy’ but ‘you got hot vocals!’
Ellen said “I’m glad we saved you!’
Kara said ‘that was a beautiful song’ and ‘you sang it well’.
Simon said that was a ‘favorite performance’ and ‘terrific choice of song’.

Katie Stevens sang “Baby, What you want me to do?”
Randy said ‘letting all the vibes out’ and ‘you entertained me!’
Ellen said ‘lots of horns in it’ and ‘you can sing’.
Kara said “You showed us Judges!”
Simon said “I didn’t like the song very much’.

Casey James sang, ‘Lawdy Miss Claudy’
Randy said it was ‘a bluesy thing’ but that it was ‘solid’.
Ellen said ‘it wasn’t as exciting’ but ‘you’re always good.’
Kara thought it ‘fell short’.
Simon said he thought it was ‘completely forgettable’.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Unemployment Extension 2010, In or Out?

Unemployment Extension 2010, In or Out?

OK, so far, so good, we're still in the ballgame according to the news reports:

Federal Unemployment benefit extension passes ...(1)
Federal unemployment benefit extension passes procedural vote in the Senate ...

Senate Agrees to Temporary Jobless Benefits Extension (2)
...Senate on Monday agreed to consider a temporary extension of unemployment benefits after four Republicans joined Democrats in voting to debate the proposal...

Extension of jobless benefits clears GOP roadblock (3)
...Democrats in the Senate won an initial skirmish Monday to restore unemployment benefits to hundreds of thousands of jobless people despite Republican criticism that it would add $9 billion to the nation's debt. ...

As Unemployment Benefits Vote Nears, Durbin Calls Out ...(4)
...Senate is scheduled to move forward on a short-term extension of the emergency unemployment benefit filing deadline....






Jobless Benefits Bill in Congress, Yes? or No!

Unemployment Extension 2010, Jobless Benefits Bill in Congress, Yes? or No!

Fox News says the 'closure' vote on this bill is up again at 2 pm today and expected to be voted on by 5:30 pm.

Do You want your Senator to vote to extend Unemployment Benefits, or not?

Better 'get on the horn' with your lawmakers, by phone, by email or however you can, and make your wishes known!

Here's today's breakdown of news, so far, from the Internet about the Jobless Benefits Bil, the Unemployment Extension 2010 and our returning Congress today.

Bill to extend jobless benefits faces Senate showdown (1)
Apr 11, 2010 ... 'Congress is poised for another partisan showdown over extending unemployment insurance, as concerns about the growing budget deficit have ...

TV Coverage Of Unemployment Benefit Issue This Week Likely To Frustrate Jobless Viewers (2)
'After weeks of wall-to-wall television coverage of the battle over health care, advocates for the unemployed were hoping attention in Congress would shift to the plight of the long-term unemployed. But while the issue of unemployment benefits is likely to get a lot of attention this week, it won't be the type of attention the jobless might have been hoping to see..."

Jobless benefits, bank reform, climate await lawmakers (3)
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- "Extending jobless benefits, reforming financial companies and grappling with climate change will top U.S. lawmakers' agenda when they return from a two-week break on Monday..."

Senate Dems plan a busy schedule as SCOTUS debate looms (4)
The Hill - Taylor Rushing - "The work period is likely to start with some acrimony over legislation to extend unemployment benefits. Republicans are blocking an extension unless the ... "

(1) Bill to extend jobless benefits faces Senate showdown

(2) TV Coverage Of Unemployment Benefit Issue This Week Likely To Frustrate Jobless Viewers

(3) Jobless benefits, bank reform, climate await lawmakers

(4) Senate Dems plan a busy schedule as SCOTUS debate looms

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tiger Woods Nike Commercial - Tiger Woods is baaaaaaccccck!!!!

Tiger Woods Nike Commercial does wonders

Tiger Wood Nike Commercial does wonders - for Tiger Woods, for Nike, for the comedians, for the world of sports, for golfing, and for those of us who LOVE to read about Tiger Woods and LOVE to watch him on TV!

Yay! I am glad to hear Tiger Woods is back. Back into golf, and back into commericals and yes, back on the Internet!

I searched for "Tiger Woods Nike Commercial" online and again, the headlines say it all!

News results for tiger woods nike commercial (1)
(with 18762 related articles)

Video results for tiger woods nike commercial (2)

YouTube - New Nike ad: Earl and Tiger Woods (3)

Bing gave me these astounding numbers: results: -- of 1,040,000
News about tiger woods nike commercial (4)

Tiger Woods Nike Ad Commercial Debuts - ABC News ...scandal-plagued golf champion also is making a major comeback in the advertising world... (5)

and searching at AOL. com brings up these video results of the various spoofs on Tiger Woods Nike Commercial:

Video Results for Tiger Woods Nike Commercial (9)
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Tiger Woods Nike Commercial... (10)
1 min 58 sec - Apr 9, 2010
Hulu on AOL
Sportsnation Spoofs Tiger (11)
30 sec - Apr 8, 2010

Earl And Tiger Woods Nike Ad Video: Has Tiger... (12)
3 min 23 sec - Apr 8, 2010

Tiger Woods Nike Commercial (christian Bale Remix) (13)
34 sec - Apr 8, 2010

And on
Tiger Woods Nike commercial: A new beginning or a new low? (6)
- The Christian Science Monitor - Apr 08 02:14pmThe Tiger Woods Nike commercial is controversial. But it's no surprise that Woods is looking to his father, the late Earl Woods, for inspiration as part of his... full story

Tiger Woods' Nike commercial just doesn't do it - (7)

Will the new Nike/Tiger Woods commercial fly or flop? - (8)

(1) News results for tiger woods nike commercial, 04/09/2010:

(2) Video results for tiger woods nike commercial; 04/09/2010

(3) YouTube - New Nike ad: Earl and Tiger Woods; 04/09/2010

(4) News about tiger woods nike commercial

(5) Tiger Woods Nike Ad Commercial Debuts - ABC News

(6) Tiger Woods Nike commercial: A new beginning or a new low?- The Christian Science Monitor - Apr 08, 2010;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MmJiZHFqBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0g1NDdfMTM4/SIG=13jidvfsn/EXP=1270913759/**http%3a//

(7) Tiger Woods' Nike commercial just doesn't do it - Chicago Sun-Times - Apr 08, 2010;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MmJiZHFqBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0g1NDdfMTM4/SIG=131qgjjrm/EXP=1270913759/**http%3a//,tiger-woods-nike-commercial-08.article

(8) Will the new Nike/Tiger Woods commercial fly or flop? - BizReport - Apr 08, 2010;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MmJiZHFqBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0g1NDdfMTM4/SIG=12hstmua3/EXP=1270913759/**http%3a//

(9) Video results for Tiger Woods Nike Commercial; 04/09/2010 woods nike commercial&flv=1

(10) Jimmy Kimmel Live

(11) Sportsnation spoofs Tiger

(12) Earl and Tiger Woods Nike Ad

(13) Tiger Woods Nike Commercial

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

American Idol 2010 Results Show - Who goes home?

American Idol 2010 results show - Who goes home tonight?

I don't want it to be Crystal Bowersox and I don't want it to be Casey James!

The show opens with the 9 final American Idol contestants, Aaron Kelly, Michael Lynch, Lee DeWyze, Crystal Bowersox, Katie Stevens, Andrew Garcia, Tim Urban, Casey James and Siobhan Magnus harmonizing on a John Lennon-Paul McCartney song medley.
Then before too long, Ryan Seacrest takes the first steps forward in eliminating tonight's losing American Idol contestant.

Ryan asks Tim Urban, how he is feeling? Tim answers "I'm feeling good." then Ryan says to Katie Stevens, "are you nervous?", and Katie admits, "Yes, I am feeling nervous."

Ryan starts by calling out Siobhan, and says that "Kara said you were believable when you sang", then he said "Siobhan, go to the center of the stage".

Then Crystal Bowersox was next, and Ryan said "after the nationwide vote, Crystal, you too, go to the center of the stage". Then Katie Stevens was next, and Katie told Ryan "I was singing for my grandma". Then Ryan said, "go to the center of the stage". Ryan then asked Randy if he thought these 3 girls would go home tonight. Randy said "No, they won't go home, based on their performances last night."

Ryan called out to Crystal, "Have a seat, Crystal, you are safe!". Then he spoke to Katie and Siobahn, "You are both safe, the 3 girls are all safe, it will be one of the boys tonight".

Then a performance by a new singer that Kara signed, Jason sang his hit song. Very good performance with dancers as backup, everyone enjoyed it, and Simon even complimented Kara on her 'find'.

Then American Idol former contestant, runner up David Archuleta, came onstage and gave an astounding rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine". After a great performance by David, the crowd went wild. Ryan asked David if this performance made him as nervous as the final show when he got runner up. David said, no, he thought the final show made him more nervous. Ryan said "have you met Ellen", and David said "Yes, I met Ellen, I was even on her show". Ryan asked David what he's been doing, David said he's been writing, and recording on his next album.

Then Ryan says "Dim the lights, get the results of the bottom 3 from these 6 guys".

Lee DeWyze is the first called to the front. Ryan says "Lee sang 'Hey Jude', showed more confidence according to the judges".
Lee said "I need to show the confidence. I do have it". Randy looked at Lee and said "Own it, baby, own it, own it!"
Lee was sent to the one side of the stage by Ryan.

Big Mike was the next contestant to be called up by Ryan. Ryan said "You sang Eleanor Rigby, the judges thought the vocal was fantastic. Mike, you go to the other side of the stage from Lee to a new group.:

Casey James was next. Ryan said "You sang 'Jealous Guy', Simon thought it was the best performance of the night. Casey, join Lee on that side of the stage."

Young Aaron Kelly was called to the front, Ryan said "You sand 'Long and Winding Road'." Then Ryan asked "Does Aaron have a good enough vocal to return next week?" Simon said "Aaron is hard working, but Aaron, you just need to work harder, and imagine you are making a record."
Aaron joined Big Mike on his side of the stage.

Then Tim Urban was called up, Ryan said "Tim sang 'All My Loving', Tim, joine Lee and Casey."

Then Andrew, last of the 6 remaining guys was called up. Ryan said "You sang 'Can't Buy Me Love'. Ellen and Randy thought it was a solid performance. Join Mike and Aaron on their side of the stage. Then Ryan said "One of these two groups is safe, one group is the bottom 3".

Then Ryan asked Ellen to choose which group she thought was the 'bottom 3'.
Ellen said "This is horrible, having to choose, but I would say the group to the left (Big Mike, Andrew and Aaron)".

Then Ryan said that is the 'bottom 3' group, and told the other group of Lee, Tim and Casey to have a seat as they were safe.

Ryan then said that one of the 'bottom 3' group is safe, and he told Aaron he was safe, have a seat. And that either Big Mike or Andrew would be leaving, unless the judges choose to 'save' the bottom one, either Andrew or Mike.

Rhianna then took the stage, and 'wowed' the audience with her superb performance.

Then it was back to the elimination of one of the American Idol guys tonight.

Ryan said "Michael and Andrew are uncertain of their future. One is safe - that is Andrew who is safe! Big Mike is now going to 'sing for his life'.

After a very stirring performance, Big Mike (Michael Lynche) awaited the decision on his future from the Randy, Ellen, Kara and Simon. Would they use their ONLY 'save' to keep him in the competition, or would they 'let him go home'?

Ryan asked, "Judges, what is your decision? Will you use your ONLY 'save' or send him home?"

As Big Mike and the audience and the world waited on tenterhooks, Simon began to speak to Michael about his performance:
"We wish you'd done something like that yesterday. This decision was unanimous, if it's any comfort to you. We have decided. We're gonna see you next week!"
The crowd went wild! Big Mike was saved til next week!

As the show went off, Ryan reminded us, "We will lose 2 performers next week!"

It was a very riveting show! It was American Idol 2010 at its best!

A Candid Talk with my Doctor about Health Care Reform

I asked my doctor what he thought about the Health Care Reform bill and was surprised at his response.

Yesterday I had a candid talk with my medical doctor about his thoughts on the health care reform bill which recently passed Congress and was signed into law by President Obama...

See more at;

Unemployment Extension 2010 News or NO News?

Congress Has Forgotten About the 'Little Man' (again)
Unemployment Extension 2010 News or Unemployment Extension 2010 NO News?

When Congress adjourned for its recess for the Easter Holidays, did they worry about the many unemployed folks whose unemployment was expiring?

No, from what I can see, they did not.
See the rest of the story at:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

American Idol - Who is NOT going home this week?

My pick for 'Who's NOT going home" on American Idol this week, is first of all, American Idol contestant Crystal Bowersox is NOT going home, and secondly, Casey James is NOT going home.

Here's my breakdown of tonight's show:
The theme was of songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, which to me, seems to be a daunting task for some of these nine young people who remain on American Idol.

First up was young Aaron Kelly, and Simon Cowell said, "Aaron, you are seventeen, your song was old fashioned, while you should be singing something young and relevant.'"

Katie Stevens was up next, belting out "Let it Be". Randy Jackson says it "was her best performance ever" and '"that was hot!' Ellen said "Amazing!" Kara says "you're blossoming, and confident." Simon said "Tonight, you got it right!"

Third up was Andrew Garcia, with "Can't buy me Love". Randy said it was "really solid, a little corny, but okay."
Ellen piped up with "but you know, you CAN buy love", then she went on to say it was "a perfect song choice" and finished with "I loved it". Kara said "I want to love it, but..." then she continued, "I thought you could have done more with your interpretation of the song". Simon thought "the band overpowered" and that it was "old-fashioned and irrelevant".

Fourth was Michael Lynche or "Big Mike" as he has become known. At the finish of his song, Randy says he is 'loving the fact", of "seeing the artist in you blossom", Ellen thought he was 'incredible', Kara, said he was "Amazing" and "you were committed" and "Great Job!" Simon said he "didn't love it as much as the other three did", and thought "this was what you hear in musicals" and thought he was 'sliding backwards', and was 'too over the top'.

When Ryan Seacrest said before the next break that 'Bowersox Rocks us next', he absolutely got it right! Crystal Bowersox did "Rock Us" with a great rendition of "Come Together". Crystal, in her washed out, holes-in-the-knees jeans, and dangling earring, said she believes in 'stay true to yourself' as a motto and we learned that her home town of Elliston, Ohio now has a sign which says "Home of Crystal Bowersox".

I'm thinking while she is singing, "Crystal Bowersox is really knocking this one out of the park!". And it seems all the judges did agree, with Randy saying "Another solid performance", "you got into your groove", "you won me over" and "you're in the zone!" Ellen said "I just have to find a new way to tell you how great you are", and "you made it current". Kara said "one of my favorite performances", and likened the song and singer to Bonnie Raitt. Kara further said Crystal was "slinky, sexy, playful and smiling" during her performance. Simon said "that is a song performance I can hear on the radio", "that's how you make a song work", "terrific!", and "much better than last week".

The always-smiling Tim Urban (no relation that we know of to top country artist Keith Urban) was up next. "All My Loving" was his song choice and I thought he did a great job on it. Randy said he is thinking "Is it a good 'Tim' performance" and thought it was 'much better than the last couple of weeks'. Randy also asked about his 'Beatle-looking haircut', and said "I like the hairdo". Ellen thought tonight's performance was Tim's "second best performance after "Hallelula' and it was very good" and she also said "the girls go crazy" over him. Kara said it 'was his best performance with the guitar" and she said "you can smile'. Simon said "You did really well tonight, no gimmicks, didn't try to 'oversing' it" and said "you take the criticism like a man" and "I'm really proud of you."
Tim Urban said "I really enjoyed that performance!"

Casey James, of the blonde curly hair, sang "Jealous Guy", written by John Lennon. Randy said "I love that you're playing the acoustic guitar", and "You set yourself apart", "I love this" and "I really felt that."

Ellen said "That was your best performance to date," and that it was "soulful". She also said "I was moved by it" and "You have a great voice". Kara said "You showed vulnerability, and showed depth", and "You have a range, you know your voice". Kara also said, "We said 'push yourself' and you have". Simon thought it "was the best performance of the night so far" and thought Casey put his "stamp on the song", Simon continued " I'm very, very impressed with you tonight. Ryan Seacrest commented that "it was believable".

Someone close to me said, while we were watching the show, "Casey James has got the looks, he's got the voice, he's got the talent. He's going to be a great star!" I must say, I do agree!

Siobhan Magnus was up next and I thought it was a great performance, but I was not familar with the song she chose.
Randy said "I love watching you", and "Nobody screams 'artist' like you" and "I love see the tender side of you."
Ellen said, "You march to the beat of your own drum" and "I thought it was beautiful". Kara said "You showed control", and "You were restrained, polite", and "I'm not sure you would hear that on the radio". Simon asked her about her song choice and Siobhan said "I'm here for my baby sisters who are my whole world". Simon said "You came back much stronger, you are always unpredictable" . Siobhan said she and some of the other contestants talk among themselves and she says to herself "Holy Smokes, this is big!"

Last, but not least, was Lee DeWyze with his version of "Hey Jude", and almost seemed to lose focus with a bag-pipe player coming out toward the end of the performance. Randy said "You don't have to be nervous, you got this!" and told him "Believe!" Ellen said she like his "confidence", and "it was a great job" and "loved it". Kara said that in spite of some 'off moments', "I'm still a fan". Simon said he "thought it was funny" about a bagpipe player coming out during the song.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Warning on Use of Baby Slings

New Warning on Use of Baby Slings
Should You Use a Baby Sling for Your Infant Child?

New warnings are issued on the use of baby slings due to reports of infant deaths. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a warning on the use of baby slings. (1)
This warning applies to babies younger than four months old. According to the report, there were 3 deaths in 2009 alone, and there have been 12 of 14 deaths reported within the past 20 years, which involved babies younger than four months of age.
Since infants cannot control their heads because of weak neck muscles, the fabric of the baby sling can possibly suffocate the baby. And if the baby is in a 'curled' position with the chin toward the chest, the ability for proper breathing may be restricted.
Should you make use of a baby sling for your baby?
After hearing the cautions of the U.S. C.P.S.C., it may be advisable to forego their use, but if you do decide to use one, you must be sure to leave the baby's face uncovered, and make sure the baby is in an upward position where he will be able to breathe properly.

From the web page listed below comes this statement:
"CPSC is interested in receiving incident or injury reports that are directly related to infant slings. You can do this by visiting or call CPSC's Hotline at (800) 638-2772"

(1) Infant Deaths Prompt CPSC Warning About Sling Carriers for Babies, March 12, 2010

Unemployment Extension 2010 NO News

Here is my blog on Unemployment Extension 2010 News, or rather, my Blog on Unemployment Extension 2010 NO NEWS.

The Senate did adjourn for their Easter recess without worrying about the unemployment extension for all of the "little people". They've gone home to play, and enjoy the Easter Holiday, leaving the rest of us waiting in the wings, some without even an egg to put into that empty Easter Basket.

In a March 26, 2010 update on her blog, Allison Doyle says "The best course of action to help get an extension passed is to contact your elected officials and ask them to support a long term extension of unemployment benefits." (1)

There is hope, that IF an extension is passed when Congress returns, that it will be made retroactive, but there is certainly NO guarantee.

Where are our Congressmen and Senators when we most need them?

(1) Alison's Job Searching Blog