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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 American Idol Contestants left - Results show tomorrow, who goes home?

Only 6 American Idol contestants are left now to vie for the title of this Season's American Idol Winner of 2010. Who goes Home?  Tonight's Top 6 American Idol Contestants are:
Lee DeWyze
Crystal Bowersox
Casey James
Michael Lynche
Aaron Kelly
Siobahn Mangus

All of the young contestants have been working hard, and nerves may be getting to some of them. But I think that as this game 'gets down to the wire' they all need to be bringing their 'A game" and be giving it all they've got.
As the show begins, Ryan Seacrest tells us that 6 lives will be changed by this week's show. And as the tv camera pans around the audience, in the crowd we can see signs saying "Siobahn is my Idol".

Ryan tell us, "We owe a huge thank you to the audience, for Idol Gives Back show last week, in total, over 45 million dollars was raised for Idol Gives Back for those who need help both at home and abroad."

 Ryan then introduces the judges, Randy Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi and calls Simon Cowell, 'the fountain of youth'.

Ryan Seacrest continues: 'The crowning of American Idol is now 1 month away. Get on your feet for your Top 6!'

"They are celebrating a special songbook tonight, the music of Shania Twain. She made Country and Pop music from 15 years ago, and has won 5 Grammy's." Ryan also said 'She was the biggest Crossover artist, with 34 million in sales.'

Shania Twain, looking as young and lovely as ever, said  she wants these contestants to 'come alive' with her songs, and said "I lived them and I wrote them".  And that she wrote them 'barebones, with only a guitar'. and said  'I will be sitting on the edge of my seat' as the contestants sing her songs.

Shania also said about being a mentor for the Top 6 American Idol Contestants, that it was 'a challenge', she thought, and 'especially for the guys'.

1. Lee DeWyze was up first, he and Shania had first met in Chicago, he is to sing "You're Still the One". Shania said about Lee 'He has a fantastic style.'

After a very good rendition of "You're Still the One", Randy said: 'one of my favorite songs ever written', and 'you found a way to make it your own' and that he thought it was 'a pretty good job'.
Ellen said: she thought it was 'better than a pretty good job', and says ' you made it your version' and 'you couldn't look cuter'.
Kara said 'the sound is so relevant' and 'look how far you've come' and 'good job!'
Simon said, "I agree with everybody about everything!"

Ryan Seacrest said to Lee: "that was some great feedback" and then said "Shania Twain is grinning from ear to ear".

Each artist will have 2 phone numbers tonight.

2nd up was Big Mike, Michael Lynche, singing "It only hurt's when I'm Breathing".  Shaina Twain said to Big Mike "You could sing the phone book", and 'The ones who make it, are the ones who are feeling it the most".

Ryan said the Top 10 American Idol Summer Tour will be coming to a city near you soon, and tickets go on sale on May 14th.

After Big Mike's great rendition, with Shania watching every moment, Randy said "what I love, whether ballad or R & B, you did a great job" and "you're in the zone of who you are".
Ellen said she was a little nervous about this performance, but said "I felt your emotion'.
Kara said "Shania Twain is connected', and 'you were connected" and 'I appreciated it; and 'great job'
Simon said "I thought the performance was a little bit wet", and 'little bit girly'.
Randy or one of the other judges asked Simon "What is wet?" and Simon said "the opposite of dry!"
Shania said about Big Mike's performance "I was very emotional" and "you really got me".

3. Then it was time for Casey James. Ryan had said that "Casey James will release his inner country crooner'.
Ryan also said to Casey James, "let's rehash from last week, Kara was frustrated and Simon thought it was a little lazy".  Casey said 'I'm singning "Don't", and I'm really excited" and said 'its a singing song'.

After Casey finsihed, Randy Jackson said "best Casey James performance ever!" and "You really learned something here!"
Ellen said "Great!" and "That's really where you belong, best performance to date".
Kara said: "Artists do not hide" and "you did not hide,' and 'that's how you need to do it" and 'you'll be in front'.
Simon said "Last week I thought you weren't taking part in the competition" and then said "I agree with Randy, best so far". And then Simon said "I suggest you come down here and give this one (Shania Twain) a kiss on the lips!" And Casey James did go down to where Shania Twain was seated and embraced her!

4. Fourth up was Crystal Bowersox.  Ryan said Crystal had already gotten Shania Twain to sign her Martin guitar; and Crystal said that "Shania Twain has such an aura of positive energy". and Ryan said "Her teeth are so white" and then he said "She glows!". 
Shania said to Crystal about the song she was singing "Dreaming" to 'let that song remind you of your life right now'.
Randy said 'I kinda like the Nickle Creek version" and "I love you" and 'glad you did country'. Crystal said 'this is country week!'
Ellen, said, "I say it every week, you're brilliant and you're always gonna be good!"
Kara said that what Crystal did 'always feels honest' and 'you're still amazing'.
Simon said 'well, that's a shocker - we don't like Crystal this week!'
and "I didn't feel any conviction from you' and 'only week I didn't like it'

5. Next up was 17 year old Aaron Kelly singing "You got A Way".  Shania Twain said 'it suits him beautifully' and 'give us what you love'.
Randy said "Dude, this is your 'wheelhouse', this was 'country and a really good job!'
Ellen said "this is gonna be tough, everybody is doing so well," and she mentioned his 'maturity' and thought it was a 'good job'.

Kara said "I completely agree with Ellen".

Simon said he wanted to be 'honest' and "I think you've really struggled" and 'tonight you're a different artist' and 'this is the kind of record you need to make' and thought it was 'sincere' and 'believable' and liked it 'really well'.

Ryan Seacrest said "What's gonna happen tonight?" and "Hot competition tonight!"

6. Last but not least, Siobahn Mangus, coming up to sing "Any Man of Mine". Shania Twain's first # 1 song.
Shania Twain said about Siobahn: "She's playing a role, gonna put some attitude in the lyrics and make it come alive".  and she did!
The TV camera cut to show Shania while Siobahn was performing and she was clapping along in time to the song. Siobahn finished up with an 'ear-splitting' rendition of the ending.
Randy said "I loved it, I loved it!"
Ellen said "Way to pull the Shania "Twain" into the station" and thought it was 'fantastic!'
Kara exclaimed "Guess who's back!!"
and Simon said I really, really liked it", and 'it was fun, it was good', but he thought the ending was like 'the screaming of someone giving birth.'

Ryan Seacrest presented the Top 6 again for the audience with a recap and the numbers to call up and vote for your favorite American Idol.

Ryan said tomorrow night, among the stars who will be on the show are 2 of my favorites: Rascal Flatts and Lady Antebellum.

Who do YOU think will stick around for the finish of American Idol Class of 2010 and who do YOU think will go home on the American Idol Results Show tomorrow?

Cast your vote by leaving me a message below!

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