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Monday, April 12, 2010

Jobless Benefits Bill in Congress, Yes? or No!

Unemployment Extension 2010, Jobless Benefits Bill in Congress, Yes? or No!

Fox News says the 'closure' vote on this bill is up again at 2 pm today and expected to be voted on by 5:30 pm.

Do You want your Senator to vote to extend Unemployment Benefits, or not?

Better 'get on the horn' with your lawmakers, by phone, by email or however you can, and make your wishes known!

Here's today's breakdown of news, so far, from the Internet about the Jobless Benefits Bil, the Unemployment Extension 2010 and our returning Congress today.

Bill to extend jobless benefits faces Senate showdown (1)
Apr 11, 2010 ... 'Congress is poised for another partisan showdown over extending unemployment insurance, as concerns about the growing budget deficit have ...

TV Coverage Of Unemployment Benefit Issue This Week Likely To Frustrate Jobless Viewers (2)
'After weeks of wall-to-wall television coverage of the battle over health care, advocates for the unemployed were hoping attention in Congress would shift to the plight of the long-term unemployed. But while the issue of unemployment benefits is likely to get a lot of attention this week, it won't be the type of attention the jobless might have been hoping to see..."

Jobless benefits, bank reform, climate await lawmakers (3)
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- "Extending jobless benefits, reforming financial companies and grappling with climate change will top U.S. lawmakers' agenda when they return from a two-week break on Monday..."

Senate Dems plan a busy schedule as SCOTUS debate looms (4)
The Hill - Taylor Rushing - "The work period is likely to start with some acrimony over legislation to extend unemployment benefits. Republicans are blocking an extension unless the ... "

(1) Bill to extend jobless benefits faces Senate showdown

(2) TV Coverage Of Unemployment Benefit Issue This Week Likely To Frustrate Jobless Viewers

(3) Jobless benefits, bank reform, climate await lawmakers

(4) Senate Dems plan a busy schedule as SCOTUS debate looms

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