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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment Open letter to Congress and the President

Tier 5 Unemployment Open letter to Congress and the President:

I have now been unemployed since December 2007 when the company I worked for went bankrupt, putting a great many people out of a job. I had been employed there for close to 10 years. Having searched for other jobs, I realize I am handicapped by my age, and that, even though I am willing and able, none of the companies I applied to seemed to be 'willing and able' to hire me.
Our jobs are gone.
In some cases, our homes are gone.
In other cases, our families are gone, split up by the lack of money with which to hold body and soul (and family) together.
In too many cases, all hope is gone for a decent recovery from our long term unemployment crisis.
We are told to 'sit on the back burner', 'don't rock the boat', and 'go find a job, any job'.
There is no shame in "flipping burgers at MickeyD's" but neither is there enough wage to pay the rent or mortgage, along with necessary utilities.
No money to dress children as they need to be dressed in order to send them to school.
No money to feed those same children as they deserve to be fed.
Wholesome and well thought out meals have long ago flown out the window along with our savings, any thought of improvement to our situation no longer enters our dreams at night.
What dreams, you may ask? Those dreams each of us in this great country should be able to have:
1). dreams of a free America,
2). dreams of a supportive America,
3). dreams of an equal-for-everyone America,
4.) dreams of a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps America.
It is, however, rather difficult to "pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstrap's" when:
A.) you have no boots,
B.) you have no inkling of how to get any boots
C). you wouldn't know what to do with said boots, even if you had

What is the answer to this dilemna, you ask? Now, if I knew the answer to that question, I would now be richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, combined. And I would be more famous, than, say, Elvis.

What the answer is NOT, however, I can tell you, should you care enough to ask.

The answer is NOT to cut off unemployment benefits to the thousands, yea, millions, of unemployed workers who are depending on their own government of the "We, the people", "One Nation Under God" United States of America, to see them through this national catastrophe of unimagined, historic, unequaled lack of jobs in a time of recession such as has not been seen since my own mother, herself, was but a young, married woman, starting a family with my dad in the early 1930's in this country.

The answer is NOT to sit in a position of power, in our Congress or Presidental offices, and be glib about those who are out of work, through no fault of their own.

The answer is NOT to say, "OK, we will take care of SOME of these of the unemployed, but the rest of them - the long-term unemployed - will have to wait from June until November before we will address the issue of whether they may live or die".

The answer is NOT to say, "Oh, but we must FIRST balance the budget before we see that you are fed".

What to do? What to do?

Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known.
We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed.


  1. thank you for this oppurtunity to share my concerns. I lost my job three moths ago. Since then I've been looking for work. I have not found anything that will pay the bills. Now my unemployment benefits is finished. I just need more time, a few weeks maybe. I dont need 2 or three years. I just need a few weeks thats all.

  2. I am not a 99er, I've only collect benefits for 91 weeks and now they say 'my benefits are exhausted. Isn't this emergency $--no, it's not. I was waiting for tier 4 bill to pass. When it did, I got six weeks in arears. Now, nothing. In the Outer Banks we have 30 people applying for the same job...small town. Is this emergency benefit $ or not? It's not money from the government, it's money our employers paid into unemployment according to my nc esc office. Therefore, all the hype about people saying 'our government can't bail everyone out..' THEY ARE NOT...this is so frustrating...because on one breath they say emergency money, then when I call they say you didn't work enough in a quarter to get paid out...WHAT?! The government helps overseas, and helps the big dogs, in corporate america, bails out the banks, and then can't bail us our time of need. I am 41 and was laid of in march of 2008 went back to work in march of 2009 for six months and then filed a new claim and now I am out of luck as they say. Oh well, all we can do now is pray.
