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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, will the elected representatives do their job and 'represent' their constituents?

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, will the elected representatives do their job and 'represent' their constituents?

One subject I keep writing about is the dire need for an extension of unemployment benefits and especially for a Tier 5 unemployment benefit extension for those who have exhausted all resources and still cannot find employment. Somehow, I just don't feel like we are 'getting through' to our Congressmen and Senators in Washington, D.C., who seem to always 'have their own agenda' which does not correlate to the needs of their constituents.
Why would my state Senators and my state Congressman think that it is more important to 'balance the budget', than to give direly needed help to the blue-collar, or white-collar working man and woman and why don'tmy Senators and Congressmen strive to ensure these folks have the much-needed help in getting back on their feet in this time of economic down-fall? Why are they not RUSHING in to help the unemployed?
I am (almost) at a loss for words when it comes to this subject, when I see the uncaring attitudes of our elected representatives.
One of my heroes in this whole Tier 5 unemployment benefits extension fight-to-the-finish is none other than columnist Michael Thornton who is absolutely ON TOP of this entire issue with daily postings on this subject and continual updates for the rest of us who have an interest in whether or not 'our Congress is going to be'with us' or whether 'our Congress will be against us' in this fight to keep home and hearth together for so many unemployed Americans.
Here is a link to one of Michael Thornton's latest webpages on this subject: (1)
Another of my heroes on the Tier 5 Unemployment benefits extension subject is Alison Doyle, who, along with Michael Thornton, keeps us up-to-date on what is going on in Washington, D.C.
Here is a link to one of Alison Doyle's postings on unemployment: (2)
And sometimes, the headline of an article says it all such as this one by Chris Houston on
With 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension in Balance, Senate Pauses to Talk Baseball? (3)

and this story by the same author on
2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension or Solve National Debt (4)

2 of my own articles on this subject on Associated are:
Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension is Sorely Needed by the long-term Unemployed (5)
[Jun 3, 2010] There is no relief in sight for Tier 5 unemployment applicants who have run out of money and run out of time. Congress wants to 'balance the budget', not help the ...

Tier 5 Unemployment Extension: Nancy's Letters of Unemployment (6)
[Jun 8, 2010] Tier 5 Unemployment Extension: Letters or Emails or Comments I Have Received Concerning ... Can our Congress really ignore us and our need for a Tier 5 unemployment extension? ...

From what I am hearing, there is an upcoming vote on Tuesday about the unemployment extension. Will our elected representatives come thru for us or not?

(1) Tier 5, extended unemployment, H.R. 4213, Ed Schultz: Senate fiddles while the unemployed get burned; June 13,2010;;
(2) Unemployment Extension News; June 13, 2010;;
(3) With 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension in Balance, Senate Pauses to Talk Baseball?; June 12, 2010,

(4) 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension or Solve National Debt; June 12, 2010,

(5) Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension is Sorely Needed by the long-term Unemployed; June 03, 2010,

(6) Tier 5 Unemployment Extension: Nancy's Letters of Unemployment June 08, 2010;

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