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Thursday, June 17, 2010

2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension is sorely needed by anxious Americans

2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension is sorely needed by anxious Americans.
Many of the out-of-work Americans who are hurting the worst are NOT being heard by our Congress and the 'powers-that-be' in Washington DC.
These folks understand that Congress desires to 'balance the federal budget'.
These folks understand that you want to invest in 'jobs creation' strategies.
These folks understand that it may not be 'the popular thing' to extend more unemployment benefits at this time.
However, these folks, ALSO understand the dire necessity of funds coming into the home to feed and house themselves and their families.
These folks do NOT want to lose everything they have, such as having to let a home go into foreclosure due to NO JOB, and no other means of obtaining an income. The immense cost to the capability of retaining viable credit for these folks is presently overwhelming and it is impossible for someone who has been out of work for so long to recover and be a good credit risk in good standing. Therefore, no new homes will be bought by these folks. No new cars will be purchased. Only the barest of essential needs will be met with many ending up on the streets, or at homeless shelters. Perhaps we should start a national soup-line?
These folks understand the hardship all of the others are going through, and these folks want to know why so many of our Congress and other leaders in Washington, D. C. are 'simply turning a blind eye' to this problem.
No, these folks are not in it for a 'handout'. These are and have been hard-working blue collar, and white collar, and professional workers for all their lives, in most cases.
These folks also understand, there are NO JOBS. I challenge you: Look into any local print newspaper and let me know how many actual "WANT ADS' for employment are there?
In my local paper, I see PAGES and PAGES of FORECLOSURE NOTICES. There recently were 2 or 3 jobs listed, a far cry from the days prior to this hard-hitting recession, when there were many, many columns of jobs listings, which nessesitated various column headings for the individual job opening classifications.
These folks are also hearing from 'prospective' employers they 'will not hire anyone who is currently unemployed'. Why is this happening? It should be against the law, as a form of discrimination. What can we do on this matter?
Think of us as your sister, or brother-in-law, or your cousin, your next-door neighbor, or your old high school buddy who is having a tough time, and you are in a position to offer some help and assistance to us.
So, whereas, "We The People" of these "United States of America", simply ask for help and a 'hand-up' and not for a 'handout', we do ask our Congress and elected officials for prompt consideration in the matter of the "jobless" "extenders" bill to give relief to all of the unemployed.

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