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Monday, June 14, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, Yes? NO?

2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension, Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, our Senators and Congressmen will be voting on this 'Extenders' Bill this week!

There is STILL no relief in sight for the unemployed and especially for the long-term unemployed. Those of us who are hopeful of receiving consideration from our elected officials on the question of 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension or on Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension.

With my state having over 10% unemployment, that means at least 1 of every 10 persons I know is unemployed.
Well, guess what? When I look at how many are unemployed just in my husband's immediate family alone, he has 2 brothers-in-law and 1 sister-in-law who have now been out of work for OVER 1 year, along, with ME, his wife! So, out of my husband's immediate family:
1. 1 sister's husband was laid off,
2. another sister's husband was laid off,
3. his only living brother's wife was laid off,
4. and I have been laid off the longest, since December 2007.

So of this family of (now) 6 siblings and their spouses (which is a total of 12 people), there are FOUR of us going without a job, mine's been gone since Dec 2007, 1 since about April 2008, 1 since about May 2008 and the last one since Dec 2008. The only one, as far as I am aware as of this writing, still drawing unemployment benefits, the last one who was laid off in Dec 2008.
So with 4 of the 12 of us having become unemployed, laid off, let go - in this part of our family alone, the unemployment rate is THIRTY percent, NOT 10.5 percent!

NO JOBS are to be found! NO JOBS are to be found!

Can you hear us, Washington? NO JOBS are to be found!
OK, guys, Wednesday is "Showdown Day" according to a late-breaking story from Fox News tonight. Although the outcome seems almost predicated. I hope and pray that our Representatives will stand out from the crowd and actually 'represent' us.
So here is a story which is told by it's headline:
Crucial Vote Set on Unemployment Benefits, Tax Credit Extensions bill - Failure Possible; The story goes on to say, in part, "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, set Wednesday as showdown day with Republicans and some members of his own party, over a $141 billion "extenders" bill (1)
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2) gives Unemployment Rates for States;
Monthly Rankings; Seasonally Adjusted for Apr. 2010
The table indicates Indiana unemployment at 10.0%, Georgia unemployment at 10.4% and Tennessee, where I live, is at 10.5% unemployment. Certainly, there are 3 states who are UNDER 6% unemployment, those 3 being North Dakota (3.8%), South Dakota (4.7%) and Nebraska at 5.%. The hardest hit is Michigan (14%) with Nevada running a close second at 13.7% unemployment.
NO JOBS are to be found! NO JOBS are to be found!

Can you hear us, Washington? NO JOBS are to be found!

(1) Crucial Vote Set on Unemployment Benefits, Tax Credit Extensions bill - Failure Possible

(2) Bureau of Labor Statistics; Unemployment Rates for Statesl; June 14, 2010;

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