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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and why do we need it?

What is Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and why do we need it?

There was Tier 1, Tier 2, then Tier 3 and Tier 4 on the Unemployment Extensions. But there has NOT YET been a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension added in. Why not?

There are many folks who have now been unemployed long enough during this recession to draw the max on unemployment benefits, between the State funded unemployment benefits and then the Federal funded unemployment extension benefits. The masimum limit that an unemployed individual can draw it being 99 weeks has not been changed nor really even been addressed by Congress, and even though there is now a temporary extension to unemployment in place, it does NOT benefit the '99-ers' as this group is called.

Not much attention has been paid to this group, but they are now being considered as "permanently unemployed" and it actually tells you so on the last check stub that you draw on your 99 week unemployment exntension benefit.

from the web I find very few web sites with any info on the Tier 5 Unemployment extension and the reasons behind the need for it:

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits – A Benefits Extension Americans Need to Survive (1)
Writer Linda Evans says:
"Tier 5 unemployment would extend benefits an additional period of time, allowing the long term unemployed the ability to live while they continue searching for work." (1)


Tier 5 unemployment legislation update for April 21 and why taking a job can cost you UI benefits (2)
While writer Michael Thornton says "there is little to report on legislation to extend the maximum number of weeks of benefits, or Tier 5." (2) he does advise this: "Keeping the Tier 5 issue alive is going to be up to you, so be sure to contact your congressional representatives as often as you can. (2)

Yesterday I did find a website where you can sign a petition to encourage our Congress to give us a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and I created a link to that website on my own blog here at:
Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES! (3)

At last reading there were 18,164 petitioners who have signed to
"Take Action" "The 99ers need a Tier 5 added to Unemployment Benefits".
The petition was started by Issa Decker and is powered by I think they are hoping to have at least 25,000 people sign the petition to request a Tier 5 extension to unemployment.

Ok, Congress, let's make it sooner, not later, please, for the sake of all of those who are now known as 'permanently unemployed'.
What kind of picture does the image of those words - permanently unemployed - strike you with?


(1) Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits – A Benefits Extension Americans Need to Survive; April 21st, 2010

(2) Tier 5 unemployment legislation update for April 21 and why taking a job can cost you UI benefits

(3) Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!(*please note:this is my own blog)

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