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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!

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  1. im losing my house we need a tier 5 help

  2. Where are the jobs... I have two little boys that depend on my care, but they cutting off my benefits is scary how will I survive when every job I apply for is filled and I'M NOT EVEN CONSIDER. Trying to keep my head above water and stay strong for my kids. Please help


  4. We need a tier5, I am losing all that I own and can't even find a shelter,we have no food,no money,no job. How are we supposed to survive? Effie/newjersey

  5. Where is help for the 99er's!!! If we have been unemployed this long it is not for lack of seeking employment. I in my 34 years of working have never been unable to find a position; no one is hiring!!! I help my mother and disabled brother and am in fear of losing our home. Why are we constantly giving millions to bail out the banks and billions to keep our troupes in a war we have no business being in. I lived in NYC I watched the buildings fall it had nothing to do with Iraq. Now we are finally in Afghanistan hopefully to get the job done BUT imagine just giving the working poor one month of what it cost for the past 7 yrs to keep there. We could keep our homes, put food on the table, pay for water and electric etc. We are the so called richest country on this planet yet congress hems and haws about helping us Americans who have worked out whole lives, paid our taxes, voted for a new way and a change in how the middle class is treated. It will be a very, very sad day come next election if we are again left by the wayside. So please Senators hear our cry for help and do not let it fall on deaf ears.

  6. I will run out of the 4th tier unemployment extension in about 2 weeks. I am 41 years old and have worked hard and paid my taxes since I was 16. Now I cannot find work and I have no idea how I will pay my rent or buy food if my benefits run out in 2 weeks. I would love to be at work, but I can't find a job. Even jobs I am overqualified for there are others ahead of me even more qualified. Please extend benefits until there are jobs for all of us who want to work.

  7. Where are the jobs? A city the size of Stockton,CA and only 23 jobs in the Stockton Record yesterday. Half of those were military. Where did all that stimulas money go?
    From middle class to sub-poverty in 99 weeks! We need at least one more extension. Help us Obama.

  8. Help!!

    I have used up my 99 weeks, still no work to be found. We need Tier 5 now. I realize some people believe that most of us are not even trying to find a job. That is not the case, there just is not jobs out there to be found.

  9. I have been without benefits for over a month now. My utilities are scheduled to be interrupted tomorrow. I lose my house after this month. I have 2 kids in college and one about to graduate high school. No one knows how much of a failure I have felt because I couldn't do more for my son's last year of high school. OMG!!! If I could just crawl under a rock and die I would. He's been great because he knows I really have had a struggle. Just think, over a year and a half ago, I was making $950 per week.I was only receiving $275 in unemployment and now its gone. I tell you US, I'm severly depressed over how our government can send billions to other countries while we the tax payers are slowly dying!!! can we say get our priorities together!!! Oh yeah! Not to mention my house flooded in the storms which came thru TN over the weekend. If my luck was good, I'd swear I had died!!!

  10. As mentioned above, I will also have to succumb to foreclosure if a Tier 5 plan in not instituted by our legislators. I have been unemployed for about one year, sent out hundreds of resumes, interviewed, etc. Age does matter and not being 35 any longer, but late 50's, and female, does have a major impact on getting a professional job. I agree with statements or government bail outs for banks, etc. Yet, the middle class, which is dying out, can't make ends meet. Unemployment in PA is still at 9.4%! We need Teir 5 now!

  11. BJ,
    Help I have not worked in 3 yrs.I lost my last job after 28 yrs. I moved back to Tn. my home have been looking regualry here even went to school for medical assistant still no luck I am 58 yrs. old no one wants to hire anyone at this age and changing carees has not helped I need the extra extension what are we to do. I would rather work than draw unemployment.You can't afford insurance our mortage payments or anything I was a tier 2 but had drawn for 99 yes I am one of the 99ers and if a tier 5 means another extension for us yes I am all for it and in the mean time hopes someone hires me

  12. I have been without benefits since March and no job in sight. I am losing my home, will be filing bankrupt, and have ruined my good credit without knowing when I will be able to fix it. I have a son who is entering high school and I am doing everything I can so he doesn't have to live with this burden of not having any money. He should not have to live worrying about his parents and their financial well-being. I am totally disgusted with our government and especially Obama. I cannot even bring myself to call him president. We are no longer the strong America that every other country knows us to be and it will only get worse from here. Continue to bail out the big corporations and let the little people suffer. I guess we don't matter to our government anymore. I will continue to look for work and do what I can to support my family, but I have lost my admiration for this country and am hurt to know that when the things got tough, the American government left us hanging.

  13. My benefits ended in March and it has been a struggle ever since. I have continued to apply for jobs with no results, not even an interview. We desperately need a Tier 5 extension, hopefully just to make a few ends meet.

  14. I've graduated into Poverty. Once a prosperous Manager in Retail, making 60K per year, plus bonuses.. Now widdled down to a big fat Zero! PLEASE ADD A TIER 5 !!!! Until jobs are available we are a dying bread. Watch us wilt away Congress. Great job. While we paid your salaries and taxes all these years. I have nothing but disgust the way this Country behaves towards its own people. I am 53 yrs old with two teenage boys. I'm VERY capable of doing about anything..From cleaning bathrooms to Mopping floors. But I am considered 'old' now, and not entry level material!! Where are the JOBS? What happened to this so called Stimulas Jobs Bill ???????

    Disgusted !

  15. I am almost out of tier 4 and have no job offerings in sight. We need tier 5. We need to take care of our own people before we take care of every other country. How can those senators be so blind as to the needs of there own people? They would not like it if it was them in our shoes. I am 60 years old and probably won't find another decent job.

  16. I lost my job 2008 at no fault of my own. I had to move back with my mother in another state to make ends meet. I am now in need of surgery and medication and have no insurance. The state I moved to is worse than the one I left. I have less than a week of employment left on Tier 4. Jobs in this town is non-existent. I am in need of an extension. I too have worked since I was 14 years of age. I constantly look for work but as usual it's "We are not hiring.

  17. I have been unemployed for 3 and a half years, and I don't know what will happen to me, if I a Tier 5 of unemployment benefits is not approved by congress. I too have been on numerous of job interviews, and I can't seem to get a job. I need your help congress so that I may be able to keep my head above water. Also, I don't have any health insurance, but I thank God that he has blessed me to stay healthy. I don'r know what else to do. I have lots of job skills and a bachelor's degree and I can't seem to find a job. Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Since I was laid off two years ago, I have lost my home, my car, and most recently, custody of my youngest son because I have been living in a run down motel. It's all I could afford with my unemployment checks. Next week I will collect my last week of unemployment, which will pay for one more week with a roof over my head, my medication which I need to sustain life (I'm diabetic), and food for the week. I will not be able to afford gas to go see my son, and my insurance and tabs on my car will expire next month. MY car will be my home until I'm caught by the cops for vagrancy and expired tabs/insurance. I won't be able to even continue to look for a job because I won't have a perm. address, nor a vehicle to get to any interview I might get (even though I've already put applied for over 1200 jobs in the last two years, I've been called to 12, YES 12 interviews), all of which I was told I was "over qualified" for. I'm a degreed Accountant/CPA in my late 40's. So...moral of the story...My life as I've known it is gone. Everything I"ve worked for my entire life is gone. And the worst thing that I never saw coming was losing my son...because his father was lucky enough to still be employed, the courts deemed him the more responsible parent, EVEN THOUGH he has 3 DUI's, is/was 5000.00 in the arrears in child support, and hasn't seen his son in over 6 months. Another one of our wonderful govt. agencies saw fit to pluck my 14 year old son away from me and give him to his dead beat dad because he has a job and an apartment and I do not. Never mind the 14 years I provided VERY WELL for my son without any help or support from him. What else can I lose at the hands of our government who so readily help out other countries, but stall and deny it's own fellow American's? What happened to land of the free and home of the brave??? It's more like land of the lost and home of the homeless. No wonder the crime rate continues to this point I have nothing to lose...maybe I should just go rob a bank or party store or something. IF I get caught, at least I'll have a roof over my head and a meal at night. Next week I won't have either. Thank you to those conservative Republicans who THINK I'm lazy and enjoy living this way...I'm sure you would enjoy watching everything you own go out the window, including your only child. How do you people sleep at night knowing your lack compassion for the unemployed is causing homelessness, suicides, crimes that would otherwise never be commited, and parents having to give up their children because we can't feed them anymore because of YOU and your HARSH and INCORRECT ASSUMPTIONS about the long term unemployed. I pray you are humbled sometime soon, maybe then you could relate to our plight and finally PASS THE EXTENTION AND ADD A TIER 5. This country will go from bad to worse if this continues much longer....can't you people see that????

  19. American burned while the Republicans laughed. More for the rich. A little for the poor and none for those sorry middle class people

  20. I am a Military Vet (Iraq), have two boys 3&6 my wife is going to school for nursing she has been unemployed for over 4 yrs. I have been unemployed for 1 year. I had a good job and was covering the bills while my wife went to school for a better career path. Then before christmas (12 days) i got the news my position had been axed due to sales losses, and was let go. Collected uc benifits and goverment assistance (health care for boys and foodstamps) is has been tough however we keep saying it will get better. I know alot of people think it is easy to get a job, and i would agree if I was not seeing and feeling this 1st hand. I hate being like this and depending on others for assistance. But with kids you have to get by the best way possible. All I can ask that we stop pointing fingers and blamming others and use this energy to help our great country I protected and even loss blood and friends defending it!!! GBYA

  21. I have been unemployed for over one year and my benefits have stopped on 3rd June. I have used my 99 weeks of unemployment but this was not a paid vacation for me or many Americans who are in the same situation, because the benefits you received are only 1/3 of the paycheck you made when you were employed. I went back to school online to completed an Associate in Information Technology degree and still cannot find a job. Meanwhile my credit score went down, my car is in the process of being repossessed and next month I will be evicted from my house with my family because my benefits were stopped, while the Republicans (GOP) continues to play games with people’s lives. In addition the Republicans are all yea to continue the Bush-era tax cuts for taxpayers who make more than $250,000 a year that will add an estimated $678 billion to the debt over the next 10 years but cannot vote to help their citizens to get back on track. WHAT A SHAME!
    Hey GOP, I am concerned how will the Bush-era tax cuts extension for taxpayers who make more than $250,000 a year be paid for?

  22. Is my comment being voted by the white CONE HATS, sorry "GOP" to be published?

  23. I believed in working and supporting my family without the help of any outsider. When I turned 60 my organization had to down size. I was highly productive but also the highest compensated. My income was in six figures for over the last twenty years. My unemployement was less than 2K a month. Which I never had to claim until now. I have saved and owed nothing to anyone. No credit card debits, no morgage, no car payments. We only had to pay our cost of living, taxes, and insurance. I have just recieved my last unemployment check a week ago and my Cobra will be discontinued shortly. My wife of forty years is disabled and we are unable to find insurance at any cost. Without unemployement extentson and insurance the future is poor. I really wonder how people with less will survive. My prayers are with all of unemployed maybe the politians with a heart will reach out and stop this madness.

  24. I only got my 26 weeks unemployment. No extentions for me at all. I am a single mother of two teenage boys. In this world it is a struggle. My children and family our my life. but to help my family live i have to support, feed and shelter them. Without any income that is hard. I have been applying for jobs everyday everyweek Its hard. this is not fair. 29years i have worked from 40-90 hours a week now nothing. It is true some may not look for work but people shouldnt put down the ones who do look for work. It is hard to find a job in this world today. The economy will never get better, Its about time our government spends time and money helping their own country no pun intended its the truth.

  25. Please everyone have faith that our system will come through for "we the people". I have also exhausted my benefits and have recently graduated from college receiving an Associates Degree in Applied Science and a Certificate in Medical Assistant and I too still do not have any job offers. So it is rough out here right now but I will not give up on faith.

  26. please pass tier 5....we need this badly...i'm neck deep in bills...its just hard putting gas in the car or taking public transportation to go out and look for a job..we are in desperate need of this bill.......ty

  27. Without passage of this bill Congress will be shutting down a main artery of survival and growth to our country, is this what they really want?

  28. Without passage of this bill Congress is blocking a main artery to the survival and growth of this country, is this really what they want?

  29. Please pass the tier 5 I am in N.J. and I am a unemployeed chef and I am even looking for work out of state But in my industry employer's a hiring undocumented day labor's from mexico to work as cooks because of the taxes and wages .I am almost exhausted my tier 3 benifits But I never stop job searching I also am a Vet. and I have the support of the local vet group at work force N.J. I will most likly loose my apartment and become homeless once this tier 4 expires . Please ask congress to pass the tier 5 .Somthing has to jump start our econmy and help . God Bless America !

  30. I really wanna work ! Hell I'll even work to get my un-employment check! I'll sweep streets work in the parks, picking up trash. WHATEVER it takes! I'm hanging on by a thread to everything I own. Like most people here, I've worked for years and now I really need help during PLEASE PASS THIS BILL!

  31. oct-6th
    I guess tier5 must of hit
    I got a form in the mail today to fill out- it must be mailed by Friday. No info on how long this will be for. Talk about losing your self esteem- went from Production Manager of major Cable and Wire comp- to Unemployment when German Owned company decided to outsource the entire division- -54 YRS old and struggling on wifes salary is not the way I saw my future going. We are now in the upstairs apt. of my 80 yr old mother.- Some of us just can not work a job that pays less than Unemployment- which is already 1/2 the salary I was making.Its humilitaing and so stressfull I dont even want to get up somedays
    Amerika is on the wrong road, and IM starting to feel like no-one gives a sh%T

  32. If u don't want to give us 99 ers an extension then find us a good job with pension esp in jersey stop giving ur political sons, daughters, family and friends jobs who don't have any heart or desire to do it and give us the jobs who deserve it and worked hard to try to get it. It's the politicians and banks who caused us to go under and we gotta pay for it by losing our houses, food and lifeline. If u won't give us an extension then find us a good job where we can make it here if u say there r jobs here then find it for us

  33. We need the tier V or more tiers added because of the economy. And the companies are scared to hire because of the economy.
    There are so many people out of work and gone into poverty because of the economy.
    If you can put yourself in our place the situation would be different And see how you would be without no money or a regular job or food on the table at all meals.
    God has been with me at all times and He loves us all,no matter what race,color or creed we come from. But not having job and not really relying on the extension,but what can a person do.There is nothing else.

  34. To discontinue the unemployment income for the 99ers,would be a big mistake.Millions of people losing,their main,or in some cases,sole source of income would be devastating for the 99ers,their families and the economy.

    Home foreclosures,would lead to a loss of property tax revenue and then that would result in less money for the schools, which could prompt layoffs and cutbacks.

    Automobile reposessions,would decrease the demands for new cars and the auto industry would suffer,which could mean more job less. It just is a lose-lose situation. 5 million Americans losing their income is just going to destroy the economy,just when it's starting to pick up.

  35. I called today for my continued unemployment benefits and was informed there is no check being mailed! I am a so called 99er looking for work. Sending resumes and receiving not one answer for an interview. Salary down 30,000. and can't find work. I can't understand why my stub indicates a balance of approx. 4,200. and benefits have stopped prior (6 weeks)from 99 weeks????

    I will be driving without auto insurance next month. Have exhausted my 401 in the past two years to live normal. My new vehicle of almost three years has been voluntarily repossessed. I must move in 31 days and have no where to go nor any money!!! I'm not kidding anyone! Something must be passed for the many people hurting.

    Tier 5 where are you? Congress get together to resolve this important issue. This is America? Tier 4 why have you stopped paying prior to 99 weeks without NOTICE!

    Next move is welfare,what else is there? This issue is serious. Hope to find housing!!!!!!
