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Thursday, May 27, 2010

You Are A 99'er song, Unemployment extension original song by Nancy P. Goodman

Tier 5 Unemployment extension?
This song was written today because of the lack of a Tier 5 unemployment extension for all the folks who have drawn the maximum on unemployment which is 99 weeks. They have 'fallen off' the 'counted' unemployment rolls.
You Are a 99'er is an original song by Nancy P. Goodman.
All rights reserved.
Copyright by Nancy P. Goodman
5/27/2010 7:59:50 AM
you are a 99’er

thru no fault of my own
I’m a dog
Without a bone

when the whistle blows
I have nowhere to go
(I got no place to go)
(I got nowhere to go)
A 99’er

Lost my job
No fault of my own
Now I’m here
Without a bone
I am
A 99’er

The politicians
Forgot about me
They say
Just take a back seat
I am
A 99’er

Tier 5 does not exist
Even though you only wished
You were not
A 99/er

Forgot about me
Just take a back seat
You are
A 99’er

Tier 5 does not exist
Even though you only wished
You were not
A 99/er

You are permanently
You are
A 99’er

All rights reserved.
Copyright by Nancy P. Goodman
May 27, 2010
Hendersonville, Tennessee

The River song, original song by Nancy P. Goodman

The River song, original song by Nancy P. Goodman

This song was written on 5/25/2010 3:45:32 PM
because of the Nashville Flood of May 2010.
All rights reserved.

5/25/2010 3:45:32 PM
the river

the (big old) river is wide
and (it’s) muddy today
seems a big old flood came through
and washed lots of things away

the lake was about to flow over
the dam
how sad I am
I am
I am

the river is wide
and it’s muddy today
gonna be a long time
before everything’s okay

the lake was about to flow over
the dam
how sad I am
I am
I am

Gonna take a lot of cleaning
Up of stuff
Gonna take a lot of elbow grease
And sometimes that’s not enough

Gonna take a lot of hands
To reclaim this flooded land

the lake was about to flow over
the dam
how sad I am
I am
I am

the river is wide
and it’s muddy today
seems a big old flood came through
and washed lots of things away

I am sad,
so sad,
I am
I am

original song by Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

99'ers, go away and die, (you're done for!) No Tier 5 Unemployment Extension for you!

99'ers, go away and die, (you're done for!) No Tier 5 Unemployment Extension for you!

OK, I get it.

Lose your job, become unemployed through NO FAULT of your own, search digently for more work, draw unemployment for (in some states) up to 99 weeks.

Then, with still no SIGN of a job in sight, your unemployment ends and on your last pay stub, you are now named as 'PERMANENTLY UNEMPLOYED'.

Now you just go away and die somewhere, because your lawmakers have forgotten your plight and don't even know you exist any longer, and you keep on hearing 'the numbers on unemployed people is improving' -- guess why?

Because YOU are not counted in the figures taken for the 'unemployed' any longer! Sure. You are STILL unemployed, but YOU ARE NO LONGER COUNTED!

ok, I get it. Just go away and die somewhere, just as long as you remember to revive yourself SOMEHOW and show up to vote for your favorite Senator and Congressman come election day in November!

Hmpfffff.....NOT LIKELY!

Final American Idol Results Show of 2010! - DeWyze!

Final American Idol Results Show of 2010! - Bowersox or DeWyze?

With the tremendous and stupendous outpouring overflow of voters hitting the telephone lines after last night's final performances of Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze, we will get down to the 'nitty-gritty' with tonight's Final American Idol Results Show of 2010!

Will it be the beautiful Crystal

Will it be the handsome Lee?

With no more performances left now to go, all the cards are on the table, and we are waiting until Ryan Seacrest and the judges 'turn over the cards' which will definetly be happening this very night!
Stay Tuned for more!

And the winner is: Lee DeWyze!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My favorite to win this year's American Idol 2010 results show

My very favorite to win this year's American Idol 2010 is BOTH Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze! I have pulled for both of them over and above all the other struggling contestants this American Idol season. I wonder if American Idol would consider naming this year's American Idol Winner a TIE? Hmmm. Probably not. But wouldn't that be a neat ending?

The very last American Idol Results show of 2010 is soon coming to a close. And we will also be seeing the last of one of American Idol's most talked-about and debated judges - you either like him, love him, or you don't like him, hate him - Mr. Simon Cowell! Simon does not seem to inspire any 'neutral' or 'ambivalent' feelings in the millions of eager folks who are watching the contestants.

Who will this year's American idol Winner be, the beautiful and engagingly blonde Crystal Bowersox or the strong and darkly handsome Lee DeWyze?
We have seen many good singers and more than a few mediocre singers come through the famed American Idol portals,with one of my favorites being former American Idol winner and great country entertainer, Carrie Underwood. Some other huge favorites of mine have included country singer Bucky Covington, pop singer Daughtry, and country artist Kellie Pickler.

Now, onto another subject of something no one talks about in relation to the American Idol Season this year, - the excess of commercial advertisements! How on earth does the American Idol Show of 2010 get away with feeding and pushing on it's mammouth viewing public - every 10 minutes, NO LESS THAN 10 COMMERCIALS? It toally floored me the last week or 2 when I started making a note of, and counting

1. the number of commercials for each break (10 sometimes 12 commericals air during each break)


2. the interval between commercial breaks (a commercial break happens EVERY 10 MINUTES!)

So are you ready to watch the American Idol Commercials Show (oh, excuse me, I should have said, the American Idol Results Show) tonight and call up and vote for YOUR winning choice of American Idol, either Crystal Bowersox (Yay!) or Lee DeWyze (Yay again!). Next year, I think American Idol should include in the voting: your FAVORITE COMMERCIAL. You would have plenty of commericals to choose from!

Best wishes to both the American Idol finalists. Go Crystal! Go Lee!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We Are Open in Nashville Tennessee song

5/22/2010 11:03:23 AM
We are open in Nashville, Tennessee song
By Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved.

when my heart is
southern bound
and I know
nobody’s around
I can
make the sound
That I couldn’t before
(that I could not make before)

Yoo hoo hoo
Yoo hoo hoo
Yoo hoo
Yoo hoo
Yoo hoo hoo

When I see the lights of
Nashville town
I can’t turn around
I gotta go
See and be seen
My heart
Is southern bound
(my heart is southern bound)

Won’t you come to Nashville
And see (just) what I see
The people are great
And we are
In Nashville Tennessee
(open in Nashville Tennessee)

Yoo hoo hoo
Yoo hoo hoo
Yoo hoo
Yoo hoo
Yoo hoo hoo
original song written by Nancy P. Goodman
All rights reserved

Saturday, May 22, 2010

CPSC's Recall RSS Feed and Subscription List Widget

CPSC's Recall RSS Feed and Subscription List Widget

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

American Idol Show with Results Airs tonight, May 19th, and then there were 2

American Idol Show with Results Airs tonight, May 19th, and then there were 2
Who will be gone after tonights American Idol Results show?

My fav to win has been Crystal Bowersox, but after last night's show I think the judges put her down so much that it may have jinxed her and I am almost willing to bet she is the one who will be leaving tonight!

I thought Lee DeWyze gave an outstanding performance and I can see "I AM the American Idol' in his eyes, more than the other 2 contestants at this point.

My 'takeaway' from last night's show: I think on tonight's American Idol Results show that it will be a 'toss-up' between Casey James and Crystal Bowersox as to which one is leaving, and I somehow feel it will be Crystal, the only girl contestant left, who will be kicked off tonight.

Tune in tonight and see who stays, who is gone forever from the May 19th American Idol Results Show!
who comes up just short
who gets voted off?
Ryan Seacrest says: the 2 facing off in the finale are:

we find out who makes it into the finale
justin Beiber and Travis Garland
over 47 mil votes came in
live at Nokia Theater
who will win American Idol?

Your idols, bring em out, Casey, Crystal and Lee!

one of them takes it home

head to the couch,
wanna get inside your head
how has it changed, Casey
no expectations of getting past the stadium
RS is it surreal
CJ it really sunk in really more than you expected
RS how bout you Crystal
CB you don't see how much work goes into this
been a crazy ride
RS people don't realy realize how hard you work, Lee
Lee, totally different than I would have ever thought, staying true to yourself
CB being pushed to give more strive harder, makes you stronger
RS did you picture winning?
CJ no, never thought I'd get this far
like winning a lottery
CB yeah, definitely thought about it, would love to win
RS: do you want to win?
Lee: when you begin, winning seems so far, every cut so far away, never wanted to win more than I do right now, when you're so close, you wanna win
CB everything is attainable, in the home stretch
RS how is the balance of the competition and real lives work
Lee: so much going on, you'd like to go back home and hang out
CJ at least 160 text msg a day, i feel horrible because I don't have time
CB you get tugged into a million dif directions, my son, my diabetes, my doctors, no free time
doing good, never been healtheri in my life
CB: amazing thing
RS Randy what do you see, progression
RANDY Lee was so shy, he blossomed, a little bit like that for Crystal, she's grown, Casey, guitarist, listened to us a bit
Crystal: everything you guys said has been helpful
Lee: any advice whether positive or negative
CJ not every comment was usable, with all due respect
last Friday our top 3 had a chance to go home, they were treated like rock stars,
to Texas with Casey James, (Home sweet Home, baby, Casey says, I'm home, they're stopping traffic for me)
Casey admits "no girlfriend right now"
"real excited to see my family and my friends"
"small town, where I grew up"
Screaming kids, huge crowd meets Casey, Casey is impressed!

Next Travis Garland takes the stage with his new single!
Travis Garland is a singer discovered when he posted a video online of him singing a Justin Timberlake song, and Perez Hilton, who discovered him, told Ryan Seacrest that he thought he 'sounded better than Justin Timberlake". Travis Garland sings "Believe'.
going to Ohio with Crystal
'Crystal has finally landed'
CB: on our way to see what the day holds, screaming fans, autographing bodies (!), she had fun jumping in and out showing her head from a sunroof in her limo!
She got the key to the city from the mayor of Toledo, Ohio.
Family barbecue with her 'baby'.
Crystal Bowersox day! She sang her heart out at a concert.
"Speechless', 'that's all I got!' she says.
'home sweet home'
Lee DeWyze: "Chicago, I am finally home'
'it's gonna be so cool' and 'one minute you're mixing paint and working in a store, and next minute, we're here'
He throws first pitch for Chicago Cubs, to elementary school, where he is greeted by screaming elementary kids, Lee's 1st grade teacher "what a guy, what a man, what an American Idol!
Lee goes to where he used to work, says "I'm gonna try to win the thing, okay?;
"This is the best day of my life, thanks to all of you'
Ryan: what does it feel to make your father so proud?
Lee: 'it's amazing, when I was up there, and to look down at my parents, and thank you, guys, for everything'
Ryan: when we come back we will find out who you voted into the finale and Justin Beiber is up next!

Then Ryan says: This next guy is singing "You smile" and "Baby" -
Justin Beiber!
and Justin finished his set by playing the drums!

The first person in next week's finale is: Lee DeWyze
Joining Lee for a shot at American Idol is Crystal
Casey is going home

and who goes home is: Casey James

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

American Idol Results show week of May 18th - who will lose? and then there were 2

Hey guys, it's down to the 'nitty-gritty' this week on the 2010 American Idol Results Show which airs the week of May 18th.

Who will stay and who will go?

Is your favorite American Idol contestant 'still in the ball game'?

Let's recap those 'still standing' this week as of today.

1. Crystal Bowersox, she is probably still my own favorite

2. Lee DeWyze, running a very close second.

3, but don't count him out yet - the smooooth singing, young and charismatic Casey James

Your vote for your favorite is now more imporant than ever, so be sure to watch and call in!

Which Idol finalist will be saying goodbye?
Ryan Seacrest says:
Elliston Oh
Mt Prospect IL
and Cool, Texas
3 towns who have seen their heroes
which hero will bring it all home
this is the fight for the finale
This is American Idol!

Exciting night, top 3 battle it out for the finale.
Each will sing 2 songs, one picked by them, one picked by the judges

on the first set of songs, I agree with Kara: round one goes to Lee DeWyze

Then Simon says to Lee: the other contestants song choices have been okay
but yours was absolutely on the money, I think you just crushed the other 2

now they will perform judges choices.
Go to Texas with Casey James for a hometown visit with an excited hometown crowd. The judges picked "Daughters' by John Mayer.
Kara said 'you're singing to the women and girls, give it to them!'
Randy said to Casey 'this fits you like a glove'
Simon said to Casey 'that song didn't have the 'wow' factor'

to Northern Ohio for Crystal: showing her hometown crowd, she finds out song to sing: "Baby I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney

Randy: great song, great vocals, america, we got somebody else in it to win
Ellen: you did it
Kara, you showed parts of your voice, you pushed
Simon: I must admit I was kinda surprised at the choice of song, now I get it,
you've got soul, I think you may be thanking Ellen next week for putting you in the final
Lee DeWyze to hometown in Illinois, singing Hallelujah chosen by Simon.

Great rendition of this song by Lee DeWyze, in my own personal opinion, I think he just won American Idol!

Randy: I've been waiting to see... who's gonna try to win the whole thing, biggest moment!
Ellen: that was stunning!
Kara: you are what this show is all about, you are the heart of this show this season, you owned the entire night
Simon: I am very very very proud of you. This show has given you a break, you proved you are a fantastic singer, great person, and really hope for you that you make it next week.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

GAC Flood Relief Telethon - my report as I watch it

My Facebook blog prior to the show starting:

Nancy: also from GAC - Great American Country "Phone lines to donate for the Music City Keep On Playin' benefit are open NOW. 1-877-768-6274. Show starts at 8pm ET 7 PM Central.
(This is for benefit of the Nashville Flood of 2010)

Nancy: and from GAC - Great American Country "The Music City Keep On Playin’ Benefit Concert starts at 8p ET. You can donate online right now at
GAC Presents Music City Keep on Playin' - A Benefit for Flood Relief : Great American Country
Brad Paisley, Martina McBride, Lady Antebellum and an all-star lineup come together at the historic Ryman Auditorium to help raise money for the Nashville-area flood victims. The show will air live on GAC on Sunday May, 16 at 8 p.m. ET.
Nancy: also from GAC: "The Music City Keep On Playin’ Benefit Concert starts at 8p ET. You can text GAC to 501501 to donate $10 now.
Nancy: via Grand Ole Opry: posted by Grand Ole Opry which says:" Don't forget! Tune into Great American Country (GAC) or Sirius 60/The Highway TONIGHT at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central for "Music City Keep On Playin' - A Benefit for Flood Relief" broadcast live from The Ryman Auditorium.

GAC Presents Music City Keep on Playin' - A Benefit for Flood Relief : Great American Country
Brad Paisley, Martina McBride, Lady Antebellum and an all-star lineup come together at the historic Ryman Auditorium to help raise money for the Nashville-area flood victims. The show will air live on GAC on Sunday May, 16 at 8 p.m. ET.

James Denton and Kimberly williams Paisley
'for 2 straight days, nearly 20 inches of rain'
'runoff water, school buildinngs literally floated away'
'1.5 billions in damage, dozens of lives lost'
'flood threatened to silence Music City, but we at Ryman Auditorium tonight are not gonna let that happen'
'some of biggest stars have gathered, phone banks,manned by L ady A, Keith Urban, Martina Mcbride
to donate, call
877 768 nash

"Allow Music City to keep on playing'
'to start off', Kim Williams Paisley said 'here is my husband, Brad Paisley singing'.

Brad sang then said" this is great are you from Nashville,' then my wife is up there, we need to start this off with a donation, $100 thousand
Kim said: well, I didn't need that new purse anyway.
James Denton: since May 1 and 2, nashville and over 50 counties have been named disaster areas

Nashville is Music City but it is also the Capital of the Volunteer State...(big round of applause).

Nan Kelley, with Dierl Bentley, country music superstar.
Nan: 'What happened to your house?

Dierks:'water in the basement, cutting off drywall and insulation, then started looking around town, seeing the devastation.'
Nan: In the bank, 44,000 started out tonight, just from ticket sales

Nan: 'Please continue to call, let's go to our friends, Lady Antebellum"
James Denton: 'we're still open for business and will come out stronger on the other side of this'
'we woke up and came downtown, tourists were here, musicians were at work too, music rang out at grand old opry, all the things that make music city great, except it was raining,'

'spirit is at an alltime high, the music plays on'
'make sure this concert is done as contributions, everybody working for free, every cent goes to help the victims'
James Denton: 'with 7 no 1 singles', 'here's Dierks Bentley'

Dierks: " great for nashville, make sure the money goes to the people who need it, well put together deal, might be years before Nashville gets back to normal"

James Denton: "no commercials partnered with WKRN Channel2,

now up to $245,448

"for more than 20 years Martin McBride has called Nashville home"

James Denton, "please welcome again, Martina McBride'

Martina: "what song to do?" "hope, encouragement" "now we're asking our friends to help rebuild our city" 'just asking you to do what you can' 'we really appreciate it'.
James Denton: "as flood waters contined to rise, we watched"
Bill Cody of GAC with Nashville Mayor Karl Dean:
Mayor Dean: "weekend of storm, work with first responders, ton of credit to police and fire and ambulance, over 1,000 water rescues'
'very thankful, Nashvillians taking care of Nashvillians'
"Nashville is still open for business"
GAC president Ed Hardy: is part of Scripps network, HGTV, Travel Channel,
present check to CFMT for 100 thousand dollars.
Bill Cody, showed Brad Paisley's father on the phone bank, Billy Dean, said somebody called on had 50 dollars and were giving 5 of that.

Music City, Keep on Playing
Kim: back from phone banks, 'everybody got chills, phones started ringing, keep calling, big concert, 2 more hours'
877 768 6274
'another way you can help, come visit us, open for business"
'he travelled half way around the world to make Nashville his home, and Nashville is the better for it, my friend, Keith Urban'
Keith: "I love playing the Ryman, I gotta say'
and Keith is singing: "Help me if you can, I'm feeling down, and I do appreciate you being around' and "Won't you please, please, help me'

$414,267 total so far

Keith: 'take an opportunity to thank everybody out there, not just tonight all the help Middle Tennessee has gotten, it is the Volunteer State',
'we had quite a bit of damage, but other than that, my musical equipment floated down the river toward Smyrna, last I saw it',
'it's crazy, it's like seeing New Orleans on TV in the midst of of us asking for more help, i want everybody to know we appreciate all the help'
'and we keep an optomistic spirit here in Middle Tennessee'
Keith";This town has been very good to us, we had our little girl, Sunday rose, right here in Nashville'
Keith sings "Someday Baby:
Gac Storme Warren, tells some of the stories from the phone bank.
"Let's rebuild the city".....'.Brad Paisley's father just took a donation for $5,000 from someone in New York City"

Adam Richman, host of Travel Channel, "are there country music fans in the house' big yell,
"nascar fans' after a big yell, he says ' in the house president of Nascar, Mike Yelton"
'Driver of car 33, Clint boyer' and 'Columbus driver Tony Stewart"

'we kept driving all day and ended back up where we started"and ' no way we're gonna miss this'
'my first nascar win came right here in Nashville;
Mike Helton, 'this is kinda home to me' 'heart and soul of nascar' 'here to support our friends'
"build it back'
Kim Williams Paisley: viden to help explain
CF spokeswoman said: Community Foundation was created about 19 years ago, the flood was size of state of New Jersey, every disaster is different' " help community to get back to normal'

Lynchburg, TN's Jack Daniels Jeff Arnett, master distiller, "fans here tonight, unaffected by flood, volunteer 100 thousand dollars' and
' challenge, if you're listening, JD fan or TN Squire, we ask you to give

Travel Channel's Samantha: "greatest need, goes to great cause' 'part of Scripps Network"and "an employee of Home Depot called in and challenged other workers'

Kim Paisley "if you're enjoying, now is time to step up

Next performer, amazing CeCe Wymans: 'I was so honored to be part of this incredible cause, '

Travel channel's Samantha
take you to a video, 'show neighborhood in need'

'everything I had, everything, virtually is gone'
'i see peoples lives on the street'
' i had flood insurance, not enough money to rebuild and replace'
'we need all the assistance we can get'
Kim: " this flood came up so fast, then we started to see the pictures from Belvue, and that's when we realize' "give what you can' 'so important' 'not just another gig' 'welcome, Rodney Atkins, 'these are his people'
Rodney sings "These are my people"

Rodney: God bless you guys, everybody calling in

Kim: 'thank you Rodney,' and 'we have raised over 600 thousand dollars

Nan Kelley, over 625 thousand, wonderful contribution
Paul Jacobson, vice-president of Delta Airline 100 thousand dollars

Ellen Lehman, President of Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee 'hugely helpful'
Paul Jacobson: 'we are standing by to bring everybody in the world here in order to help nashville'

James Denton said about the rescue of a woman in a flooded burning home, she said: "God sent me an angel on a jet ski'

"Welcome Sheryl Crow'
Sheryl Crow: ' thank you so much, I just wanna say, I lived here nearly 5 years, never felt home til I lived here, worse we had our little creek was like the Mississippi' and 'my heart goes out to everybody suffering at this time'

Travel Channel's Adam Richmond "give what you can, as much as you can'
"I am giving today a check for 3600', and 'today is my 36th birthday'
James Denton: "please pick up the phone or go online at

"we gotta do it ourselves, moving whatever needs to be moved, reminder of times past, reminder of important word, community'
'i see fish jumping over in my driveway;

James Denton: 'I'm a native of Nashville,' and next we have "witty, charming Kellie Pickler, who is currently on tour with Taylor Swift'
Kellie Pickler: 'this really says a lot for Nashville, and the people who make up Nashville, yes, We Are Nashville, I love it here, most importantly, the people of nashville' and 'I thought we'd lighten things up a bit, do a happy song,'Making me fall in love again'

James Denton: a lot of the news was about the West side of Nashville, now to Storme Warren with a coupla of Titans players,
Storme Warren: says "heres 2 Tennessee Titans players, Marcus Robinson, brand new guy, Derrick Morgan.
'we worked the entire day to try to rebuild an community'
'when everybody comes together, nothing is impossible'
"new guy on team?:
'really excited to be part of the community'
Storme Warren: 'proud of nashville, and by video Brooks and Dunn'
Brooks and Dunn: 'we can't be there, nice donation from some folks who can' then Brad Paisley says "ACM donates 250 thousand dollars'
CF rep: 'great donation from ACM, great partner, Lifting Lives'
Brad Paisley, back to sing again, says: 'word of advice' and 'I got hung up on 5 times, so if you call and I said Brad Paisley, it's really me!' and 'I've never seen a community rally like this one, hardly any looting, world sees us at our best, the Nashville Community'.
Brad: 'from one of my heroes, Roger Miller, a song "River in the Rain"'

Kim Paisley "backon the phones, altho they suffered a devasting loss, one church lost everything,
' never saw so much water in my life'
'I was praying that the water would stop, everything was upside down, Bibles and papers all over'
"many people come in to help, people come from other states' unique and precious moment of blessing, real body of christ, working together in the city of Nashville'
"over 1 million dollars, that's how you do it in the Volunteer State' and "let us shoot for 2" and "I need your money now'

'multi platnum singles, Jackie Velasquez' she sing "On My Knees"

Jackie says: God bless you, God bless Nashville

Kim: let's check in with Suzanne Alexander
Suzanne, "one of our morning anchors from WKRN Channel 2, Neil Orne" and 'when did you realize it was so bad"
Neil: 'when we were all watching the flood on the interstate on tv"
Neil:"we had reporters working round the clock, all the station;
Suzanne" "as you mention, time to rebuild'
Kim:' people weren't the only ones affected'
"the extent of the devastation, 21 of kennels were full, 2 dogs and 4 cats drowned (at a vet clinic)'
Kim: 'as you can see we continue to need your help' and 'every cent goes to victims'

Samanta Brown, with Travel Channel, I was here a year ago making a show for Travel Channel, the town is open' 'best way to help is to donate'
Kim: 'welcome back to stage,Lady Antebellum'
Lady A sings "Run to me'


Lady A: 'Thank you so much, welove you, we love Nashville'

Kim: generous donor, standing with Suzanne Alexander

Greg with Ferguson Bath Kitching and Lighting Gallery, "we are donating 50 thousand, Ferguson is largest distributor, sump pumps, dehumidifiers,' and 'we've been working 24 hours a day'
Suzanne, 'talk about volunteers'
'people just showed up to volunteer'
'you really don't expect people to drop everything'
'such a positive energy'
'w are nashville, that has been their battle cry'
'just amazing'
Vern Yip, host with HGTV: 'home is where people's lives unfold, open up your heart and wallet' and 'someone took a bucket around her neighborhood for donations'
Kim: thank you to everyone who has donated, call or log online' and 'make a difference' and 'next performer, brand new nashville resident Keb Mo'
Keb Mo "spirits are high', and 'lets play a song about that'
with Chris rodriquez accompanying him and helping sing.
total is now $1,219,696
Will it make 2 million?
Kim said: Keb Mo does now live in Nashville
Vern: Hard Rock,
Hard Rock Cafe spokesman Alex: 'about 39 years company has been around, local charities, Nashville home for 15 years for one of our cafes and we are donating 20 thousand today'
James Denton: 'been looking forward to this all night, Martina McBride"
Martina sings: "Somewhere over the Rainbow'

Martin:thank y'all so much for being here tonight, god bless you
James Denton there is a rainbow, but not way out there, it's right here, please make a donation, just over 1.2 mil

Nan Kelly: Humana has such a presence, George is a vp
George of Humana:' 40 thousand donation, sponsor of Grand Ole Opry, let's round this check up to 50 thousand dollars'
Steve Buchanan of Grand Old Opry,' water receded, we got to the circle, began refurbishing it, it will be ok, removed benches, took up stage and water was from front door 20 inches to 46 inches on stage, 4 feet of water, the Opry is about the show, on Tuesday night following the flood it was held at War Memorial Auditorium'
Nan Kelly: 'Here's Scott Borchetta and his wife, of Big Machine Records.'
Scott: '100 thousand donation, Nashville has given us so much'
Ellen Lehman of Community Foundation: 'thank you so much, neighbor does look after neighbor'.
James Denton:' we're having a good time here, unrehearsed, doing it for free, here's what you can do, go to or call 877 768 6274'
James Denton: 'next performer, new Mercury recording artist, Randy Montana, who has written songs for several artist, including Garth Brooks'
Randy Montona sings "There ain't much left of loving you'
Kim: sometimes it's easy to forget, but then you see things out in the yard in a moldy pile'
'tons of first responders, but some of the rescuers needed rescuing'
'got a phone call that no one wants to get, one of your men is missing'
He got out of the car, flood had him trapped, nashville rescue squad rescued him.
Adam Richman, Travel Channel, 'give what you can, no matter how little' 'we want a lot of love in this room', 'let's rebuild this amazing city'
Kim: "welcome back to stage, Dierks Bentley;
Dierks Bentley: " I dug around in my catalog' and 'thank you for all you've given' and 'let's keep rocking'

Dierks sings "You Hold Me Together".


Kim: 'How we doing? Yeah, Mr. Dierks Bentley, we want to recognize some heroes, all the first responders, policemen, firemen, EMT's.Stand up, continue standing, please. Now, did any of you go out and help someone in the 1st 48 hrs after the flood, please stand up. If you were personally, affected by the flood, please stand up. If you know someone who was affected by the flood, there you go, stand up, you are the reason we're here tonight. Please sit down.'

Vern: Brad Paisley was manning the phone and rec'd a donation from TMobile for 20 thousand
Bill Cody: we are displaced from our studio, now in Brentwood at our 1931 home.
Vern: these incredible people need your help and every donation counts
Kim: Jeannie Seely has always loved her home, not much left now between her home under water and the Grand Old Opry under water
Jeannie, I feel like I have lost 2 homes, I hope peole will remember, don't forget it doesn't end
Kim: we visited Little Jimmy Dickens after the flood, he lost a lot at the Opry, and there are a lot of stories like that, now welcome back to the stage, Brad Paisley.
Brad: I have a new music player, now (Dierks Bentley)
Brad sings: American Saturday night

Kenny Chesney, 'I have 39 acres here in Nashville, TN, I live right on the river, this is the toughest thing that's ever happened to the city, give something, lot of people hurting, I lost a big portion of this property, a lot of people lost a lot, give 2 dollars, 20 dollars, 200 dollars, it all adds up, give to a good cause,'
Suzanne, introduced Storme Warren, then Storme said: 'you never know who is gonna answer the phone'
Storme: Julie Roberts, victim of flood herself, what happened?
Julie: actually sunday morning, somebody came to the door, tell us we need to get out of the house, I went outside, car was floating away, Mama and my sister, and my 4 dogs, we had to move upstairs to 2nd floor, got upstairs, we'd hear a voice, we're coming to get you, early, 6 or 7, we got out about 4 or 5.
Storme: a rescue boat rescued, she suffered a broken angle,
Julie: 'fortunate I am here, to help my neighbors, I saw it, saw my community and my home devastated, I just wanna help em get their lives back together
Storme: over 1.5 mil raise, we wanna get a lot more raised
Storme: another family, in South Nashville, their story
' immigrant families, have to start all over again''
Bill Cody, Samantha Brown, Storme Warren and Adam Richman, closing out the show,
Samanta'I got to work at Loveless Cafe and work with Vince Gill'
Adam,' so impressed, watch this video'
Kim: 'one more special song before we go,'
James: 'After show, you can still make a difference, GAC is going to rebroadcast and the phones will stay open'
James "Please however you choose to help, please donate.'
James: 'we're not asking for a bailout, we've been bailing out for 2 weeks'
James: 'we are music city, we're gonna keep on playing'
Will Hoge "Washed by the Water'. singing 'Down here we're washed by the water, water can't wash us away'

to donate call 877 768 6274
or online to

1577,215 raised to this point 10 pm CST

In closing Will Hoge: 'for all the people who are here and watching
we are nashville and open for business,
come back you all'

Nashville Flood of 2010 Song by Nancy P. Goodman, May 16, 2010

5/16/2010 9:40:00 AM
Nashville Flood of 2010 Song by Nancy P. Goodman, May 16, 2010

never will
I (ever) look at
rain the same (way) again

never will
I ever think
it’s never gonna end
(it will never end)

how well
I will remember
this time
and this place
and the Nashville flood of 2010
staring me in my face

we watched the water
get higher and higher
I said to myself
tho (oh) (no) (but) I’m not a crier

But (you) gather up
Important things
And get ready to flee
That’s the way it was then
For lots of (other) folks and me

Mine turned out okay, I guess
But many lost it all
And police and the firemen
Did a lot
(did a great job)
When they answered the call

We watched it all
On tv
All the tv stations were great
We saw boats going the streets
That had turned into a lake

Oh it rained and rained
(And) then rained some more
More than we had
Ever seen before

The water rose (up)
And swept away
Many treasures and houses
That day

Recovery will be slow
But we’ll somehow do it
We’re volunteering
And (we’re) sticking to it

This state has always been
For being volunteers
(as volunteers)
Now we’ll take of our own

(This state always has been known
as volunteers
now we’ll take care of our own)

(the state of Tennessee
has always been known
for being a volunteer state
now we’ll take care of our own)

all rights reserved by
Nancy P. Goodman, May 16, 2010
Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075
See audio version on YouTube at:
or below:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

American Idol Results Show airs tonight - Who is the loser? and Then There were 3

American Idol Results Show airs tonight - Who is the loser? And then there were 3
American Idol is coming up, who do YOU want to see stay and who do YOU think will leave?

Ryan Seacrest said we can expect former Idol contestant Daughtry to perform tonight, along with Fantasia, and the great Bon Jovi!

Which of these hard driving contestants will be leaving us tonight on American Idol Results Show?

Will it be:

1. Casey James

2. Michael Lynche

3. Lee DeWyze

4. Crystal Bowersox?

Leave a note for your vote to win, or your vote to leave!

Ryan Seacrest says:

only 4 left, who will be left standing in the final 3

We'll being hearing from Daughtry, Fantasia and Bon Jovi!''''

right after Lie to Me

see you on idol'

your results are revealed live, next on American Idol!'

your top 4, ladies and gentlemen'

You, Crystal, are back in the game! so said Simon on last nights American Idol Results show!'

it is wed, thanks, 37 mil votes, almost, last night, highest of season, top 4 become 3, race is tighter than ever,

bon jovi,

season 3 winner fantasia

plus daughtry, who knows how tough this competition is

'remind you again July 1, Aurborn Hills, Michigan,'
'Prolific career, Fantasia, live right now, with Bittersweet'


After a great song by Fantasia, 'You look great', said Ryan, and 'this is the first single from your new album'

"Yes", said Fantasia: "i am a soul singer, I wrote some stuff, it's time for me to have an album out." and (When she was on Idol) "my daughter was 2, daughter is 9 now, doing good!"


Ryan Seacrest says: 'Who makes the cut, find out live after this"

Ryan said: 'Back with you live, down to 4 contestants, Mike, Casey, Lee and Crystal, final appearances as a group in this weeks Ford Music Video."

Ryan said: 'When they get to the top 3, they get to go home, parade, mini concert', (showing earlier contestants going home at this stage of the competition).

To find out where they will be, visit

Mike: top 3?

Mike, getting home to my puppy, family, and beach, salty sea air

Crystal: ob, family, play a gig with my bass player

Lee: I want that to be me (when he watches those images) and to thank everybody who has been supportive of me

Casey: seeing all friend, family, smelling texas air, puppy dogs, hearing people saying y'all would be nice

The families of the Top 4 are here, there is:
Team Mike, Team Lee, Team Casey and Team Crystal

Good luck to the families

These results no particular order

all 4 stand up

mike and casey, you sang (duet),

Mike, said "I picked that song"

Casey: He was so pumped up over it

Crystal and Lee sang duet

Crystal, my favorite movie, great movie, great song

Lee: 3 wks ago, she said have you ever watched it, so I got it and watched it

After nation wide vote, Casey you are safe and in top 3

so Casey, first one in top 3, who else will join him, Daughtry is live, next, find out after Daughtry sings!

Ryan to Chris Daughtry:"No question why (you and the band) are selling out arenas'

Daughtry says: '''We're fortunate, we have fans willing to fill those arenas" and " I am from a small town, thinking back to those memories,(this song) reminded me of the simplicity of my childhood"

Ryan asked Ellen, "What is the difference?"

Ellen says 'You 've gotten this far, i'm so proud of y'all, just give us 100%"

Randy says: "You see Chris is living the dream, this is what you aspire to be, it feels good for us"

Chris Daughtry: "Stay hungry, stick with what's tue to you, love it"
Ryan said: 'So far, Casey has survived the cut, who else will join him?'
"Start with Mike, you sang, Will you be there' Mike was it tough for you?:

Michael Lynche said "it makes you feel uplifted."

Ryan: 'let's go to Lee, Lee DeWyze

Lee: I am happy with what I did last night, hoping to move forward

After nationwide vote, Mike, hang tight, for a second, Lee, Lee is headed back to Chicago, (meaning he is in the top 3)

Either Michael or Crystal who will go home, after Bon Jovi sings.


Ryan:'Rresults are put on back burner, Bon Jovi'(now sings).

After a riveting performance by Bon Jovi, back to center stage with Ryan Seacrest:

'Bon Jovi', Ryan says. 'So come on, No 1 touring band, No 1 album, how do you do it?;'

Bon Jovi: 'hard work, good luck, crossed generations at this point, the harder we work, luckier we get.'

Ryan: 'On the other side of the break, either Michael Lynche or Crystal, leave ths stage tonight'

Ryan Seacrest said: 'Back with you live, Lee and Casey safe on the couch,'

Lee: 'I'm just taking it all in, thinking about those guys,'

Casey: 'overwhelmed, I thought you were sending me home when you said my name'

Ryan said: 'one of them will be in our top 3:' and 'dim lights, here we go, the person who is in the top 3 after the nationwide vote is Crystal.  Crystal Bowersox in in the top 3!

Mike sang his song, then Ryan said to Kara, what advice do you have for Mike?

Kara said to Mike, do not stop, keep going, you've got it in you!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I saved my Yahoo mail signin, thank goodness for it!

Why I use Aol mail sometimes, and why I use my Yahoo mail signin sometimes -

I saved my Yahoo mail signin, and thank goodness for it!  I have had AOL mail for YEARS and YEARS. I recently heard that AOL Mail was getting something new, that we would be able to send files by AOL mail, I believe as large as 25 mb. WOW! I thought, All right!, now I can send songs and files back and forth in my email without AOL telling me "file is too big to send'...well, I have now tried the AOL mail feature to send large files back and forth, and guess what?

It does NOT work!

So I have reverted back to my Yahoo mail signin, which I never had used that much, because, guess what?
I can send LARGE file and I can send LARGE songs by email, without any problem.  The only catch is the time it does take to 'attach' the files, (I am on a SLOW DSL with ATT) but once that is done, no problem!

So if you are having a problem sending large files on AOL, just get a Yahoo mail signin and your problem is solved!

American Idol Results Show Coming up - Who will go home? And then there were 3

American Idol 2010 results are getting down to the wire, who will stay, who will go?

American Idol Results show is coming up with performances tonight, with Jamie Foxx as mentor, and then after heavy voting, we will find out tomorrow night, who will go home, And then there were 3

Who will be left standing after tonight's performances and after tomorrow's results show?

Ryan Seacrest came onstage, saying "they came to this stage with a dream, and they have only 14 days left to have that dream realized. This is your top 4, This is American Idol!

The judges, Randy Jackson, Ellen Degeneres, Kara Dioguardi and Simon, whom Ryan Seacrest called "Lord" Cowell, he said "good evening, welcome', then "you are in control, we are 1 step closer to the finale."

Will it be:

1. Crystal Bowersox

2. Lee DeWyze

3. Casey James

or will it be

4. Big Mike, Michael Lynche?

My personal pick is probably gonna be Crystal Bowersox, 2nd choice at this point is Lee DeWyze.

Who is your favorite, leave me

Monday, May 10, 2010

Nashville Rising Song - by Nancy P. Goodman, 5/10/2010 9:27:40 AM

I was inspired to write this after reading this morning about the "Nashville Rising" Concert planned by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill for flood-ravaged Nashville, Tennessee from the Nashville flood of 2010, the first weekend of May, 2010.
All right reserved by Nancy P. Goodman

5/10/2010 9:27:40 AM

Nashville Rising Song - by Nancy P. Goodman 5/10/2010 9:27:40 AM

Nashville rising

Thru the waters

And the flood

Nashville rising

Thru despair

in the mud

Nashville rising

who thought we would

Nashvile rising, rising

We are the city who could

Some lost it all

Some heeded the call

But we all

Pitched in

We give to the cause

Without pause


Nashvile is



You can give a hand

You can support the band

You can be

A Nashville rising woman or man

Woman or man
All rights reseerved by Nancy P. Goodman
this 10th day of May, 2010
P O Box 863
Hendersonville, TN 37075


Hear this song/video on YouTube at


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Song - Honor Your Mother today (she won't always be around)

My Mothers Day Poem:
Mother's Day song, written by Nancy P. Goodman,
all rights reserved, copyright, Nancy P. Goodman

Honor your Mother today (she won't always be around)

SONG Written by Nancy P. Goodman, all rights reserved

Feel free to copy and paste WITH THIS NOTICE INCLUDED

if you still have your mama
cling to her now

if you still have your mama

she won’t always be around

You may need to look at her

Through different eyes

You may need to look at her

And to realize

Your mama is just a person

Who has hopes and dreams

Your mama is just someone who

Is always there, it seems

So give to your mama

A big hug and kiss from me

Give to your mama

Cause I can’t, mine’s gone, you see
All rights reserved by Nancy P. Goodman
May 9, 2010
The audio version of my song is published at:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 - Update 3, on May 6, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 - Update 3, on May 6, 2010

This is my Facebook account of the Nashville Flood Relief Telethon from tonight's Vince Gill and Friends on WSMV Channel4 TV in Nashville, Tennessee. Latest of my posts are toward the top, earliest posts are at the bottom:  I am friends on Facebook with Vince Gill and many of the other country music singers who were on the show tonight and I was happy to see them all join in to help the Flood Relief cause!

$1,706,386 raised for flood relief tonight with this concert, Vince Gill and Amy Grant gave $100,000 and so did Reba McEntire. Taylor Swift gave $500,000 to all the charities for the Flood Relief efforts in Nashville. Great work, ladies and Gentlemen!

Nancy: And Vince Gill finishes this Vince Gill and Friends Flood Relief Telethon off, with a great song "Go Rest High on that Moutain", with all of his music buddies acting as his 'choir'.....great work, Vince Gil and Friends, and all the folks at Channel 4, WSMV TV in the great Nashville, Tennessee...

Nancy:Hey! After all, "We Are Nashville".
Nancy : Beautiful Amy Grant just sang a great song on the WSMV Telethon!

Phone 877 345 1522 for flood relief donations or go to one of the following websites

from Salvation Army website Active Community Relief Locations:

1. Bellevue Community Ctr., 656 Colice Jeanne Rd 37221

2. Coleman Community Ctr., 384 Thompso...n Ln 37211

3. Hadley Community Ctr., 1037 28th Ave S.

4. East Community Ctr., 700 Woodland St. 37206

5. Hermitage Community Ctr., 3720 James Kay Ln 37076See More

American Red Cross

The American Red Cross helps prepare communities for emergencies and keep people safe every day thanks to caring people who support our work. Please support your local Red Cross.
Nancy: Now watching Channel 4 WSMV in Nashville again, Steve Wariner is singing, "Life's Highway".....Vince is accompanying him...

 Nancy: Swtiched over to watch CNN with Anderson Cooper in Nashville on AC360, guess what? they switched over to the WSMV Flood Relief Telethon showing Vince Gill singing!

Nancy: The Star News says: "They call it the Volunteer State.. and they have shown the world why they deserve that name.." - Anderson Cooper tonight. Amen Anderson

Nancy: just saw Larry Gatlin and then Steve Wariner on the Telethon. Great to see both of them! Give to the Flood Relief Telethon Phone 877 345 1522

 Nancy: Seeing Demetria Kalodimos and Jennifer Johnson from WSMV both on the Telethon for Flood Relief tonight, you ladies Rock!

Nancy: posted by Jimmy Carter CNN Anderson Cooper in Bellevue live at 10e..Paisley among the guests..Bellevue is West Nashville suburbabout an hour ago
Nancy: Lorrie Morgan singing on the Telethon, while talking to Vince Gill she said that Miss Jeannie Seely had lost her house and everything because she lived close to the river. Lorrie is singing a Jeannie Seely song. How sad that Miss Jeannie lost every thing to the flooding by Opryland. She is absolutely the sweetest lady you will ever meet at the Grand Ole Opry

Nancy: Country Singer Billy Dean is on the Telethon on WSMV with Vince Gill and Friends! He says give a dollar or give 5, whatever you can to the Flood Relieve effort!about an hour ago Only Friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike

 Nancy: via Sue Sanders: posted by Sue Sanders via the Knoxville Sentinel: Kenny Chesney Shows You The Nashville Flood From His House

If you are fortunate enough to help out, please donate to the Middle Tennessee Red Cross. You can also text

Nancy: posted by 100% of 2010 CMA Fest proceeds to benefit flood relief and music education. Country Music Association is awesome for doing that! Remember you get a discount on fontanel tickets with those as well!

Nancy: via Vince Gill: posted by Vince Gill LIVESTREAM - Channel 4 News

Stream may be black or have color bars at times during breaks.

Nancy: Live telethon on now with WSMV Vince Bill and Friends, and Taylor Swift just called in and donated 500,000 to the various charity organizations

Nancy: ummmmm, how 'bout that was "Vince Gill', not 'vince bill'....oh, well, still impressed with Taylor's donation, you go, girl!

Nancy Goodman posted by The Star News Mayor Scott Foster just announced Sumner County has been added to the list of Tennessee counties receiving federal disaster aid - Whew!

Nancy: via Vince Gill: from Vince Gill Vince Gill Hosts Flood Relief Telethon - The Boot

Nancy: via The Tennessean
from Opryland Hotel may be closed up to six months due to the flooding of Nashville areasOpryland Resort could be closed up to six months, CEO says

It could be up to six months before the flooded Gaylord Opryland Resort can be reopened, Gaylord CEO and Chairman Colin Reed told The Tennessean today.

Nancy: from NewsChannel5.comNew Disaster Declarations For 11 Counties -
Nashville News, Weather & Sports

(AP) NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Gov. Phil Bredesen announced 11 more Tennessee counties have been declared federal disaster areas, bringing the total number to 21.

Nancy: According to a Thursday news release, the declaration will make federal assistance available to individuals in Carroll, Crockett, Decatur, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Haywood, Henderson, Houston, Madison and Obion counties

Nancy: Counties previously authorized to receive assistance include Cheatham, Davidson, Dyer, Hickman, McNairy, Montgomery, Perry, Shelby, Tipton and Williamson.

Nancy: via CNN and Anderson Cooper Flooding kills more than 20 in Tennessee

CNN Wire Staff The same storm system that brought flooding to Tennessee killed 10 people in two other states -- six in Mississippi and four in Kentucky, emergency management officials said.

Nancy: somebody said he will be broadcasting from Nashville tonight?

Nancy: posted by The Star News '1-800-621-FEMA(3362) Call FEMA to report damage. Sumner County really needs to get on the Fed Disaster List. Even those that have flood policies need to contact FEMA asap. VERY IMPORTANT!

Nancy: from The Star News : Good news: the lake level has dropped 2 1/2 feet since yesterday, and the water below the dam has dropped four feet

Nancy:  from News Channel 5 Emergency Food, Water Available For Flood Victims -

Nashville News, Weather & Sports

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Emergency food and water is making its way across the mid-state because of a local church. Living to Go Church in Rivergate gave out donated goods to people who need it most.
Nancy's note: Even though we live in Hendersonville, right at the edge of Nashville, we consider ourselves "Nashvillians", too, having lived in several areas of Nashville in earlier years, and my husband was born and raised in Nashville, and Madison, TN.
Yes, We are Nashville, too!

We Are Nashville Song - by Nancy P. Goodman, May 6, 2010

5/6/2010 10:35:45 AM

We Are Nasvhille Song
By Nancy P. Goodman

somebody said somewhere

we are Nashville

and yes

I do agree

Somebody said sometime

We are Nashville

And yes

That’s okay with me

We, we,

We will get by

andl dry teardrops

From our eyes

We will get by

We will get by

Will get by

Don’t ask for


Just take hold

(just grab hold)

And ride with me

Don’t even ask me why

Just take hold

We will get by


Are Nashville


Are Nashville




We will get by

Give us a boat

Give us a float


Will get by

Give us the tools

That’s all we need


Will get by

Give us tools

We will show you


Will get by




We are Nashville

Nashville town
all rights reserved by Nancy P. Goodman, May 2010


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 Update 2 on May 5, 2010

My Synopsis of the news of the Nashville Flood of 2010, Update 2, May 5, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 Happened the first weekend of May 2010

What follows is what I gathered from TV News Reports from 4 different Nashville Tennessee TV stations, the media have been absolutely great during this crisis!
Fox 17 TV news, 9 pm, May 5, 2010

Boat traffic is halted on the Cumberland River

Inspectors and emergency personnel, trying to get a handle on damage

Mayor Karl Dean did tour the damaged area, can't say how many structures are damaged, more than a billion dollars worth of damage, toured Hadley Park, North Nashville, along with Bellvue and Antioch hardest hit

Ongoing concern about conserving water due to only 1 plant operating

Metro schools still closed, may be next week when they re-open

FEMA is mobilizing to help those affected. 2 more counties added into FEMA disaster: Montgomery and Dyer

Little to be saved, West Nashville some residents say, cleaning up, residents forced to throw away almost everything

One man said, "All I have is 6 bags of clothes, everything else is gone"

Someone else said it's "Bringing people closer together"

One lady said: "Got pictures out Saturday, we thought it might be 1 foot of water, but we got 5 feet of water"

Flood insurance only covers structure, not the contents

Unemployment office is closed due to the flood, other offices mailing out unemployment checks

Hundreds of people now staying at emergency shelters, getting free meals, and a place to sleep

One family with 4 children says: "thankful shelter was open',

American Red Cross has 3 shelters in Davidson County

Red Cross cannot accept supplies, but do need monetary donations

"Hands On Nashville" is another organization helping flooding victims.

New Faith Missionary Church cleaning church, all of it's instruments ruined in the flood, plan to go foward without instruments

It was said there are litterally thousands of stories...


Channel 4 TV News 10 pm, May 5, 2010

Life is slowly getting back to normal

FEMA 1 800 621 FEMA

Reassuring news from Piedmont Natural Gas, will not disconnect any customers for next 2 months

Most flood victims getting help from the community, Red Cross not getting as many requests for help

How to Help - gives a list on their website

Flood Relief Telethon, with Vince Gill and Friends, includes Keith Urban, Allison Kraus, Amy Grant, Lonestar, and many more, on Channel 4 WSMV from 7 pm to 10 pm tomorrow night


Channel 2, News at 10 pm, May 5, 2010

Governor says a lot of people who have insurance, should file a claim, start the process of protecting the property, must file insurance, and it must be denied before FEMA will help

It was shown: FEMA how to apply

FEMA Customer service 800-621-3362

At the earliest, Gaylord spokesperson says '3 months to re-open' the Opryland Hotel Complex

Famous for it's gardens, Opryland Hotel immersed in floodwaters this week, nearly 2000 people evacuated, filled with nearly 10 feet of water

Past 5 years nearly 50 million spent on renovating the hotel

Hotel employees get full benefits for 6 weeks, then he hopes to put them back to work

Hope to 'turn tragedy into opportunities'

Channel 2 says: Inquiries answered concerning the fish in the Acquarium restaurant, majority of them survived and are okay

All roads in Columbia are re-opened

Cases of water sent to Ashland City, some to nursing homes

Limited curfew in Ashland City

Some parts of Middle Tennessee starting to open back up

Metro Center, vehicles allowed back in, owners to return to assess damage, but must leave by 4 pm

Dead fish, everywhere

If you are on Food Stamps and lost food in the flood, you can get your Food Stamp balance restored

Many fundraisers, one is at the Tin Roof, in Cool Springs, Jake Owen, country singer says " everybody helps one another, I live in Bellvue, we made over 700 hot dogs and hamburgers and handed out there today, one of my band members couldn't get to his family for a couple of days"

Jake Owen says about the Opry, "it's sad", and ' donate', and ]I got to see the faces of people today, you don't realize until you see it.'

Channel 2 Red Cross Telethon: Tennessee Titans coach, Jeff Fisher says "not many people know what's going on here"

Predators Barry Stollz says "Nashville people will step up'

Flooding Relief telethon for Red Cross on Channel 2, continues tomorrow night


News Channel 5, 10 PM, May 5, 2010

Community Foundation Telethon was on tonight - you can still donate at News

Red cross opens their doors in Rutherford County again tomorrow

Damage to Country music Hall of Fame, 5 feet of water, minimal damage, working on clean up, unknown at this point when it will re-open

about 3000 outages, NES, waiving most fees for flood victims, no reconnection plan

Piedmont Natural Gas, same and no reconnection fees, no late charges

The water carries contamination problems, free tetanus shots for residents

Nice weather tomorrow, 86, partly cloudy, dry.


and so ends Day 5 of the Nashville Flood of 2010, on this 5th Day of May, 2010.

American Idol Results Show airs tonight - who is the loser? and Then There were 4

American Idol Results show airs tonight - who is the loser?  And Then there were 4

Times are getting tough at the OK Corral, or rather, on the American Idol Stage....The American Idol Results Show airs tonight - who is the loser? And Then there were 4

Ryan Seacrest says:

'Your votes are in, we have the top 5, and Sinatra songs continue, performed by the Top 5 and by Harry Connick, Jr. and Lady GaGa will perform.'

Who do you think will go home tonight? Did you vote for your favorite?
Ryan Seacrest said in a recent show "It is so important now to vote for your favorite American Idol contestant!'

Will it be Aaron Kelly, youthful, big favorite of the fans who goes home tonight?

Will it be charismatic Casey James to leave the stage?

Will it be Big Mike, Michael Lynche who will sing a sad farewell?

Will it be Lee DeWyze who must give up his spot?

or will it be the sole female left in the competition, Crystal Bowersox, to bow out of the running?

American Idol Results Show airs shortly, results coming up!
Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 - Update 1, on May 4th, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 - Update 1 on May 4, 2010

On Day 4 of the Nashville Flood of 2010, May 4th, beautiful blue sky throughtout this 4th day of the flood-damaged Nashville and surrounding area, 87 degrees expected tomorrow in flood worn and flood-ravaged Nashville, some showers expected Friday and Saturday, hopefully, not to amount to much.

Today on the CBS Evening News; 5:30 pm, on May 4th. 2010:

In a report from Nashville it was said that Nashville (and surrounding area) just beginning to assess the damage, 29 people are dead in 3 states, 10 in Nashville ,today was sunny and the flood waters have begun to recede.

And Nashville, home of the Grand Ole Opry, today is a 'grand ole mess'.

Tennessee Titans stadium flooded

Across Tennessee, many are shaken.

Hundreds marooned.

Many pets rescued today that had to be left behind when the water rose fast and owners were not able to take them out.

There is a concern more bodies may show up in the coming days.

The Grand Ole Opry, performance shifted to another location, more than half of the 95 counties counties declared disaster area by the Governor.

Channel 2 TV News at 5:30 pm May 4, 2010:

Corps of Engineers spokesperson said 'torrential rains brought the Old Hickory Dam to its highest level ever, Old Hickory, only inches from overspill, we managed system, 6 inches away.

When questioned, 'Had you not released? The Corps of Engineers spokesman said " Water would have been into the powerhouse' and 'we would lose contro'l, and 'not the stability of the dam itself, but the dam itself could not function', and 'more water would be in Nashville', and 'we just ran out of storage room'.

Channel 4, TV News at 6 pm, May 4, 2010:

Obama has declared TN a disaster area,for 4 counties in Tennessee: Cheatham, Davidson, Hickman, Williamson. Federal funding will be expedited.

(FEMA actually handed out debit cards to those affected in Katrina.)

Governor of Tennessee, Phil Bredesen said Federal government moved quickly to assist Tennessee; Govenor expects to hear about other 48 counties that he has applied for also.

Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker to speak at Belmont at the news conference later.

A highway landed on a house in Cheatham; 4 hones at Hwy 249 are gone, Kingston Springs, highway crashed, it was a little creek, then it was the Harpeth River, throwing the hghway onto their homes and it left them in shock; Cheatham County schools closed, some roads still closed, must conserve water.

Then it was said it is a dire situation in Nashville, water conservation, 15% of reserves used, only the one remaining water plant and it is at capacity.

2 disaster info centers, one is Bellevue Community Center and Coleman Community Center.

Metro Nashville school leaders are asking the State to make exception for days lost in school.

In some schools, textbooks are ruined, so is carpet, most are ready to reopen, road conditions hamper re-opening of schools.

One teacher in CheathamCcounty is quoted as saying' I can barely talk. it is devastating.

Channel 5 TV News, 6 pm, May 4, 2010:

Anxious evacuees get to return home, lost everything, one 81 year old, said the flood did things she had never seen before, lifted her home off its foundation. she has saved what she can, found her bible, Eva Lee considers herself lucky, her home still standing in cheatham county while many others were lost.

A Tennessee Highway Patrol helicopter was shown making a 'water drop' in Cheatham County, cases of water delivered by the THP.

Hickman County, the Tennessee National Guard was distributing water, people cleaning up, flooded Duck River, lack of drinking water, one lady who had lived there 32 years, showed there was river water in her dishes, full of water, Duck River was flooded over the main bridge in town; new record crest by 11 feet, 3 trucks of bottled water were delivered.

One lady said of having no water, or it not being safe to drink, "You can't live without water".

The flood washed out driveways, homes, cars, some hope to salvage home, some said 'never seen anything like it', that the water was '5 feet in a house'.

The mayor of the area says 'boil water, until up and running again'.

One Nashville area donation center is the Jewish Community Center. They have 'everything you need for basic daily needs, and food, and clothing, grab a box, start shopping' which is what one, family did that lost everything but the clothes on their back. The man said they saw about 2 foot of water in an hour. The TV station stressed the need of monetary donations for the Jewish Community Center to assist the flooding victims.

The Jewish Community Center is located on Percy Warner Bldv. in Bellevue, right outside Nashville, and is open from 7 am to 10 pm.

Channel 4 TV News, 6 pm news on May 4, 2010 says:

"What a difference a day makes'.

Shows Senator Bob Corker, at the news conference at Belmont University saying "This was a shock'.

Channel 4 reports "The Cumberland (River) continues to go down'.

Channel 4 asks and tries to answer: "What can you do if you had no flood insurance?' They indicated there are humdreds of thousands in Davidson County who had no flood insurance. And that flooding is not covered by regular HomeOwners insurance. Channel 4 advised flooding victims to ' document as much as you can, in the hope that FEMA will assist'. and to 'save all your receipts'.

Shows flooding damage at Opry house, tonight's Tuesday night Grand Old Opry show moved to the War Memorial Bldg in downtown Nashville (which was not affected by the flooding).

CumberlandRriver has crested, Mayor Karl Dean says Nashville will make it thru this,

FEMA phone number is: 1 800 621 FEMA.

19 deaths in midstate, currently 3500 outages of power, down from the 40,000 outages on Sunday.

Mayor toured area with Senators Alexander and Corker, with them getting a first hand look at the disaster.

There is mandatory water conservation for Davidson and Williamson County.

MTA (Metro Transit Authority - public transporation system) plan to resume bus routes on Thursday

President Obama has told FEMA to ;view damage, report back' to him.

Opry house flooded, show moved to War Memorial Auditorium, where it first started in early 40's, Opry house shown flooded, water has covered the church pews inside the auditorium, and was as high as the stage door entrance used by the artists in back of the building. Mr. Pete Fisher, manager of the Grand Old Opry says 'We could have cancelled, but the Grand Old Opry, it's is not a place, it is a show, we miss our home, but we plan to take the show out to other venues around Nashville, we have an extraordinary cast and crew."

Channel 5, TV News, 6 pm, May 4, 2010:

The mayor says he is incredibly pleased with response of all, and the President has signed the declaration of assistance from FEMA and, we can now move into a different stage,

Mayor Karl Dean, toured with Senators Corker and Alexander, to bring aid to Middle Tennessee.

Senator Corker spoke: "We want to thank the Administration, fact that governors office is well organized, we thank them for great efforts.?

Opryland Hotel and Opry Mills Shopping Center remains under water toonight, boats that were parked in front of The Bass Pro Shop, are now floating in parking lot.

Hundreds of people cleaning up.

Channel 5 report says "We saw cars and boats, now planes - 5 airplanes from Ccrnelia Fort Airport, (in East Nashville) are now floating in the Cumberland River."

Water is contaminated, in cleaning up a flooded house, you need to get the water out as soon as possible, throw out anything cannot be washed and disinfected. if using a generator, keep generator outside, use gloves, use boots, wash down with bleach, 1 cup bleach to 5 cups (or gallons?) of water.

Chance of rain, not today or tonight, but on Friday.

Fox 17, 9 pm news, May 4th, 2010:

Showing another area, across from Opry Mills Mall in Donelson, on Cabin Hill Road, half a dozen homes ruined, how fast it flooded, within 15 minutes of noticing the water, 4 feet of water in the houses. trying to salvage what they can. ' Whatever was high stayed dry, lost whatever was down low'.

One woman indicated the family pictures that were important to her were mostly saved.

Tourism business is affected, 10 feet of water in the Opryland Hotel, Opryland Hotel rooms accounts for 12% of the Nashville hotel rooms, with the city of Nashville losing 1/5 of it's hotel taxes while the Opryland Hotel is closed. Estimates for re-opening at this time, maybe months, but 'working to reopen as soon as it's possible.'

Fox 17 showed a duckboat which helped to rescue people, including a lot of trapped hotel guests, and one group of a bridal party that was in town. the duckboat was able to carry about 20 passengers along with their luggage to safety.

The football franchise, the Tennessee Titans offices and practice center at Metrocenter okay, 2 inches in the stadium at LP Field where the games are held.

The levee behind the Fox 17 TV station is a growing threat to the station being able to continue it's news coverage of the flood itself, they say they are 'racing the clock' and the water. 'We don't know what's next when it comes to that levee;' said one reporter.

One of the Fox 17 employees was shown that had lived in his brand new house about 2 months and it was damaged by the flood. He said it's ' sticks and mortar and bricks, can be rebuilt. '

One employee who couldn't make it in spoke on the phone about the damage in her area and said it is ''neighbors helping neighbors'.

And another day has ended on the Nashville Flood of 2010.

American Idol Results Show, 2010 - Who will leave after tonight's show? And then there were 4

American Idol Results Show, 2010 - Who will leave after tonight's show? And then there were 4

The countdown is on, who will be leaving after tonight's American Idol show?  Who will be going home? And then there were only 4 contestants left to vie for the title of AMERICAN IDOL.

Will it be Aaron Kelley?

Will it be Michael (Big Mike) Lynche?

Will it be Lee DeWyze?

Will it be Crystal Bowersox?

Will it be Casey James?

Leave me a note, and let me know YOUR choice to go home tonight, or YOUR choice to WIN the title of AMERICAN IDOL.

Ryan Seacrest opened tonight's American Idol Results Show 2010 by saying 'there are only 5 left' and "Who will rise to the top?"

Signs in the audience saying "We love Lee".

Ryan said "Exciting time for all of the contestants and for the judges. And unfortunately, last week we had to say goodbye to Siobahn. But this just tells you to be sure to vote for your favorite. Here are your Top 5!"

Ryan Seacrest said "We have a classic triple threat for the mentor tonight, he is a singer, musician and actor, Harry Connick, Jr.!"

"Harry did his first recording age 10. He has sold 25 million albums."

"Our theme tonight is on Frank Sinatra', and 'for 6 decades, he had a classic sound, and his popularity never faded." and "Frank Sinatra was a hit on Broadway", "He was iconic" and was called "Old Blue eyes". and " Next the Idol contestants and their mentor come together'.

Harry Connicks said "We had some fun', and 'my band is here'. and 'we're ready to have a good time' and 'i'll be playing for them'.

Harry also said he was 'impressed with how humble they were".
And 'the key?", "it's hard to do" and 'with the lyrics and the melody', they have to 'sing the words and melodies'.

Then Ryan Seacrest announced about the American Idol tour, details to be found on

Then Ryan introduced in the audience, the 2 daughters of Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra and Tina Sinatra and 'they have a gift for Simon Cowell, who has always been a big fan of Frank Sinatra". Simon went to meet them and hugged them both while they gave him one of their 'dad's hankies, monogrammed from Vegas".

Then Ryan announced Aaron Kelly, the first contestant of the night's show. Ryan asked Aaron about Harry Connick, Jr., and Aason said 'He cracks jokes, makes you confortable'. Harry said about Aaron 'He's a great guy, wish him the best'.

Aaron sang "Fly Me To The Moon".

Randy said that tonight is about "Who is in this to win it" and "Who's got the fire", and "you did really good job!'

Ellen said she thought 'the piano was a little pitchy' (making a crack at Harry Connick, Jr.), and told Aaron "I didn't hear any country in this song' and she thought it was 'a beautiful vocal'.

Kara didn't think it was as strong as last week, and said Aaron needs 'to break out as a performer'.

Simon: "I'm with Kara" and "I adored Frank Sinatra" and 'If he was a lion, then you were just a mouse', but he also said 'people like you' and 'you do try hard'.

Ryan Seacrest said to Aaron "Good job, man!"

Then Ryan said 'Next up is Casey James, singing 'Blue Skies" from Old Blue Eyes". He introduced Casey, saying "Casey James, Ladies!" and then "We almost lost Casey last week, not just because he was in the bottom 3". then looked at Casey to respond. Casey James said "A friend called and said 'I need you on Tuesday, we got a gig that pays 50 bucks and you get a free meal' and I told him I am busy on Tuesday" and told his friend to tune into American Idol show. Ryan said, "we will give your friend a shout-out" and "I mean, free food!'

Ryan then asked Casey about Harry Connick, Jr. and Casey said "He is totally awesome" and "he's hilarious'.

Harry Connick said about Casey James "really cool for him to sign with a big band'.

Randy said about Casey song "Dude, this was your worst performance', ' pitchy', 'out of your element' and 'it didn't work'.

Ellen said 'bad idea to have that piano on stage' (taking another crack at Harry Connick, Jr.) and told Casey she thought he was 'very stiff' and 'i agree with Randy'.

Kara said 'at least you held some notes' and said 'the bad thing was, you sounded like a lamb.'

Simon said 'there good news and bad news', 'good news, the band was great' and 'bad news, you weren't fantastic'.

Ryan Seacrest said to Casey James "Were you uncomfortable?' and Casey answered "Yes". Ryan then asked Harry Connick, Jr., and Harry said 'it's hard to hear up here, that was the problem'.

Next up is Crystal Bowersox. She sings "Summer Wind" and Harry Connick Jr. asked her why and she just said 'it has deep connections for me'.

Randy thought 'it was a great arrangement' and 'it was ok' and 'a little sleepy'.

Ellen wanted Crystal to 'loosen up' and thought she was 'so impressive'.

Kara said 'you were out of your element', but 'you showed you could handle it'.

Simon said "I love the song' but thought Crystal was 'a little bit indulgent' and said 'if you survive (don't get voted off), you 'got to be in it to win it' and 'you gotta nail it'.

Ryan said 'it's a little cold tonight' and Crystal said 'It's a sweet love story and I think I should sing it sweetly' and 'if you are singing to your lover', ' i don't feel like I should sing really big notes, just because I am on American Idol.'

Before she left the stage, Ryan told her she was 'really pretty tonight'.

Next is Big Mike, Michael Lynche.

Ryan introduces him, saying 'it's retro tonight, with Sinatra' and said to Mike 'you are in your element' and Mike agreed, and spoke of his 12 piece band in New York. He sang 'The Way You Look Tonight'.

Harry Connick said about Big Mike "If he is lucky enough to find that fleeting moment of truth, it will have been perfect'.

Randy was excited, said 'Unbelievable arrangement, unbelievable vocal' and "Mike is in it to win it!'

Ellen thought he was the 'most comfortable one on stage', and said 'you showed that tonight'. And she said Mike had 'lots of charisma', and was 'really good'

Kara thought Mike "did everything right'.

Simon said this has been 'a tricky night' and 'I felt that you listened' and 'you just clicked', and 'fantastic arrangement.'

Ryan asked Big Mike "Relieved" and Mike said "This is my home now'.

Ryan told Mike "Do your wave" and they both waved.

Then Ryan Seacrest said "One more and that's Lee DeWyze.

Harry Connick, Jr. said about Lee "My wife thinks he's cute' and said 'he'sa new improved version of me'.

Randy said, "Another great arrangement, you stayed your rocker self'.

Ellen said told Lee "If this were the last night (of the competition) you would have won the whole thing!'

Kara asked Lee: 'Do you think you can win?"

Lee answered "Yes, I think I can win" then Kara told him to go home and write 100 times

"I can win, I can win!" and she said "You can win this thing!'

Simon said "Harry is incredible' and told Lee "He brought out your personality' and 'your confidence' and said Lee 'gave 110% on his performance' and it was the best of the night!'

Ryan Seacrest told Lee "Congratulations!' and then said "Tomorrow night, Harry Connick, Jr. takes the stage, and Lady GaGa will be here'.

So ends another American Idol Results Show of 2010, and then there will be 4, after tomorrow night's American Idol results show of 2010.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 happened the first weekend of May 2010

Nashville Flood of 2010 Happened the First Weekend of May 2010
Devastating! Totally unexpected! Life Threatening! The flooding of parts of the area of Nashville, TN and surrounding counties, untold damage, loss of life, and property, businesses forced to close, their workers unable to work and earn a paycheck due to the Nashville Flood of 2010.

From the severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado watches with torrential downpours in the Middle Tennessee area on Saturday to the steady continuation of thunderstorms and tornado warnings and never-ending rainfall on Sunday, came what is now being called the Nashville Flood of 2010.

From the Nashville newspaper, Tne comes this headline:
Gov. Bredesen asks Obama for flood recovery help, death toll rises again (1)

Amid heroic and valiant rescue efforts 6 deaths occur in the Metro Nashville Davidson County, Tennessee area, total death count at one point was 12 for the Midstate area. (see later figures).

On Sunday it was said that over 40,000 homes were without power, the number said by Monday night to be 14,000 people still without power on Day 3 of the historic Nashville Flood. of 2010.

Local Nashville Belmont University, along with the government of Metro Nashville/Davidson County had established a Joint Information Center and held a press conference today, (May 3) with Dr Jesse Register, Superintendent of Metro Nashville Schools, the Governor of Tennessee, Phil Bredesen ,the Nashville/Davidson County Mayor Karl Dean and Dr. Bill Paul of the Metro Nashville Health Department.

Historic downtown district of Nashville has been innundated by floodwaters as the water from the Cumberland River continues to rise.
There was the announcement that of 2 water plants, 1 is submerged, and the other is threatened; water is safe to drink at the moment, according to Mayor Karl Dean, but should be used for drinking and food preparation only.
Dr. Bill Paul of the Metro Health Department asked that everyone decrease water usage by at least 1/2.
Dr.Jesse Register, Superintendent of Metro Nashville Schools said that 23 school reported damages in Metro Nashville.

The Juvenile Justice Center has received damage from the flooding; MTA busses and trains out of commission and LP Field, home of the Tennessee Titans Football franchise has been flooded.

The Gaylord Hotel at Opryland was flooded along with the Opry Mills Shopping Center, with the entire area being shown to be underwater from air surveys.

Even some of the local Nashville TV stations were impacted, Fox 17 is in an area that had been evacuated (MetroCenter) and employees are at work by choice there.

News Channel 5 experienced a flood and did have to move their newsroom.

One reporter said that West and middle Tennessee were drenched, and that rescue crews are still doing water rescues.

Monday was sunny, the rain having ended on Sunday, late in the afternoon.

Governor Bredesen said the biggest request is for water, due to contaimination of drinking water. He also said there will have to be damage assessment, and looks for quite a bit of infrastructure damage, along with road damage.

The public was asked by Mayor Dean to 'stay home if you can'.

All the Metro schools are closed and 3 shelters open in the city, people at Opryland Hotel were evacuated and sent to a local high school.

The Cumberland River crested at noon at 51.5 feet. (May 3)

The Metro Nashville Fire Department in one case had to put a rope across rising water and evacuate people with an air mattess as not enough boats were available for use in resue operations.

One man said,' I lost everything, my car, my tools, everything.'

One man was trapped on a roof more than 5 hours before help arrived.

In addition to the Cumberland River, the Harpeth river is rising in neighboring Williamson County, Franklin TN.

Many, many cars and trucks, indluging tractor trailers have been damaged in the flooding, Many car dealership have lost cars due to the flooding.

This flood has been said by many people to be' the worst ever seen this area.'

In one area, a transformer blew and a massive fireball exploded from the transformer. In one area, there was a house fire, the house was surrounded by water and we could see the view brought to us by the news helicopter, but fire crews could not access the house fire to fight it, because all of the house was surrounded by water, no passable roads in sight.

The historic Farmer's Market now looks like a lake. It is closed until further notice.Most vendors there lost everything.

One TV weatherman said 'catastrophic, 500 year flood, historic devastation'.

As of late Sunday, the worst of the weather is gone from the Nashville, Middle Tennessee area after receiving almost 15 inches of rain in the Nashville area, more in some places.

Nashville had 7.25 inches on Sunday; the previous record 6.60 on 9/13/1979, after Hurricane Frederick. This rainfall also set a 2 day record 13.57 inches.

One reporter on Fox 17 (2) called it 'an epic level event' with severe weather, flooding, tornados, high winds

News Channe l5 (3) says some of Nashville's most famous landmarks under water; days of devastation, Cumberland River floods the midstate area and (by Monday night) 16 folks dead, Cumberland River is climbing over it's banks.

The Governor of Tennessee calls it a 'major event',

Reports now say the Cumberland River should be below flood stage by 9 pm tuesday night, with mainly clear skies overnight and in the morning.

One reporter said that near the river, it's 'watch and wait', and 'few have seen anything like it'. and the way we look at nashville has changed forever'.

It's been record breaking Cumberland River levels, so many business have been flooded and closed, many hotels evacuated. Among the damaged are the Symphony Center and the Country Music Hall of Fame has sandbags to try to prevent flooding of the building.

At LP Field, flooding is inside and on the field, all the way into the stadium.

The Market Street apartments had 6 feet of water, the complex's residents are now homeless.

Water has flooded into basements of many of the downtown Nashville businesses and Bridgestone Arena had to shut down because of the flood waters.
Davidson County Sheriff's Department has put inmates to work filling sandbags, and it was said the inmates had volunteered to do the job.

There are 3 waterways to worry about in Cheatham County, Ashland City area, close to Nashville and a curfew has been put into place. The waterways are:

Cumberland River
Harpeth River
Sycamore creek

It was said that Cheatham county had more than 40 roads closed down; schools closed unti Monday and residents have been asked to be patient and calm.

News Channel 4, (4) said that only 2 terminals operating for gas for fuel haulers, truckdrivers waiting and can't get fuel to haul to service stations, so some stations are running out of gas.

Metro Nashville high school graduations are on schedule at this point.

Many sightseers are taking taxi's downtown to see the flooding water..

The forecast is for 84 degrees tomorrow

News Channel 2 (5) shows LP Field, surrounded by floodwaters, and says that Coach Jeff Fisher thinks it will be okay once it gets pumped out.

Up Broadway, flooding downtown, probably about knee deep, trying to pump water out of the businesses and from the basements, up to 4th avenue, honky tonks open, while a street or so from there is totally under water.

Schemmerhorn Symphony Center has a water filled basement, ruined instruments, and they have lost organ consoles, with concert grand pianos under water.

Bridgestone Arena has 4 feet of water in basement, home of the Nashville Predators Hockey Team.

(1); May 3,2010

(2) Fox 17 TV in Nashville, news report, 9 pm, May 3, 2010

(3) News Channel 5 TV in Nashville news report, 10 pm, May 3, 2010

(4) News Channel 4 TV in Nashville, news report, 10 pm, May 3, 2010

(6) News Channel 2 TV in Nashville, news report, 10 pm, May 3, 2010