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Saturday, June 19, 2010

These Folks, The Unemployment Lament, original song by Nancy P. Goodman

6/19/2010 9:49:33 AM

These Folks, The Unemployment Lament
Original song by Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved

one day I started a petition
and I look around
and find
Lots of these folks besides me
Have unemployment on their mind

these folks on unemployment
are hoping and praying too
that their Congress
don’t make them meet
their ‘Waterloo’

West Virginia,
I see you

There’s even
Portugal too

I see you

North Carolina
I see you

South Carolina too

New Jersey
I see you, too

Hey Nevada
I know you’re hurtin’
And Michigan
I do see you

And the big
Old big apple
New York, too

And there’s Hawaii
Right there over the blue

And Wisconsin
Yeah, I do see you

How many more
Will it take before
We can get through

Before we can get through
To Congress
Before we can get through
We want to let them know
This is how it (all) went down
We lost a job
Sometimes we loved
Through no fault of our own
We don’t wanna be beggars
We just don’t wanna drown
Don’t wanna
Drown in the debt
That’s holding us back
(while we’re looking)
Looking for a job

'These Folks, The Unemployment Lament'
Original song by Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved
Copyright, Nancy P. Goodman
Hendersonville, Tennessee

Thursday, June 17, 2010

2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension is sorely needed by anxious Americans

2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension is sorely needed by anxious Americans.
Many of the out-of-work Americans who are hurting the worst are NOT being heard by our Congress and the 'powers-that-be' in Washington DC.
These folks understand that Congress desires to 'balance the federal budget'.
These folks understand that you want to invest in 'jobs creation' strategies.
These folks understand that it may not be 'the popular thing' to extend more unemployment benefits at this time.
However, these folks, ALSO understand the dire necessity of funds coming into the home to feed and house themselves and their families.
These folks do NOT want to lose everything they have, such as having to let a home go into foreclosure due to NO JOB, and no other means of obtaining an income. The immense cost to the capability of retaining viable credit for these folks is presently overwhelming and it is impossible for someone who has been out of work for so long to recover and be a good credit risk in good standing. Therefore, no new homes will be bought by these folks. No new cars will be purchased. Only the barest of essential needs will be met with many ending up on the streets, or at homeless shelters. Perhaps we should start a national soup-line?
These folks understand the hardship all of the others are going through, and these folks want to know why so many of our Congress and other leaders in Washington, D. C. are 'simply turning a blind eye' to this problem.
No, these folks are not in it for a 'handout'. These are and have been hard-working blue collar, and white collar, and professional workers for all their lives, in most cases.
These folks also understand, there are NO JOBS. I challenge you: Look into any local print newspaper and let me know how many actual "WANT ADS' for employment are there?
In my local paper, I see PAGES and PAGES of FORECLOSURE NOTICES. There recently were 2 or 3 jobs listed, a far cry from the days prior to this hard-hitting recession, when there were many, many columns of jobs listings, which nessesitated various column headings for the individual job opening classifications.
These folks are also hearing from 'prospective' employers they 'will not hire anyone who is currently unemployed'. Why is this happening? It should be against the law, as a form of discrimination. What can we do on this matter?
Think of us as your sister, or brother-in-law, or your cousin, your next-door neighbor, or your old high school buddy who is having a tough time, and you are in a position to offer some help and assistance to us.
So, whereas, "We The People" of these "United States of America", simply ask for help and a 'hand-up' and not for a 'handout', we do ask our Congress and elected officials for prompt consideration in the matter of the "jobless" "extenders" bill to give relief to all of the unemployed.

Have the unemployed been abandoned by both the Congress and the mainstream media?

The unemployed in this country, among those being also the 'long-term unemployed' have been abandoned and left behind.

Has our 'mainstream media' forsaken the unemployed, along with our Congress?

Without publicity and the support of the mainstream media, how can the largely forgotten unemployed worker in this country even have a slight hope of getting what is needed just to survive?

Strange, but when I do a web search for "Unemployment" I find out more from the 'Blogs' and 'Weblogs' concerning 'Unemployment', than I am from the mainstream news outlets online.

While reading an article earlier today on "Politics Daily" about the Google Trends website being hacked, I looked at the bottom of the page where there was a list of 'NEWS FROM OUR PARTNERS' (from Politics Daily), and of all of these "partner" websites, NONE of the lead stories even MENTIONED the word 'unemployment: Those 'partner' websites were:;;;;

I then did a search on that particular web page (1) for first, 'unemployed', NO RESULTS found and then for "unemployment" and again, NO RESULTS FOUND. I then backtracked to the HOME page of Politics and performed the same 2 search of the webpage (2) and again the exact same results NO RESULTS FOUND.

Ok, so back to the 'search engines' and this time under BING search engine, I did find one article of interest while searching for "unemployment':
Senate tries trimming extra unemployment benefits (3) 'Senate leaders are proposing to scale back emergency unemployment benefits to get a bill passed'
So as least one story on unemployment is alive today!
Here, then as promised are more of the letters and emails I have received from many of the hard-hit unemployed: (these are, for the main part, as written originally by the individual writer, with no editing from yours truly):
'not takeing care of your own'. (Guest) 06/17/2010
I don't get it! how can we as a people, calling our senate great people,and working so hard for the american dream, help all these other places around the world, but do nothing @ home!! shame on you law makers, shame on you!!!
(Guest) 06/17/2010

you will help every other country when they have a crisis but when it comes to helping our own US Citizens you drag your feet November will be here soon enough and we will remember how you treated US

S Gardner 06/16/2010
Great article. Awful it didn't pass. Wish the Dems would have accepted the Republicans amendments to cut some of their own overspending and used some of the unused and unallocated stimulus funds to fund it and then we would all get a reprieve while we continue to look for work. Too much to ask I guess, for government to tighten its own very slack belt to help the people they were elected to represent. Pray and fight on! Another bill should follow

Sharon (Guest) 06/17/2010
Why doesn't Government use unpaid stimulus funds to pay for unemployment? This way it would not add to the deficit and both sides can finally make a decision that benefits the unemployed.
Troy-ILL (Guest) 06/17/2010
I've lost my car, bankrupted, behind in rent. Can not find any job in my field. Willing to take job for less money but none. This supposed to be the unemployment bill not the FED spending bill. THIS IS THE EMERGENCY< SIR. The $9 billions Bill became the $115 billions Bill. PASS THIS ASAP before this country become the country of the HOMELESS. Stop blaming the other side. WORK TOGETHER TO PASS THE $9 Billions.

S Gardner 06/16/2010
It's just awful. I should find out in a day or two if my Fed-Ed Benefits have been cut off. Yeap, even in the middle of the Fed-Ed Tier, they can cut you off, no matter how many weeks they told you you had left or how much more in benefits, because the Fed-Ed extension wasn't already funded. So ... could be the end of the road for me. Already lost my car. I'm bankrupt but can't afford to file a bankruptcy. Already behind on my house, even though I got the mortgage modified last year. Pray everyone, for each other and for ourselves. Pray for our country. Our leadership is a mess. They caused this, and don't have the will to fix it. Just into political gain.

Terri (Guest) 06/15/2010
You are so right about the numbers being a lot higher. You know they never really count the actual people on unemployment or those who are out of funds? They call 100 people and ask if they are looking for a job.... lame and incorrect count!

Frankie (Guest) 06/15/2010
Congress takes so many 10 day vacations they don't what day or week it is sometimes...they ought to remember in November and it's our tax nickel that keeps them in clover.
S Gardner 06/16/2010
Great article(s), Nancy. I, too, am unemployed and sickened by the handling of the economy and people in our position from this administration and Congress. Far too much politics going on at the expense of the American people. Keep getting the word out and fighting the good fight. This, too, shall end. But we MUST survive!
tony g (Guest) 06/16/2010
I agree with you all I have sent numerous lettrs to cnn. and congress and who ever would take the e-mail no answers from any one granted the oil crises is tragic but so is the fact that ther are no jobs can't start a business cause I'm not a minority but if you look they get it all women and african americans not the white man so i can't even buy myself a job
Jennifer (Guest) 06/15/2010
Congress just doesn't get it. They keep adding to the problem. Releasing 40,000 from the prisons (they will be looking for work) all of the new grads that now need work. The labor pool is just too big for the amount of jobs that are available to support the people that are looking to keep their familes afloat. If I was offered a job for minimum wage (that is if I was offered) I still could not make my house pymt or pay bills. People need to live for the now not the future for the time being.
terri (Guest) 06/15/2010
Give us a Tier 5 and help the American people to survive. It is important to help other countries that need help, but in this job crisis the help has to start here.
Dawn Miller (Guest) 06/14/2010
I am waiting as well for news on the unemployment extension. I have 5 kids 2 with diabetes, a single mother struggling to find a job and make ends meet and my unemployment is ready to end next week. What will we all do?
Joel Frost (Guest) 06/13/2010
This is a great article! There is an organization that many should join because they are fighting to get this fixed! Its:

Ken s (Guest) 06/14/2010
This is beyond bad,did they see the need for more police this will get violent.99ers don't want a hand out just a hand up.
Jan Corn 06/13/2010
Sad to read the comment from the person who is struggling. I'm hoping that unemployment benefits are there for those in such need.
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/13/2010
Each individual, plus friends, family and any who are affected by this national unemployment crisis: Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known. We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed
Dave M. STL (Guest) 06/10/2010
I could have not said it better, Amen!!! My family and I are one of the families that are going down fast. God help us all!!!!
Chris Houston 06/10/2010
I like it. I added you to my favorites and I subscribed so I now see when you publish a story so I don't miss it.
Emily O (Guest) 06/10/2010
Angry (Guest) 06/16/2010
I voting some of these people out of office...They need to see how it feels not to have money to support their family......SIGN THE BILL
Carrie (Guest) 06/15/2010
I bet Tier V would pass quickly if THEY weren't getting any income! This is rediculous. We are trying to play hero to the rest of the world, but at what expense. Time to turn our focus inward and get our country on track! I'm starting to lose faith in our government and elected officials. For crying out loud, if it was their kids going hungry we'd have unemployment until EVERYONE in the US was employed. Like we are ever going to pay down the National Debt anyway. Quit whining about money and help our country. If an extension doesn't get passed, it will only get worse.
bruce almost homeless (Guest) 06/14/2010
Isay lets all move in the white house
Ryan (Guest) 06/14/2010
I suggested to my elected officials 2 months ago that unemployment be extended until unemployment is below 6% for 26 consecutive weeks and that the federal government do a better job at informing employers about the HIRE Act. The government could have produced PSA about this , but they have not ! Why not just inform employers that they must start hiring and they will receive a tax credit and if they don't they will their taxes increase
D.Castile (Guest) 06/14/2010
Here's what I dont get.People like me who only got to draw 26 weeks is being told I don't qualify for even one extension something is wrong with that.When everybody else has drawn for 2 years.Where is the justice in that.
Andrew (Guest) 06/14/2010
Ok I say everyone should just stop paying everything and let the Gods of credit fall. Companies that lend money right now are adding fuel to the fire because they are like loan sharks. They give you what they know you can't afford then decend like vultures when you default. Stop the cycle, stop using credit. Our grandparents paid cash for everything and now own what they bought. No one taking their homes or cars because they knew how to live before CREDIT. A credit score is just a number that you don't need. Don't finance a car, buy used, don't finance a home, rent, and don't buy things like the new 3D TV's and crap like that because it's all made out of our country. Get a cardboard box and start putting cash in it for the future.
Tom (Guest) 06/14/2010
This country is going down fast. Obama didn't cause this mess he is just making it worse. This country needs to put the brakes on and reorganize it's priorities before we see soup kitchens and ghost towns. My local paper did an article about how high foreclosuers are getting rather than focus on how to stop them. The local credit councelor told me that in order for me to get help I'll need to find a job. WOW good thing I went there. She told me the location of the food banks and when to collect food. She told me to sell everything I have to pay my bills, she told me to get rid of all the expenses like my car, home and take the bus move in with family etc. No heart, no answers. I told her I did then she told me I'll have to claim bankruptcy in the future. This is hope, right? Hope is knowing that our life is going to change for the better not worse. Hope is knowing that my kids will not go through this, and hope is knowing that things will get better. If i have to start over , I will b
USAUSA (Guest) 06/14/2010
There are plenty of jobs out there. Repo-man, Sheriff Deputy in charge of booting people out of their homes, utility shut off people, congress aids, and the ever popular food stamp distributor. So what's the problem? I really don't know how anyone can do any of these jobs with their head held high at times like these.
Janet (Guest) 06/13/2010
There is one more thing that our Government needs to do for us (along with more extension tiers). They have to punish the employers out there who are boy-cotting the currently "unemployed" who are applying for jobs. This ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE AGAINST THE LAW during times of recession (better yet, depression). These employers should PAY HEAVILY for making this type of decision! When someone does this to you, report them to your local Senators, Mayors, Governors, etc. It's discrimination in the worst form (right behind AGE discrimination). I pray that any company who is using this practice for hiring GOES UNDER! NOW!
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/13/2010
Each individual, plus friends, family and any who are affected by this national unemployment crisis: Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known. We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed
Cynthia (Guest) 06/12/2010
I have been unemployed for about 1.6mos with no job in sight. And my unemployment has ran out. What is a girl to do. I still have bills and need to pay for a place to stay. Now what do I do. I am a previous tax payer for what I have worked all my life and now to get to this point no money, no job,and now help of a way out. I just heard that the U.S. is helping other countries when we ourselves need help. I am so stressed out that I cant really interview knowing all the things that I have to deal with it the job doesn't come through. I and others need HELP and if I have worked for 10 years why dont I at least have 5 years of unemployment. We as unemployed people need to protest this action for a better america.If people dont find jobs that will lead to chos in the community. PLEASE HELP US !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dee (Guest) 06/12/2010
I so agree that we need a Tier V unemployment benefit. I was told just yesterday by my local unemployment office that I can't receive Tier IV benefits until Congress reconvenes and signs off on the extension of benefits. I mean really, I understand you want to get re-elected and that's important to you but seriously, there are millions of UNEMPLOYED Americans who would like to be able to try and do things like, oh I don't know, pay our rent and mortgage, purchase food, keep our utilities know, pesky little things like that. I can't beg, borrow or steal a job right now and I have never been in a position where I couldn't find employment. There aren't enough jobs for those who need them, or I'm told I'm overqualified for some of the positions I apply for but I just want and need to work right now so still I apply and keep plugging away. In the year and a half that I've been unemployed I've had a total of 6 interviews, 5 of which came this year. We need the extension and we
cindy (Guest) 06/11/2010
You won't get a response from Pelosi, I have written her daily since she opened her big mouth but to no avail, all she could say is she is stupid. To think that this is the type of people we have reunning our country make me sick. She should be susspended from her job for a degrading remark like that or even sued, for defamation of character. Between her and Baucus, neither should be able to have a say on anything that would help out the economy, it's obvious they don't have a clue. Congress needs to wake up and help the people who in turn can help them. Until this economy shows signs of real improvement, they need a TierV or crime, homelessness, suicide, etc. will be on the rise. WAKE UP CONGRESS IT'S UP TO YOU TO HELP US OUT.
Harry (Guest) 06/10/2010
Making sure that the average person in this country can feed the economy by buying clothes, food, and luxuries is what will keep the economy growing. One must build from the BOTTOM UP. One cannot build from the TOP DOWN. The foundation must be STRONG before the next layer can be put on top of it. By denying a TIER 5 to the currently unemployed this country has just insured that the foundation of our economy WILL get weaker NOT stronger. This will cause the small strides we have made in growing our economy to slip backwards down to where they were more than a year ago. Millions of Americans have now been sentenced to no future, no place to live, nor food to eat. Many of these people have health conditions that require special diets so eating the foods given out at food banks is not an option. EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY, whether employed or unemployed, should contact their STATE SENATORS and tell them to add a Tier 5 for unemployment compensation to immediate legislation.
Harry (Guest) 06/10/2010
I have been saving in an old peanut butter jar, and it is a toss -up between food and medication. I usually eat about every three days or so and drink water and decaf green tea on the days I can't afford food. A friend bought my dog food, and my vet has agreed to treat him for free at this time since she has known us for 12 ½ years.This economic situation did not come about in one year and cannot be fixed in one year. We who have been laid off are not to blame for the economy. However we are paying the highest price. We who go to the stores and feed the economy by making daily purchases will no longer be able to do so. The economy will have no foundation. NOTHING can remain standing without a good, solid foundation. Offering big tax breaks and huge bailouts to the banks and to big businesses is NOT the way to get the economy back on track. Making sure that the average person in this country can feed the economy by buying clothes, food, and luxuries is what will keep the economy g
Harry (Guest) 06/10/2010
I am no different from millions of Americans. I have several college degrees. I have literally saved the lives of three children, educated children, paid taxes, and given freely to charity. I was let go from my place of employment due to the economic problems in the country, and through no fault of my own, a little over two years ago. Many of the unemployed are highly educated and are told over and over and over that we are way too qualified to do the jobs for which we apply. We do not care, we just want a job! I will work for anyone who will hire me. There needs to be a Tier 5 legislation addressed immediately before millions upon millions of people receive their last check and have absolutely nothing on which to live through no fault of their own. I have NO health care and do not qualify for any state aid as they check your tax returns and due to unemployment they claim I made too much last year to qualify for any type of aid. I am now rationing my spare change that I have been sav
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/10/2010
Each individual, plus friends, family and any who are affected by this national unemployment crisis: Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known. We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed
Cynthia SP (Guest) 06/09/2010
Yes we definitely need a Tier V for the unemployed. The jobs that were created were for Census Workers and other government jobs which required degrees which alot of us do not have because we went to work for reasons of supporting families. My daughter has been out of work (being laid off from Doe Run, which is an ore mine) and has not been able to find a job since. The small town she lives in doesn't offer much either. I have been out of work since the middle of 2009 and haven't found anything yet either (age, over experienced, or had high wages). We need help with creating jobs here in the US not outsourcing them as they are still doing. Why doesn't our government help us like they are helping banks and other financial businesses? We are what this country is all about not them.
RobynH (Guest) 06/08/2010
In all of my adult life, I have never despised a public person as much as I hate and despise Nancy Pelosi! Actions speak louder than words and her recent actions tell us that she could care less about hard-working long-term unemployed Americans! Do you think that she has ever truly worked at a real job? Has she ever had to worry about a roof over her head, food, bills, etc? She does not give a d(%$m about the "little" people. Vote her out! Get rid of her! Let's make her cushy life a nightmare! Call her! Fax her! Rain wrath upon her! She is not our ally!
Bob Werbrouck (Guest) 06/08/2010
Would you be so kind to show this to Nancy Pelosi and help her remove her foot from her mouth. WASHINGTON - Job creation by private companies grew at the slowest pace of the year in May, even while the hiring of temporary census workers drove overall payrolls up 431,000. The unemployment rate dipped to 9.7 percent as many people gave up searching for work. We knew this about a month ago, but what do we the people know, enough to vote out the people who are not helping us, when we need it! Get us back to work or get us help We need a tier V and if we need more, then do what it takes. We need help! Bob Werbrouck Fenton, MI
B.Love (Guest) 06/12/2010
What will happen to the 99ers? Will someone have enough "HEART," to help them????? These people need help immediately!!!!!
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/10/2010
Each individual, plus friends, family and any who are affected by this national unemployment crisis: Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known. We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed

Joseph DeCarlo (Guest) 06/08/2010
It just doesn't seem fair that our Government reaches out to help Major Banks,Brokerages and Insurance Companies when they need it yet they seem not to care about all the people that cannot find work and need unemployment checks just to try and survive. They should approve Tier 5 extension without any hesitation.
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/08/2010
One thing I forgot to mention: I have emailed Ms Pelosi several times, and as yet, have had NO response!
harriet (Guest) 06/16/2010
Enough talk there is nothing that the government is going to do for people once their 99 weeks are gone. For all the people that think it should have stopped a long time ago I really hope that they will be in our position real soon. Try finding a job, it is almost impossible............................
MR. The Solution (Guest) 06/15/2010
Forget calling, writing, pleading, etc! Grab a torch and a pitch fork!. Its time to clean house and take back our country and goverment! Grab all those fat lying scumbag corrupt idiots in the goverment and Wall street and ship them over to IRAQ! My two cents! TS
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/10/2010
Each individual, plus friends, family and any who are affected by this national unemployment crisis: Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known. We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed
TW (Guest) 06/08/2010
The unemployment nunbers will NOT look better if we get to the media and have them report the numbers are NOT true and NOT reflecting the real numbers. If we sit back and allow this, we truly are doing nothing. I have already written to the White House and my Congressman about this very issue. Next stop should be the TV stations.
BiG REG (Guest) 06/08/2010
I forgot to add something, I wanted to go from a five year term policy that just doubled with State Farm and get a twenty year term life insurance policy with Farm Bureau, they declined me because I was unemployed. I checked with John Oxendine insurance commisioner and they said insurance companies can do this due to financial restraints. I never missed a payment on life insurance with state farm and I cannot believe they can deny you life insurance because you are unemployed. I guess we're all just a part of statistics, unemployed and considered to be poor or not the average person.
Big Reg (Guest) 06/08/2010
This is why we Must vote out all the people who are currently in office. These people are suppose to be helping the American people but instead we are all losing everything we have including our pride. They're all rich and don't care about us unemployed americans. I wasn't in office allowing our jobs moved to Mexico or overseas. They let it happen. That's why they, all elected politicians need to be replaced. This will send them a message.
Emily O (Guest) 06/07/2010
Seriously. It's time to put ALL of our country's money into it's OWN people. Not projects, not studies, not foreign lands, not the envionment, not... well you get it. OUR PEOPLE ARE OUR FUTURE Invest in them and the rest will take care of itself.
juanita (Guest) 06/07/2010
People that are unemployed for longer than six months will be the new homeless employer is not willing to hire anyone that are unemployed and make it known: Client will not consider/review anyone NOT currently employed regardless of the reason." Now our elected officials have lost touch with the lower level of Main Street, whether democrats or republican no one is listening to the little people that put them in their seats.
Steve (Guest) 06/07/2010
Jobs priority one? Crumbling infrastructure, unsecured borders, environmental clean up (wonder how long the fishermaen will recieve unemployment if the fish don't return), so much needs to be done, but the feds say they can't create the jobs, it's up to the private sector. Was the "New deal" funded privately?, Oh yea, I forgot our country is broke. But somehow we find the funds for other projects. I was initally pleased with the job groth stimulus bill, being in construction, and needing a job, but when i saw the funds being whittled away with pet projects (rum importers need jobs too), I knew it would do little if anything to help the ailing construction market. Do the feds represent the best interests of the american people? Neveda passed the immagration bill because they said the feds were not securing the border, Lousiana tried to build berms to protect their shores because they said the feds were not protecting them, is that the new state of things?
Renae (Guest) 06/07/2010
Tier 5 Dedication by Blaze Records USA Recording Artist, Renae Go to and in the music player is the song "The Government Stole Our Christmas" by Blaze Records USA Recording Artist, Renae. Spread the word on this song and let's see if we can get all of the politicians to hear it. Hopefully it helps get Tier 5 passed for the 99'rs that our Government has left behind and forgotten about.
Chris K (Guest) 06/07/2010
The politicians of this country have sold the American worker out for years by taxing us to death and sending jobs overseas and now they blame us for not finding a job! Throw the bums out!
Bob in Philadelphia (Guest) 06/05/2010
We can be assured that Congress will not pass a Tier 5 extension. They need the numbers to look better on the unemployment figures. Even though we starve in the streets and eat out of a KFC dumpster. Thanks Nancy Pelisi and all of the elected officals. We need to vote all of these people out of office. They can give money to corporations and they give bonuses away with our money but there is nothing for the American worker.
LENA IN SC (Guest) 06/05/2010
will in ny (Guest) 06/04/2010
I never had a chance to buy a house or take out big loans worked almost 39 years, what is next lock us all up,because no more unemployment.I will be glad to take a job,but there is none.

Steve Frost 06/04/2010
Liked this article very much. Added it as a supporting link to an article I submitted today :)
Eric in Texas (Guest) 06/04/2010
Cindy im in total agreement with you, I am an unemployed professional and i would happily take there job for free.
Kevin (Guest) 06/04/2010
Hey Cindy, what's so bad about it is that they're all millionaires anyway.
Nancy G in Tennessee 06/04/2010
I think Cindy has a great idea there! I'll vote for it!
Cindy Hardina (Guest) 06/04/2010
I'll tell you how to balamce the budget, start cutting wages of Congress and then freeze them. Nobody in Congress right now in my opinion is worth the $170,000.00 they make. Would you do any work for the good of mankind while making this (GUARANTEED) kind of money? Cut their wages and make them live on a MODEST income. See how long it takes before they are whining.
Robert (Guest) 06/15/2010
this is how societies crumble-the lack of caring by the very people we vote into office! A man ain't gonna starve with out a fight!He's gonna fight back and I'm sure it is not all going to be legal. Better wake up Senators-those steps you hear are us 99er's coming for ya!!!!!
mark (Guest) 06/14/2010
say hello to the NEW WORLD ORDER , all good tho,over 600,000 unemployed lol say goodbye to TITAN TICKETS,I do Wish the states would stand up for us but since they wont we gotta rise REVOLUTION TIME yall all FIRED , AN KNO UNEMPLOYMENT FOR YAL
We're Screwed--Vote ALL THE INCUMBENTS OUT, GOP FI (Guest) 06/12/2010
Congress wants to LOWER TAXES FOR INVESTMENT BANKERS below that of normal business taxes too--they could use that money to fund some of the continued benefits. Also, most of the job gains in the last six months are FAKE--Census jobs, that are gonna go away.
Another 99er (Guest) 06/11/2010
A 99er over 50 (Guest) 06/08/2010
Thanks for the plain speaking Nancy. I don't think Congresss has forgotten us - I firmly believe that they are blatently IGNORING us and hope we fall off the end of the Earth and quit whining that we are going to lose the homes we have paid mortgages on for the last 20 years.
juanita (Guest) 06/07/2010
People that are unemployed for longer than six months will be the new homeless, employers are not willing to hire anyone that are unemployed and make it known. However, you cannot make anyone give you a job, but employer will advertise that: Client will not consider/review anyone NOT currently employed regardless of the reason." Now our elected officials have lost touch with the lower level of Main Street, whether democrats or republican no one is listening to the little people that put them in their seats. No one knows what anyone is going through when you lost everything because you cannot find employment and your benefit has ran out and you have no other resources. What ever happen to the America?
donna m (Guest) 06/06/2010
Just write in a address on the closest shelter or your old address or families. Make sure you register to vote!!! It's time to tear up legislation in Congress and get the change they deserve.. Let's get it done there's alot of us. I'm a member of the AFLCU and we mean business!! Let's stop their pay.
Pam (Guest) 06/04/2010
Voting them out is going to be a problem for that I've lost my home, I'm unable to vote. No address, no voter registration.
There is (Guest) 05/31/2010
really no way to be counted for sure the states and federal government have seen to that for political numbers reason. It is vitally important that you realize that there was a few billion going to be allocated for 99er's but it was 'bought' off by teacher and police unions with campaign contributions and the billions became 'money for the states' to keep the teachers and police from having to collect week 1 of unemployment insurance. Since the average 3-4 year experienced cop makes $200,000 a year and the average 3-4 year teacher makes $80,000 a year with 4 months off a year they would have maxed out at $650.00 a week. I just wanted you all to remember that when that cop is rousting you from sleeping in your car.
Nancy G in Tennessee 05/29/2010
Tier 5 applicants for an unemployment insurance extension have been abandoned, and left behind!
victor (Guest) 05/27/2010
we will prolly be to busy trying to survive rather then vote, atleast that is what they think
Nancy G in Tennessee 05/27/2010
I do continue to 'try to file' by telephone, but once I put my ss# in, it tells me "You have exhausted your benefits"...I feel like telling them, "I have exhuasted ME, too, along with my benefits!"
Mike (Guest) 05/27/2010
Continue to file every week regardless of no funds comming in. Make sure you are still counted.

duke (Guest) 05/27/2010
they don't fall off, you will find them in the crime statistics...a man ain't gonna starve.

TUBULARyeahyeah) has left a new comment on your post "Tier 5 Unemployment Open letter to Congress and th...": Date:
Wed, Jun 16, 2010 9:29 pm

thank you for this oppurtunity to share my concerns. I lost my job three moths ago. Since then I've been looking for work. I have not found anything that will pay the bills. Now my unemployment benefits is finished. I just need more time, a few weeks maybe. I dont need 2 or three years. I just need a few weeks thats all.

-----Original Message-----
From: dhemphill2277
Sent: Sun, Jun 13, 2010 3:40 pm
Subject: [NancyG43] New comment on Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!.

dhemphill2277 has left a new comment on your post "Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!":

I lost my job 2008 at no fault of my own. I had to move back with my mother in another state to make ends meet. I am now in need of surgery and medication and have no insurance. The state I moved to is worse than the one I left. I have less than a week of employment left on Tier 4. Jobs in this town is non-existent. I am in need of an extension. I too have worked since I was 14 years of age. I constantly look for work but as usual it's "We are not hiring.

-----Original Message-----
From: supermom0206
Sent: Tue, Jun 15, 2010 1:13 pm
Subject: [NancyG43] New comment on Nancy's Letters of Unemployment, Part 1.

supermom0206 has left a new comment on your post "Nancy's Letters of Unemployment, Part 1":

I really can't believe this is happening. It is like a nightmare that you can't wake up from. My husband, the sole supporter of our small family, has been out of work since January of 2008. He went to college to gain an education, found a career, moved our family 2500 miles away and got established. It was 6 months and we found ourselves out of work, in a strange city without hope.
We started with unemployment and we have been on it ever since. It has helped us to eat, buy clothing, and take care of the most basic elements to survive in this life. We have a five year old little boy to care for, which is my responsibility as I home school him. I had taken a nanny job, so my son could be with me) while my husband was still working, but after he had lost his job, at some point, I had lost mine too. With the help of family, we moved back viewing a ton of jobs in the area, but after being here in this state (our home state) there has been nothing and many interviews and resumes. All except when my husband in November 2009 got a low level paying job, got sick, went into the hospital with dbl pneumonia and H1N1 and almost died. The day he went into the hospital, his job that would have paid health insurance was taken from us, as they fired him for not being in training. So we got him well, the hospital wrote off $85 K in hospital bills, but we still owe more than $10K. So, after all this heartache and lack and debt, we have now totally exhausted our extension benefits. We are left with nothing. My husband was allowed from this particular state to go to school, while collect benefits, bc it was night school. He is not finished with school. We are not like shipwrecked people without anything to grab a hold of. We get food stamps. We are reeling with heartache, knowing that the government with their cushy 175K - 180K salary a year did not do the right thing and extend emergency benefits to those who have searched for work, but were unable to secure anything. (Or in our case, got something for three weeks, but then was fired for getting sick!) Where is the mercy? Where is the hand of assistance to help people who are trying to find something, but have not been able to within the time frame by some outside unaffected group that (congress) has not idea regarding what people are going through, but has a time line that has ended for millions.
I am scratching my head, as I cannot understand why getting a higher education has not paid off? The old wisdom of higher education was what we were always told, to achieve success. What has happened? Why are we left destitute? In the absence of that pay off, we need help, not to be treated like we are not important.
We need a 5th tier in this impossible economy that is outsourcing jobs and are not hiring Americans who WANT to support themselves. This is insane that our government would not do everything possible to help us keep emergency money to help in the meanwhile of the job searches. They have no idea what we are going through as they have their jobs and cushy lives and they throw money at every other cause then supporting Americans , who are the ones who feed the economy. A feel a collapse in certain in the near off future and I feel helpless to do anything…Anyone else feeling that way- yet?

A born again Christian woman who is still trusting in God, but not our government,
Mrs. Blosser and family


(1) Politics Daily; June 17, 2010; Google Trends Hacked With Racial Slur (Again!)|main|dl1|link3|

(2) Politics Daily; June 17, 2010; Home page;

(3) Senate tries trimming extra unemployment benefits; Florida Politics; June 17, 2010;

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'I wouldn’t know a rare baseball card if it jumped up in my face’

June 16, 2010
‘I wouldn’t know a rare baseball card if it jumped up in my face’, that was my thought as I went through a stack of old cards recently.

My son used to collect baseball cards, football cards and I guess, basketball cards too. The closet is his old bedroom is still packed with many that he left behind when he went away to college. Since he now has a small son of his own, maybe one day he will be passing those old cards on.

I bought a plastic bag full of baseball cards at a thrift store a few years ago for my son and since he never took them, I dug them out a couple of weeks ago and went through them, looking for any names familar to me. I found some Pete Rose cards, I found some Ken Griffey cards, but nothing I recognized as really good.

Not knowing too much about the prices of rare baseball cards, I decided to get on EBay and maybe check out the prices of some of baseball cards that I had in hand.

I first searched for ‘baseball cards’ and, WOW, I found there were many, many cards listed for sale. (2,030,028 results found for baseball cards).
The highest priced card listed as:

DEREK JETER 2009 TOPPS SKETCH ART 1/1 CARD GREATEST ONE going for $2,000,000.00 (with free shipping - gee, maybe I would even 'Hand-Deliver' it to the buyer for that price!)
Gee Whiz! I started thinking. Maybe this is a hobby I'd better get into, if something such as a baseball card go for a coupla mil! And not even an OLD one at that!
Along the same line, but not as high a price was: 1992 92 Derek Jeter Little Sun Autograph PSA 9 at only $99,999.00 (Free shipping).
Okay, I asked myself, (and the computer) “What is PSA in baseball cards?” and found this answer:

PSA-Professional Sports Authenticator -
‘Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) is the world's largest third-party sportscard authentication service -- the experts in grading cards, sports autographs and memorabilia.’ (1)

Then I found this listing: 1982 Topps Traded CAL RIPKEN RC BGS 10 Pristine w/ 9.5 going for: $20,000.00 with +$50.00 shipping
So now, I had a new question for my computer: “What is RC BGC in baseball cards?”
I found this answer:
Beckett Grading Services (2) ‘Baseball: …Tamper Proof - Once a card has been graded and slabbed by BGS, the integrity of the card is protected ...’
So that is the Report Card of or from Beckett Grading Services, evidently with the term ’10 Pristine w/9.5’ having to do with the grade from Beckett Grading Services.
Then I started checking on some of the cards I had:
I have this one: 1985 Topps # 201 Burt Hooton LA Dodgers which sells for $1.00
While the same card 1985 TOPPS MINI BURT HOOTON DODGERS #201 PSA-8.5 is also listed at $85. The diff in description is "MINI".
Ok, so what is that? I have NO idea, so I ask my computer to tell me what “MINI” is? “What is MINI in baseball cards?”
Here is one answer, I don’t know if it is the totally correct one or not, but it works for me!
From a webpage titled “1975 TOPPS MINI BASEBALL CARDS” (3)
‘The 1975 Topps Mini baseball card set is a miniature replica of the regular 1975 set that includes 660 small size cards, which measure 2 ¼" by 3 1/8".’ (3)
I then went back to my stack of cards and found I have 4 of : YOGI BERRA YANKEE MANAGER TOPPS CARD-1985 $20.00 +$9.90 shipping .
I couldn’t find anymore at the moment that might be worth something more than one dollar, but I need to go back through the stack and look for one of these since the ones I have are 1984-85 issues: 84 Topps Darryl Palmer, Braves, which is listed at $9,999.00 on Ebay. (4)

(1) PSA-Professional Sports Authenticator -
(2) Beckett Grading Services
(4) Ebay

What about 2010 Unemployment Benefits extension, to be? or NOT to be?

What about 2010 Unemployment Benefits extension, to be? or Not to be?
The 2010 Unemployment Benefits extension headlines say it all!

Those of us who are 'fighting the good fight' to try to get our message across to our elected representatives just cannot believe what we are finding to be true on 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension today.

Once again, our Representatives have gone their own way, 'trilling off to la-la land' without regard for the hurt inflicted upon many hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers.

And once again, the headlines say it all:

The Senate's war on the unemployed (1)

Unemployment bill dealt Senate defeat (2)

Senate defeats unemployment extension (3)

This is in spite of (or who knows - perhaps because of) a plea from President Obama in support of the 'extenders' bill, as it is known.

And here is a headline from which may make SOME people happy!
Bunning Vindicated? Senate Rejects Unemployment, COBRA, Medicare Extension (4)

Here is one headline we were not anxious to see, ever though it is older, it is still appropos (Being at once opportune and to the point, def. from
Geithner Says Unemployment May Peak in Second Half of 2010 (5)

and one last headline:
2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension Petition Needed? (6)

If you care enough to 'read behind the headlines' then you can do a web search for 'unemployment' and read some of the stories,

or search for '2010 unemployment'

or search for 2010 unemployment benefits extension'

and when you find the stories with all of the comments from 'out-of-work, out-of-luck' Americans, take just a few minutes out of your busy day, and read those comments.

Then if you are still not convinced, do a web search for "Tier 5 unemployment extension' or 'Tier 5 unemployment benefits extension' and read the comments I get DAILY from so many disgruntled out of work Americans who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and have NOWHERE to turn, because, guess what?

There are NO JOBS! There are NO JOBS!

(1) The Senate's war on the unemployed'; June 16, 2010;
(2) Unemployment bill dealt Senate defeat;; June 16, 2010;
(3) Senate defeats unemployment extension;; June 16, 2010
(4) Bunning Vindicated? Senate Rejects Unemployment, COBRA, Medicare Extension;; June 16, 2010;
(5) Geithner Says Unemployment May Peak in Second Half of 2010;; web peg accessed June 16, 2010; web page Last Updated: August 2, 2009;
(6) 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension Petition Needed?;; June 15, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wisdom for Father's Day Poem, original song by Nancy P. Goodman

Wisdom for Father's Day Poem, original song by Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved
Nancy P. Goodman
Hendersonville, TN 37075

6/15/2010 9:30:29 AM

Wisdom for Father’s Day Poem

don’t leave the cap
off the bottle
else it may spill
you can’t ride a bike as fast
when you’re
going up hill

these truths I learned
when I was young
these truths I learned
and watch the fire,
you’ll get burned

be kind to your brother
if you want his respect
take care of your mother
and always watch your back

throw a big pinch of salt
over your shoulder
and don’t let your pride
no, don’t let your pride
get in your way

don’t be too good to know
you can get down on your knees
don’t forget to show thanks
and to say ‘pretty please’

to be someone
you’d want to know
love everyone
and let go
let go of all hate
cause that way
only lies mistakes

these truths I learned
when I was young
these truths I learned
and watch the fire,
you’ll get burned

Original song by Nancy P. Goodman
all rights reserved
copyright by Nancy P. Goodman
Hendersonville, TN 37075
6/15/2010 9:30:29 AM

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, Yes? NO?

2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension, Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, our Senators and Congressmen will be voting on this 'Extenders' Bill this week!

There is STILL no relief in sight for the unemployed and especially for the long-term unemployed. Those of us who are hopeful of receiving consideration from our elected officials on the question of 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension or on Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension.

With my state having over 10% unemployment, that means at least 1 of every 10 persons I know is unemployed.
Well, guess what? When I look at how many are unemployed just in my husband's immediate family alone, he has 2 brothers-in-law and 1 sister-in-law who have now been out of work for OVER 1 year, along, with ME, his wife! So, out of my husband's immediate family:
1. 1 sister's husband was laid off,
2. another sister's husband was laid off,
3. his only living brother's wife was laid off,
4. and I have been laid off the longest, since December 2007.

So of this family of (now) 6 siblings and their spouses (which is a total of 12 people), there are FOUR of us going without a job, mine's been gone since Dec 2007, 1 since about April 2008, 1 since about May 2008 and the last one since Dec 2008. The only one, as far as I am aware as of this writing, still drawing unemployment benefits, the last one who was laid off in Dec 2008.
So with 4 of the 12 of us having become unemployed, laid off, let go - in this part of our family alone, the unemployment rate is THIRTY percent, NOT 10.5 percent!

NO JOBS are to be found! NO JOBS are to be found!

Can you hear us, Washington? NO JOBS are to be found!
OK, guys, Wednesday is "Showdown Day" according to a late-breaking story from Fox News tonight. Although the outcome seems almost predicated. I hope and pray that our Representatives will stand out from the crowd and actually 'represent' us.
So here is a story which is told by it's headline:
Crucial Vote Set on Unemployment Benefits, Tax Credit Extensions bill - Failure Possible; The story goes on to say, in part, "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, set Wednesday as showdown day with Republicans and some members of his own party, over a $141 billion "extenders" bill (1)
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2) gives Unemployment Rates for States;
Monthly Rankings; Seasonally Adjusted for Apr. 2010
The table indicates Indiana unemployment at 10.0%, Georgia unemployment at 10.4% and Tennessee, where I live, is at 10.5% unemployment. Certainly, there are 3 states who are UNDER 6% unemployment, those 3 being North Dakota (3.8%), South Dakota (4.7%) and Nebraska at 5.%. The hardest hit is Michigan (14%) with Nevada running a close second at 13.7% unemployment.
NO JOBS are to be found! NO JOBS are to be found!

Can you hear us, Washington? NO JOBS are to be found!

(1) Crucial Vote Set on Unemployment Benefits, Tax Credit Extensions bill - Failure Possible

(2) Bureau of Labor Statistics; Unemployment Rates for Statesl; June 14, 2010;

'Strong Papa', an original Father's Day poem put to song, by Nancy P. Goodman

'Strong Papa', an original Father's Day Poem put to song
Written by Nancy P. Goodman
6/13/2010 7:40:18 AM
All rights reserved

6/13/2010 7:40:18 AM
Strong Papa

it takes a mountain of love
just to raise up a child
and thanks to God above
to make it all worthwhile

sometimes you fly by the seat
of the pants that you wear
sometimes you know the right way
if you can just get there

you have give a little
take a little
to keep the balance right

you can’t give it all
or take it all
and you can’t rule by might

it takes a mountain of love
just to raise up a child
and thanks to God above
to make it all worthwhile

you have to be a strong papa
have a strong mama too
you never know what the next
come-around will do

it takes a mountain of love
just to raise up a child
and thanks to God above
to make it all worthwhile

An original Father's Day Poem put to song,
by Nancy P. Goodman
6/13/2010 7:40:18 AM
Copyright by Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, will the elected representatives do their job and 'represent' their constituents?

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension, will the elected representatives do their job and 'represent' their constituents?

One subject I keep writing about is the dire need for an extension of unemployment benefits and especially for a Tier 5 unemployment benefit extension for those who have exhausted all resources and still cannot find employment. Somehow, I just don't feel like we are 'getting through' to our Congressmen and Senators in Washington, D.C., who seem to always 'have their own agenda' which does not correlate to the needs of their constituents.
Why would my state Senators and my state Congressman think that it is more important to 'balance the budget', than to give direly needed help to the blue-collar, or white-collar working man and woman and why don'tmy Senators and Congressmen strive to ensure these folks have the much-needed help in getting back on their feet in this time of economic down-fall? Why are they not RUSHING in to help the unemployed?
I am (almost) at a loss for words when it comes to this subject, when I see the uncaring attitudes of our elected representatives.
One of my heroes in this whole Tier 5 unemployment benefits extension fight-to-the-finish is none other than columnist Michael Thornton who is absolutely ON TOP of this entire issue with daily postings on this subject and continual updates for the rest of us who have an interest in whether or not 'our Congress is going to be'with us' or whether 'our Congress will be against us' in this fight to keep home and hearth together for so many unemployed Americans.
Here is a link to one of Michael Thornton's latest webpages on this subject: (1)
Another of my heroes on the Tier 5 Unemployment benefits extension subject is Alison Doyle, who, along with Michael Thornton, keeps us up-to-date on what is going on in Washington, D.C.
Here is a link to one of Alison Doyle's postings on unemployment: (2)
And sometimes, the headline of an article says it all such as this one by Chris Houston on
With 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension in Balance, Senate Pauses to Talk Baseball? (3)

and this story by the same author on
2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension or Solve National Debt (4)

2 of my own articles on this subject on Associated are:
Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension is Sorely Needed by the long-term Unemployed (5)
[Jun 3, 2010] There is no relief in sight for Tier 5 unemployment applicants who have run out of money and run out of time. Congress wants to 'balance the budget', not help the ...

Tier 5 Unemployment Extension: Nancy's Letters of Unemployment (6)
[Jun 8, 2010] Tier 5 Unemployment Extension: Letters or Emails or Comments I Have Received Concerning ... Can our Congress really ignore us and our need for a Tier 5 unemployment extension? ...

From what I am hearing, there is an upcoming vote on Tuesday about the unemployment extension. Will our elected representatives come thru for us or not?

(1) Tier 5, extended unemployment, H.R. 4213, Ed Schultz: Senate fiddles while the unemployed get burned; June 13,2010;;
(2) Unemployment Extension News; June 13, 2010;;
(3) With 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension in Balance, Senate Pauses to Talk Baseball?; June 12, 2010,

(4) 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension or Solve National Debt; June 12, 2010,

(5) Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension is Sorely Needed by the long-term Unemployed; June 03, 2010,

(6) Tier 5 Unemployment Extension: Nancy's Letters of Unemployment June 08, 2010;

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tier 5 Unemployment Open letter to Congress and the President

Tier 5 Unemployment Open letter to Congress and the President:

I have now been unemployed since December 2007 when the company I worked for went bankrupt, putting a great many people out of a job. I had been employed there for close to 10 years. Having searched for other jobs, I realize I am handicapped by my age, and that, even though I am willing and able, none of the companies I applied to seemed to be 'willing and able' to hire me.
Our jobs are gone.
In some cases, our homes are gone.
In other cases, our families are gone, split up by the lack of money with which to hold body and soul (and family) together.
In too many cases, all hope is gone for a decent recovery from our long term unemployment crisis.
We are told to 'sit on the back burner', 'don't rock the boat', and 'go find a job, any job'.
There is no shame in "flipping burgers at MickeyD's" but neither is there enough wage to pay the rent or mortgage, along with necessary utilities.
No money to dress children as they need to be dressed in order to send them to school.
No money to feed those same children as they deserve to be fed.
Wholesome and well thought out meals have long ago flown out the window along with our savings, any thought of improvement to our situation no longer enters our dreams at night.
What dreams, you may ask? Those dreams each of us in this great country should be able to have:
1). dreams of a free America,
2). dreams of a supportive America,
3). dreams of an equal-for-everyone America,
4.) dreams of a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps America.
It is, however, rather difficult to "pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstrap's" when:
A.) you have no boots,
B.) you have no inkling of how to get any boots
C). you wouldn't know what to do with said boots, even if you had

What is the answer to this dilemna, you ask? Now, if I knew the answer to that question, I would now be richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, combined. And I would be more famous, than, say, Elvis.

What the answer is NOT, however, I can tell you, should you care enough to ask.

The answer is NOT to cut off unemployment benefits to the thousands, yea, millions, of unemployed workers who are depending on their own government of the "We, the people", "One Nation Under God" United States of America, to see them through this national catastrophe of unimagined, historic, unequaled lack of jobs in a time of recession such as has not been seen since my own mother, herself, was but a young, married woman, starting a family with my dad in the early 1930's in this country.

The answer is NOT to sit in a position of power, in our Congress or Presidental offices, and be glib about those who are out of work, through no fault of their own.

The answer is NOT to say, "OK, we will take care of SOME of these of the unemployed, but the rest of them - the long-term unemployed - will have to wait from June until November before we will address the issue of whether they may live or die".

The answer is NOT to say, "Oh, but we must FIRST balance the budget before we see that you are fed".

What to do? What to do?

Call, write, email to your Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc. Let your own views be known.
We, the People, are not too proud to ask for help, when help is sorely needed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nancy's Letters of Unemployment, Part 1

Nancy's Letters of Unemployment, Part 1


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 3:22 pm
Subject: You received a message about "The 99ers need a Tier V added to Unemployment Benefits"

Hey Nancy,

You have received the following message from the creator of the petition "The 99ers need a Tier V added to Unemployment Benefits" on

The petition has 31,349 signatures.
There is something coming up that could turn out to be some good news for us.
I know we're all disappointed with the way things have been going for the 'exhaustees,' those of us who have exhausted all unemployment benefits, which includes the 99ers. However, there's something else brewing that seems to be in our favor and a little action on our part might help it along.
Senator McDermott, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee (the seat of power where our issue is concerned), has announced a special hearing on the long term unemployment problem to be held on, June 10, 2010. Experts have been invited to address the Committee on that day, and the rest of us are invited to make written submissions in a format described below. June 10 is for the invited experts, the Committee will continue to discuss the issue after the 10th.
Here's an excerpt from the advisory:
In announcing the hearing, Chairman McDermott stated, "Our first step to respond to long-term unemployment is obvious -- continue the emergency federal unemployment programs to prevent millions of workers from losing their benefits. If we can afford wars, tax cuts, and bank bailouts, then we can certainly afford to maintain programs for workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. But we also need to think about additional steps to help those trying to return to work. An increasing number of Americans who have worked hard and played by the rules are now finding themselves with no job, no savings and no support. We must not abandon these workers and their families.”
The whole advisory can be read here:
Mike Thornton from the Rochester Unemployment Examiner and I discussed the impact that personal stories have on the reader, and we are suggesting sending them to the Committee. This isn't our usual letter writing campaign because a submission to a congressional committee is published and has to follow a certain rather easy format, or it's rejected. (We learned a little about this with the official submission of the petition to Sen. Reid!)
We're hoping you'll join us by writing your story in your own words, using the Committee's format. This means you'll send an email with your story as an attachment. Certain information has to be on both the email and on the attachment. Your story itself, of course, is all your own words.
1) Please include the following information in the body of your email and also on your story attachment:
-Attribute this submission to: (Your name again)
-Organization (if applicable): (No organization)
-Phone Number:
-Contact E-mail Address:
-Title of Hearing: Hearing on Responding to Long-Term Unemployment
2) The attachment with your story should also include the same information as above. "The statement must be attached as a Word, Rich Text Format, or WordPerfect document in order for it to be considered for the record." It's the attachment that will be published.
3) Send to "Please be advised that submissions may be published in the official printed record of the hearing and on the Committee’s website. If you have any questions, or encounter technical problems, please call the Committee at (202) 225-1721."
4) If you would like, you can cc Mike for possible publication of your story in his articles on unemployment.
The page where I found the formatting information is
You can watch the hearing by clicking where indicated on this page:
I hope everyone does this. We have nothing to lose and maybe a lot to gain.
We have a new facebook page for the petition created by an anonymous supporter:

Click the link below to view the message and reply.

Comments from my web page at:
Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!


ron1825 said...
im losing my house we need a tier 5 help

cdhooks7545 said...
Where are the jobs... I have two little boys that depend on my care, but they cutting off my benefits is scary how will I survive when every job I apply for is filled and I'M NOT EVEN CONSIDER. Trying to keep my head above water and stay strong for my kids. Please help

ron1825 said...

Effie said...
We need a tier5, I am losing all that I own and can't even find a shelter,we have no food,no money,no job. How are we supposed to survive? Effie/newjersey

Diane said...
Where is help for the 99er's!!! If we have been unemployed this long it is not for lack of seeking employment. I in my 34 years of working have never been unable to find a position; no one is hiring!!! I help my mother and disabled brother and am in fear of losing our home. Why are we constantly giving millions to bail out the banks and billions to keep our troupes in a war we have no business being in. I lived in NYC I watched the buildings fall it had nothing to do with Iraq. Now we are finally in Afghanistan hopefully to get the job done BUT imagine just giving the working poor one month of what it cost for the past 7 yrs to keep there. We could keep our homes, put food on the table, pay for water and electric etc. We are the so called richest country on this planet yet congress hems and haws about helping us Americans who have worked out whole lives, paid our taxes, voted for a new way and a change in how the middle class is treated. It will be a very, very sad day come next election if we are again left by the wayside. So please Senators hear our cry for help and do not let it fall on deaf ears.

cole68 said...
I will run out of the 4th tier unemployment extension in about 2 weeks. I am 41 years old and have worked hard and paid my taxes since I was 16. Now I cannot find work and I have no idea how I will pay my rent or buy food if my benefits run out in 2 weeks. I would love to be at work, but I can't find a job. Even jobs I am overqualified for there are others ahead of me even more qualified. Please extend benefits until there are jobs for all of us who want to work.

bla bla blog said...
Where are the jobs? A city the size of Stockton,CA and only 23 jobs in the Stockton Record yesterday. Half of those were military. Where did all that stimulas money go?
From middle class to sub-poverty in 99 weeks! We need at least one more extension. Help us Obama.

Davis410 said...

I have used up my 99 weeks, still no work to be found. We need Tier 5 now. I realize some people believe that most of us are not even trying to find a job. That is not the case, there just is not jobs out there to be found.

TeePeezee said...
I have been without benefits for over a month now. My utilities are scheduled to be interrupted tomorrow. I lose my house after this month. I have 2 kids in college and one about to graduate high school. No one knows how much of a failure I have felt because I couldn't do more for my son's last year of high school. OMG!!! If I could just crawl under a rock and die I would. He's been great because he knows I really have had a struggle. Just think, over a year and a half ago, I was making $950 per week.I was only receiving $275 in unemployment and now its gone. I tell you US, I'm severly depressed over how our government can send billions to other countries while we the tax payers are slowly dying!!! can we say get our priorities together!!! Oh yeah! Not to mention my house flooded in the storms which came thru TN over the weekend. If my luck was good, I'd swear I had died!!!

Big C said...
As mentioned above, I will also have to succumb to foreclosure if a Tier 5 plan in not instituted by our legislators. I have been unemployed for about one year, sent out hundreds of resumes, interviewed, etc. Age does matter and not being 35 any longer, but late 50's, and female, does have a major impact on getting a professional job. I agree with statements or government bail outs for banks, etc. Yet, the middle class, which is dying out, can't make ends meet. Unemployment in PA is still at 9.4%! We need Teir 5 now!

Brenda Pearson said...
Help I have not worked in 3 yrs.I lost my last job after 28 yrs. I moved back to Tn. my home have been looking regualry here even went to school for medical assistant still no luck I am 58 yrs. old no one wants to hire anyone at this age and changing carees has not helped I need the extra extension what are we to do. I would rather work than draw unemployment.You can't afford insurance our mortage payments or anything I was a tier 2 but had drawn for 99 yes I am one of the 99ers and if a tier 5 means another extension for us yes I am all for it and in the mean time hopes someone hires me

ajdbrat96 said...
I have been without benefits since March and no job in sight. I am losing my home, will be filing bankrupt, and have ruined my good credit without knowing when I will be able to fix it. I have a son who is entering high school and I am doing everything I can so he doesn't have to live with this burden of not having any money. He should not have to live worrying about his parents and their financial well-being. I am totally disgusted with our government and especially Obama. I cannot even bring myself to call him president. We are no longer the strong America that every other country knows us to be and it will only get worse from here. Continue to bail out the big corporations and let the little people suffer. I guess we don't matter to our government anymore. I will continue to look for work and do what I can to support my family, but I have lost my admiration for this country and am hurt to know that when the things got tough, the American government left us hanging.

Arn said...
My benefits ended in March and it has been a struggle ever since. I have continued to apply for jobs with no results, not even an interview. We desperately need a Tier 5 extension, hopefully just to make a few ends meet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda
Sent: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 12:36 pm
Subject: [NancyG43] New comment on Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!.

Linda has left a new comment on your post "Tier 5 Unemployment? H___ (heck)YES!":

I've graduated into Poverty. Once a prosperous Manager in Retail, making 60K per year, plus bonuses.. Now widdled down to a big fat Zero! PLEASE ADD A TIER 5 !!!! Until jobs are available we are a dying bread. Watch us wilt away Congress. Great job. While we paid your salaries and taxes all these years. I have nothing but disgust the way this Country behaves towards its own people. I am 53 yrs old with two teenage boys. I'm VERY capable of doing about anything..From cleaning bathrooms to Mopping floors. But I am considered 'old' now, and not entry level material!! Where are the JOBS? What happened to this so called Stimulas Jobs Bill ???????

Disgusted !

Comments from my web page at::
Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension is Sorely Needed by the Long-term Unemployed
BiG REG (Guest) 06/08/2010
I forgot to add something, I wanted to go from a five year term policy that just doubled with State Farm and get a twenty year term life insurance policy with Farm Bureau, they declined me because I was unemployed. I checked with John Oxendine insurance commisioner and they said insurance companies can do this due to financial restraints. I never missed a payment on life insurance with state farm and I cannot believe they can deny you life insurance because you are unemployed. I guess we're all just a part of statistics, unemployed and considered to be poor or not the average person.

Big Reg
This is why we Must vote out all the people who are currently in office. These people are suppose to be helping the American people but instead we are all losing everything we have including our pride. They're all rich and don't care about us unemployed americans. I wasn't in office allowing our jobs moved to Mexico or overseas. They let it happen. That's why they, all elected politicians need to be replaced. This will send them a message.

Emily O (Guest) 06/07/2010
Seriously. It's time to put ALL of our country's money into it's OWN people. Not projects, not studies, not foreign lands, not the envionment, not... well you get it. OUR PEOPLE ARE OUR FUTURE Invest in them and the rest will take care of itself.

(Guest) 06/07/2010
People that are unemployed for longer than six months will be the new homeless employer is not willing to hire anyone that are unemployed and make it known: Client will not consider/review anyone NOT currently employed regardless of the reason." Now our elected officials have lost touch with the lower level of Main Street, whether democrats or republican no one is listening to the little people that put them in their seats.

Steve (Guest) 06/07/2010
Jobs priority one? Crumbling infrastructure, unsecured borders, environmental clean up (wonder how long the fishermaen will recieve unemployment if the fish don't return), so much needs to be done, but the feds say they can't create the jobs, it's up to the private sector. Was the "New deal" funded privately?, Oh yea, I forgot our country is broke. But somehow we find the funds for other projects. I was initally pleased with the job groth stimulus bill, being in construction, and needing a job, but when i saw the funds being whittled away with pet projects (rum importers need jobs too), I knew it would do little if anything to help the ailing construction market. Do the feds represent the best interests of the american people? Neveda passed the immagration bill because they said the feds were not securing the border, Lousiana tried to build berms to protect their shores because they said the feds were not protecting them, is that the new state of things?

Renae (Guest) 06/07/2010
Tier 5 Dedication by Blaze Records USA Recording Artist, Renae Go to and in the music player is the song "The Government Stole Our Christmas" by Blaze Records USA Recording Artist, Renae. Spread the word on this song and let's see if we can get all of the politicians to hear it. Hopefully it helps get Tier 5 passed for the 99'rs that our Government has left behind and forgotten about.

Chris K (Guest) 06/07/2010
The politicians of this country have sold the American worker out for years by taxing us to death and sending jobs overseas and now they blame us for not finding a job! Throw the bums out!

Bob in Philadelphia (Guest) 06/05/2010
We can be assured that Congress will not pass a Tier 5 extension. They need the numbers to look better on the unemployment figures. Even though we starve in the streets and eat out of a KFC dumpster. Thanks Nancy Pelisi and all of the elected officals. We need to vote all of these people out of office. They can give money to corporations and they give bonuses away with our money but there is nothing for the American worker.

LENA IN SC (Guest) 06/05/2010

will in ny (Guest) 06/04/2010
I never had a chance to buy a house or take out big loans worked almost 39 years, what is next lock us all up,because no more unemployment.I will be glad to take a job,but there is none.

Steve Frost 06/04/2010
Liked this article very much. Added it as a supporting link to an article I submitted today :)

Eric in Texas (Guest) 06/04/2010
Cindy im in total agreement with you, I am an unemployed professional and i would happily take there job for free.

Kevin (Guest) 06/04/2010
Hey Cindy, what's so bad about it is that they're all millionaires anyway.

Nancy G in Tennessee 06/04/2010
I think Cindy has a great idea there! I'll vote for it!

Cindy Hardina (Guest) 06/04/2010
I'll tell you how to balamce the budget, start cutting wages of Congress and then freeze them. Nobody in Congress right now in my opinion is worth the $170,000.00 they make. Would you do any work for the good of mankind while making this (GUARANTEED) kind of money? Cut their wages and make them live on a MODEST income. See how long it takes before they are whining

-----Original Message-----
From: The White House - Presidential Correspondence
Sent: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 9:35 am
Subject: Thank you for your message

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing me. I have heard from many
Americans who are losing their jobs and struggling to pay their bills.
Every day, I meet with my economic advisors to make sure we are
doing all we can to create good jobs and help Americans support their
families and pursue the American Dream.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was
the first step to spur job growth and ease the pain of unemployment.
This measure was designed to save or create millions of jobs here at
home in industries such as alternative energy, health care, and
construction. By extending and increasing emergency unemployment
compensation and increasing access to health insurance, ARRA has
provided relief to millions of unemployed Americans and has helped
improve our Nation's economic outlook.

Many Americans, however, are still struggling to find
employment and provide for their families, and I am working to
promote additional job creation. To assist workers who lose their
jobs, I signed into law the Worker, Homeownership, and Business
Assistance Act in November, extending unemployment benefits
beyond what exists in ARRA. I also signed into law an extension
of COBRA benefits and partner with Congress to ensure that a safety
net remains in place for those who face long-term unemployment.

My Administration is also helping Americans return to work
by emphasizing job training in industries that cannot be outsourced.
Recently laid-off workers receiving unemployment benefits have
new opportunities to pursue higher education and job training
programs, including easier access to Pell Grants. To encourage job
creation in the United States, I am replacing tax laws that send jobs
overseas with new incentives to create them here at home. Available
assistance can be found online at: or

Together, we can help more Americans find and keep good jobs and
enjoy a healthy standard of living. To locate an employment center
near you, select your state at:
For information on benefits and opportunities for those out of work, I
encourage you to visit:
unemployed.htm. To find career resources, you may call 1-877-872-
5627 or visit: While it will take time to turn
our economy around, I am confident that, working together, we will
emerge from this crisis stronger than before.


Barack Obama

To be a part of our agenda for change, join us at


-----Original Message-----
From: Representative Phil Roe
Sent: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 1:17 pm
Subject: Responding to your message

June 8, 2010
Dear Mrs. Goodman,
Thank you for contacting me to express your opinion regarding H.R. 4851, the Continuing Extension Act. I appreciate your views, which help guide and inform me in Congress.
I understand and share your concern about the current lack of job opportunities in our economy. Due to the employment crisis in Tennessee, and across the country, it is critically important that we enact policies that will serve as job creation catalysts.
I voted for this legislation when it passed the House by a vote of 289 to 112 on April 15, 2010. This legislation authorized certain critical programs to continue to operate without interruption. I believe allowing unemployment benefits and Medicare physician payments to stop in this economy would have been detrimental.
Please rest assured that I will continue to stand up for common-sense, pro-growth solutions to strengthen our economy and provide job opportunities in the First District and across the nation. .
Again, I thank you for your opinions and look forward to serving you. Please do not hesitate to contact my office in the future. If you would be interested in receiving my e-newsletter, or for further information, please visit my website at to sign up or contact me


David P. Roe
Member of Congress

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 9:01 am
Subject: Re: Constituent Comments on Economy from Bart's Website

Dear Nancy,
Thank you for sharing your support for H.R. 4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act. Hearing from you helps me better represent Middle Tennessee.
I agree we must continue to provide assistance to individuals and families as the economy begins to recover. I have repeatedly supported extending assistance programs through H.R. 4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act. This bill provides much needed support to families during these tough economic times by extending unemployment insurance and releasing TANF Emergency Funds. Furthermore, the bill blocks a 21% cut in Medicare physician payments expected to take place on June 1.
In addition to providing this necessary backstop for people who are unemployed through no fault of their own, this bill will also create jobs. First, it will restore credit to small businesses that hire the bulk of American workers and enhance bond programs that spur construction jobs. It will also eliminate a tax loophole that for too long gave companies an incentive to ship jobs overseas.
The Senate will consider this package in early June. I will urge my counterparts to move swiftly to approve the measure and ensure that families can keep food on the table and find gainful employment as soon as possible.
Once again, thank you for getting in touch with me. Please do not hesitate to call on me again in the future if I may be of further assistance.
Stay in touch,
Member of Congress


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 12:44 pm
Subject: Responding to your message
Dear Mrs. Goodman,
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding your support for a "Tier-5" extension of unemployment benefits. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.
In these difficult economic times, I understand the problems being faced by many individuals who have lost their jobs. Many Tennesseans have now exhausted their federal unemployment benefits and state-wide unemployment remains over 10%, making finding work difficult. On March 2, 2010, the Senate passed a short-term extension of current unemployment programs for the month of March. On March 10, 2010, the Senate passed a further extension that will carry unemployment benefit support through the end of the year. These measures simply continued all of the current unemployment programs, allowing folks to collect up to four tiers of extended benefits. However, at this time, there are no proposals to provide for a further expansion of unemployment benefits for those who have exhausted both their standard unemployment benefits and all four tiers of Federal Emergency Unemployment. As we continue to wrestle with our difficult economic situation, the insight and information you have given here will certainly help my staff and me more effectively look into this issue, and I thank you for your input.
Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me as I serve you in the United States Senate.


Bob Corker
United States Senator


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 4:14 pm
Subject: Correspondence From Senator Alexander

May 26, 2010
Mrs. Nancy Goodman
Dear Nancy,
Thanks very much for getting in touch with me and letting me know what's on your mind regarding unemployment benefits.
I know that many Tennesseans are struggling to find work as our state continues to suffer from its highest unemployment rates in a quarter century. That's why in 2009 I voted for bills that provided extended unemployment benefits to Tennesseans who have lost their jobs for reasons outside their control, giving them more time to find new jobs during this tough economic time. I also backed legislation that extended the COBRA subsidy to 15 months, which gives workers who lose their health benefits the opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage for themselves and their families.
As our economy has continued to lag, both parties in Congress want to extend unemployment benefits. The difference is, the majority wants to do it by adding to the federal debt, but senators on my side of the aisle want to do it without adding to the federal debt. In April 2010, I voted for three amendments - rejected by the Senate majority - that, without adding to the debt would have extended unemployment benefits.
Record unemployment rates are hurting, and it is important to get Americans back to work. I will continue to work hard to bring good-paying jobs to Tennessee and to support legislation that encourages economic growth and job creation, while also keeping an eye on our growing national debt that threatens our nation's future prosperity.
I appreciate your letting me know where you stand, and I'll be sure to keep your comments in mind as Congress looks at ways to boost the economy and help Americans balance the family budget.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Relief in Sight for Tier 5 Unemployment applicants

There is no relief in sight for Tier 5 unemployment applicants who have run out of money and run out of time. Congress wants to 'balance the budget', not help the unemployed workers in America!

Tier 5 unemployment applicants have been abandoned and left behind

June 02, 2010
I have often written about Tier 5 unemployment benefits since being laid off work in December 2007.

I try to keep up with the current news about Tier 5 unemployment benefit extensions in 2010, and when I did a search today for the subject matter here is what I found

Tier 5 and extended unemployment benefits: why Paul Krugman thinks it's a mistake to end them now (1)

June 1, 6:31 PM Rochester Unemployment Examiner (by Michael Thornton)

I often read Michael Thornton's articles on this subject, so today I subscribed to them, so I could keep up with what he is saying.

In this article Michael Thornton says: (1)
"Congress seems to have found that cutting the budget deficit on the backs of the unemployed is the best way to fiscal health, yet they have no problem giving hedge fund managers huge budget busting tax breaks."

I left a note on Michael Thornton's article saying:(1 - in comments at bottom of page)
'Out of unemployment benefits since it is June and yes, it is rough, and yes - I expect it will get rougher. One of my Senators, Lamar Alexander, wrote me back and this was part of his email: "As our economy has continued to lag, both parties in Congress want to extend unemployment benefits. The difference is, the majority wants to do it by adding to the federal debt, but senators on my side of the aisle want to do it without adding to the federal debt. In April 2010, I voted for three amendments - rejected by the Senate majority - that, without adding to the debt would have extended unemployment benefits."
The other Senator, Bob Corker, said: "... at this time, there are no proposals to provide for a further expansion of unemployment benefits for those who have exhausted both their standard unemployment benefits and all four tiers of Federal Emergency Unemployment. "
More important they 'balance the budget' than to help the out-of-work worker!! '

I have sent an email to as many of my own state's representatives and senators as I could. Some I cannot send an email to, as they only allow their own constituents' email from valid zip codes within their individual districts.

I have also sent emails to Nancy Pelosi, and to various members of the House and Senate saying:

'All of us who are still long term unemployed need help to get a Tier 5
Unemployment Extension to our benefits. There are NO jobs for us!
Please search the Internet for Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and read some of
the info posted by many Americans who are losing everything they have due to no
Job and no money.
Thank you!'

and I have sent this email to Ms Pelosi and others of the House and Senate, saying:

''The unemployment numbers do not reflect all of the folks who are STILL unemployed and have 'fallen off' the rolls.
Tier 5 applicants for unemployment insurance benefits have been abandoned and left behind!'

(1) Tier 5 and extended unemployment benefits: why Paul Krugman thinks it's a mistake to end them now