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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

American Idol 2010 Results Show - Who goes home?

American Idol 2010 results show - Who goes home tonight?

I don't want it to be Crystal Bowersox and I don't want it to be Casey James!

The show opens with the 9 final American Idol contestants, Aaron Kelly, Michael Lynch, Lee DeWyze, Crystal Bowersox, Katie Stevens, Andrew Garcia, Tim Urban, Casey James and Siobhan Magnus harmonizing on a John Lennon-Paul McCartney song medley.
Then before too long, Ryan Seacrest takes the first steps forward in eliminating tonight's losing American Idol contestant.

Ryan asks Tim Urban, how he is feeling? Tim answers "I'm feeling good." then Ryan says to Katie Stevens, "are you nervous?", and Katie admits, "Yes, I am feeling nervous."

Ryan starts by calling out Siobhan, and says that "Kara said you were believable when you sang", then he said "Siobhan, go to the center of the stage".

Then Crystal Bowersox was next, and Ryan said "after the nationwide vote, Crystal, you too, go to the center of the stage". Then Katie Stevens was next, and Katie told Ryan "I was singing for my grandma". Then Ryan said, "go to the center of the stage". Ryan then asked Randy if he thought these 3 girls would go home tonight. Randy said "No, they won't go home, based on their performances last night."

Ryan called out to Crystal, "Have a seat, Crystal, you are safe!". Then he spoke to Katie and Siobahn, "You are both safe, the 3 girls are all safe, it will be one of the boys tonight".

Then a performance by a new singer that Kara signed, Jason sang his hit song. Very good performance with dancers as backup, everyone enjoyed it, and Simon even complimented Kara on her 'find'.

Then American Idol former contestant, runner up David Archuleta, came onstage and gave an astounding rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine". After a great performance by David, the crowd went wild. Ryan asked David if this performance made him as nervous as the final show when he got runner up. David said, no, he thought the final show made him more nervous. Ryan said "have you met Ellen", and David said "Yes, I met Ellen, I was even on her show". Ryan asked David what he's been doing, David said he's been writing, and recording on his next album.

Then Ryan says "Dim the lights, get the results of the bottom 3 from these 6 guys".

Lee DeWyze is the first called to the front. Ryan says "Lee sang 'Hey Jude', showed more confidence according to the judges".
Lee said "I need to show the confidence. I do have it". Randy looked at Lee and said "Own it, baby, own it, own it!"
Lee was sent to the one side of the stage by Ryan.

Big Mike was the next contestant to be called up by Ryan. Ryan said "You sang Eleanor Rigby, the judges thought the vocal was fantastic. Mike, you go to the other side of the stage from Lee to a new group.:

Casey James was next. Ryan said "You sang 'Jealous Guy', Simon thought it was the best performance of the night. Casey, join Lee on that side of the stage."

Young Aaron Kelly was called to the front, Ryan said "You sand 'Long and Winding Road'." Then Ryan asked "Does Aaron have a good enough vocal to return next week?" Simon said "Aaron is hard working, but Aaron, you just need to work harder, and imagine you are making a record."
Aaron joined Big Mike on his side of the stage.

Then Tim Urban was called up, Ryan said "Tim sang 'All My Loving', Tim, joine Lee and Casey."

Then Andrew, last of the 6 remaining guys was called up. Ryan said "You sang 'Can't Buy Me Love'. Ellen and Randy thought it was a solid performance. Join Mike and Aaron on their side of the stage. Then Ryan said "One of these two groups is safe, one group is the bottom 3".

Then Ryan asked Ellen to choose which group she thought was the 'bottom 3'.
Ellen said "This is horrible, having to choose, but I would say the group to the left (Big Mike, Andrew and Aaron)".

Then Ryan said that is the 'bottom 3' group, and told the other group of Lee, Tim and Casey to have a seat as they were safe.

Ryan then said that one of the 'bottom 3' group is safe, and he told Aaron he was safe, have a seat. And that either Big Mike or Andrew would be leaving, unless the judges choose to 'save' the bottom one, either Andrew or Mike.

Rhianna then took the stage, and 'wowed' the audience with her superb performance.

Then it was back to the elimination of one of the American Idol guys tonight.

Ryan said "Michael and Andrew are uncertain of their future. One is safe - that is Andrew who is safe! Big Mike is now going to 'sing for his life'.

After a very stirring performance, Big Mike (Michael Lynche) awaited the decision on his future from the Randy, Ellen, Kara and Simon. Would they use their ONLY 'save' to keep him in the competition, or would they 'let him go home'?

Ryan asked, "Judges, what is your decision? Will you use your ONLY 'save' or send him home?"

As Big Mike and the audience and the world waited on tenterhooks, Simon began to speak to Michael about his performance:
"We wish you'd done something like that yesterday. This decision was unanimous, if it's any comfort to you. We have decided. We're gonna see you next week!"
The crowd went wild! Big Mike was saved til next week!

As the show went off, Ryan reminded us, "We will lose 2 performers next week!"

It was a very riveting show! It was American Idol 2010 at its best!

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