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Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Relief in Sight for Tier 5 Unemployment applicants

There is no relief in sight for Tier 5 unemployment applicants who have run out of money and run out of time. Congress wants to 'balance the budget', not help the unemployed workers in America!

Tier 5 unemployment applicants have been abandoned and left behind

June 02, 2010
I have often written about Tier 5 unemployment benefits since being laid off work in December 2007.

I try to keep up with the current news about Tier 5 unemployment benefit extensions in 2010, and when I did a search today for the subject matter here is what I found

Tier 5 and extended unemployment benefits: why Paul Krugman thinks it's a mistake to end them now (1)

June 1, 6:31 PM Rochester Unemployment Examiner (by Michael Thornton)

I often read Michael Thornton's articles on this subject, so today I subscribed to them, so I could keep up with what he is saying.

In this article Michael Thornton says: (1)
"Congress seems to have found that cutting the budget deficit on the backs of the unemployed is the best way to fiscal health, yet they have no problem giving hedge fund managers huge budget busting tax breaks."

I left a note on Michael Thornton's article saying:(1 - in comments at bottom of page)
'Out of unemployment benefits since it is June and yes, it is rough, and yes - I expect it will get rougher. One of my Senators, Lamar Alexander, wrote me back and this was part of his email: "As our economy has continued to lag, both parties in Congress want to extend unemployment benefits. The difference is, the majority wants to do it by adding to the federal debt, but senators on my side of the aisle want to do it without adding to the federal debt. In April 2010, I voted for three amendments - rejected by the Senate majority - that, without adding to the debt would have extended unemployment benefits."
The other Senator, Bob Corker, said: "... at this time, there are no proposals to provide for a further expansion of unemployment benefits for those who have exhausted both their standard unemployment benefits and all four tiers of Federal Emergency Unemployment. "
More important they 'balance the budget' than to help the out-of-work worker!! '

I have sent an email to as many of my own state's representatives and senators as I could. Some I cannot send an email to, as they only allow their own constituents' email from valid zip codes within their individual districts.

I have also sent emails to Nancy Pelosi, and to various members of the House and Senate saying:

'All of us who are still long term unemployed need help to get a Tier 5
Unemployment Extension to our benefits. There are NO jobs for us!
Please search the Internet for Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and read some of
the info posted by many Americans who are losing everything they have due to no
Job and no money.
Thank you!'

and I have sent this email to Ms Pelosi and others of the House and Senate, saying:

''The unemployment numbers do not reflect all of the folks who are STILL unemployed and have 'fallen off' the rolls.
Tier 5 applicants for unemployment insurance benefits have been abandoned and left behind!'

(1) Tier 5 and extended unemployment benefits: why Paul Krugman thinks it's a mistake to end them now

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